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    Sunday, January 12, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Got my platinum today, I love this game

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Got my platinum today, I love this game

    [NO SPOILERS] Got my platinum today, I love this game

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:38 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] This arrived today! My new favorite coffee cup. ❤️

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] "I'm sorry, Chloe.." - Art by skeykc

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:01 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Pirates of the Arcadian by Catsigma

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 01:04 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] When you finally choose the other ending...just a doodle

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:45 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Insecure queen by Callyste

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:14 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Finally completed all three

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:14 AM PST

    [ALL] Purple by Artkitt-creations

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 05:12 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Butterfly Effect at the Amsterdam Light festival. Reminds me of LiS!

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:19 PM PST

    [S1] My Cover of To All Of You by Syd Matters!

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:45 PM PST

    [S2] The wolf brothers

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:20 PM PST

    I've just finished episode 5 and got the parting ways ending (one of the best ones I guess...?) I can't stop thinking about the game, I don't think I will for a while.

    The thing I'll miss the most are the wolf brother stories and animations. They're so engaging and stunning.

    submitted by /u/baifelicia
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    [ALL] Personal reflections after finishing LiS2

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST

    I've been meaning to start playing LiS2 for a while, but haven't had the chance until now. It's been interesting--trying with partial success to avoid spoilers, and seeing everyone's reactions to the game. Some people are too busy fawning over LiS1 to even give it a chance, others gave it a chance but didn't feel it had the same soul, while yet others felt it was more powerful than LiS1. Intriguing. I just had to see for myself.

    I think this time my takeaway from the game is not so much life-destroying depression, but instead I am starting to more clearly see the choices that exist in my own life. Like in every interaction we have, we have dialogue options. The things we do now will branch later, and effect future interactions and choices. Yes, yes, yes, LiS1 had that too, but I think even though the plot in LiS2 is more Hollywood action-filled rather than simple and "slice of life", the choices and dialogues seem both deeper as well as more fleshed out in the casual moments.

    LiS1 taught me to be mindful of choices in order to make the right choice the first time around, and also that second chances were possible. LiS2 taught me that even when things seem bleak or the course of action seems obvious, we still have a variety of ways we can choose to proceed. I believe it also does a good job of really making us consider the branching of the butterfly effect, by making us constantly think of a long-term plan and how things we do in the moment will have effects far into the future (although in typical LiS fashion it seems many of the choices we think will have significant effects don't end up mattering much in the long run).

    Just as the themes and feelings of LiS1 entered my life in a very timely manner, so too have the themes of LiS2. I guess the greatest impact was not the game itself per se, but the people I met along the way. The journey of self-discovery and perseverance I have been on since coming into this community from LiS1. The irresolution of trying to find somewhere and then being uprooted--just as things seemed to be going well, they begin falling apart.

    During my time "on the road" exploring the different parts of this fandom, I've met a wide variety of people. I was warmly welcomed upon my arrival and wanted nothing more than to make these moments last forever. To not ever be alone again. But, just like that, things change. People I once admired and thought had good character and judgment unexpectedly turning toxic (just as I was exasperated upon learning Finn tried to use Daniel in his scheme, after all those good moments we had together). The unshakable feeling that I almost belong, but I eventually run into too many reminders that I will never really be accepted as an "insider", for whatever variety of circumstances (just as Sean and Daniel get along with their grandparents, the Humboldt gang, and Away, but always have a certain aloofness that can't be broken due to their circumstances).

    And just like Sean, I am getting a restless urge to move on to the next leg of the journey. That gut feeling it's finally 'time'. But to where? Can I really handle going into the uncharted unknown once more? There will be more kind and selfless strangers no doubt--random truckers and internet bloggers--and more artists, dreamers, and super heroes. But will I ever find another community which captured all the beauty and positive moments I found here? Or should I stay and take my chances that things will eventually smooth over?

    After finishing LiS1, I started my life over and invested so much of my soul here. Having to just start all over again is something I don't want to even consider. But sometimes we must make peace with things. We often end up right back at the beginning no matter how long we try to prolong the struggle... (At least, that's the ending I got in the game).

    I think I have been making the best choices I could be in my own life. But all I can do now is wait for time to take its course. There's nothing more I can do besides wait and let the things that have been making me miserable play out. As time goes on, more choices will open up, and I can proceed from there.

    Maybe I always knew it was too good to be true. In all the excitement I think I really did convince myself that the fantasy perfect ending could happen (or maybe it does, I haven't seen all the endings yet, *shrug). But I should have known better about both Life is Strange and real life. Once the fantasies (and, along with them, the vision of the future we built) fall apart, what then?

    So to summarize my thoughts on the game: at once, the plot of LiS2 is both unordinary yet extraordinarily relatable.

    I think being able to capture the feeling and importance of community and the journey (while simultaneously having the themes of self-reliance and isolation) was perhaps just as masterful as LiS1's self-contained "one person against the world" type theme. For me, not as life-shattering as LiS1, but not everything needs to (or, quite frankly, should) be. And everyone's journey is different; the things that impact us most deeply may not be the same things which resonate most powerfully to others.

    So, where does the journey go from here?

    submitted by /u/Ace9001
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    [NO SPOILERS] imma make this my first tattoo has soon as I turn 18

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:24 PM PST

    [ALL] How do you think it would play out if Max has Daniels powers from life is strange 2 instead of time travel?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    [ALL] Working on a project for Life is Strange's Fifth Anniversary and I Need Help

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:49 AM PST

    Hey everyone. To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Life is Strange, the first milestone release being at the end of this month. In order to celebrate the game and give appreciation to the fans and the creators of this wonderful game, I am putting together a project. This project? What could it be. Well it's nothing I want to share publicly yet. But in order to make this a lot smoother of a project, I decided I would need some help. What kind of help? Information gathering. I need help gathering information about Life is Strange and its history. It's my game of the previous decade as well as my favorite game of all time. Five years is a monumental anniversary, and I want to celebrate it in a good way. If you want to help, comment below with the best way to contact you. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [No spoilers] looking for a couple of fics

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 05:24 AM PST

    Hey all! I'm trying to find a couple fic's i read once before. In one I remember that Max uses her and Chloe's big drawing to go back in time, and somehow leaves the edges of the rewind. She winds up staying in the past and reliving it, and I'm pretty sure she keeps in touch with Chloe.

    The other one i remember is that Max, Chloe, Warren and Kate wind up being friends. Max realizes that she can move people while she has time frozen. I remember they broke in to someones office, and Max had to move them all out of there one by one.

    I dont know if anyone has any ideas, but any help would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/missmagillicuddy88
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    [ALL] How in my opinion a "Before the Storm" style spin off could look like for LiS 2

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:08 AM PST

    I love each of the games in their own way, and while 2 has it's low points, i think the high points are on par with anything from 1 or BtS.

    With "Twin Mirror" and "Tell me why" on dontnod's radar i doubt that we will see LiS 3 soon, but a LiS 2 spinoff developed by deck nine, in the vain of BtS seems more than likely to me. I think there are two ways a game like that could be made using 2's characters:

    • A prequel game where you play as Karen, either as she's coming to the decision to leave the family, or sometime after. I think it's way more likely because she's a major character with a past that we largely don't know about, and expanding her point of view would really enhance the story of 2 and humanize her character for those who don't like her, the way BtS made Rachel, a non-character who was only mentioned in the first game a new fan favorite

    • This one is more in the realm of fanservice, but a game where you play as Lyla, in parallel to the main game's events. Like everyone i would love to see more of her character, but i'm finding it harder to find the plot there, because having her go on a separate adventure while the Diaz brothers are on the run seems very disconnected, and from the conversations you can have with her it would feel very shoehorned as she doesn't seem to be focused on much besides Sean and Daniel. It would be cool to see maybe a normal day while Sean is still there, and then how much changes for her, and how the world reacts as time passes and maybe snippets of information on the police chase reach Lyla and others, the developer's would only have to find an actual plot for the game that would feel natural.

    submitted by /u/eightofstorms
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange: Before the Storm Farewell available in deluxe edition only?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Hi all, We have the Life is Strange: Before the Storm Farewell standard edition but would like to play Before the Storm Farewell- it looks like it is not a free standing DLC but only in the deluxe edition? Don't really want to buy the deluxe just for this esp. as we already have the standard one :)

    submitted by /u/AngrySixInches
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    [S2] I... I don't know how to feel right now

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:45 PM PST

    I waited until all the episodes were out before playing the game and avoided spoilers as much as possible. I'm a HUGE fan of LIS1 and have considered on multiple occasions getting a doe tattoo because that game was that important to me.

    I just finished LIS2 and I'm having a lot of feelings and need to get them out so here goes.

    Throughout the game my #1 goal was to protect Daniel, teach him well, and try my best to keep him a child. Around the end of episode 4, I said to my boyfriend, "If it becomes an option in the fifth episode, I think I'm going to try and surrender, take the fall for everything, and have Daniel go live with our grandparents." Because in my mind that way he will be able to be a kid again, and he can grow up with and protect Chris (I love Captain Spirit and kind of got him hit by a car in my playthrough and felt SO TERRIBLE THE WHOLE TIME). I was willing to take jail as a consequence of running and putting Daniel through a lot at such a young age (though I understand Sean's actions were taken to protect his brother).

    I never wanted to reach Mexico, because to me, this was never about that. It was about keeping Daniel safe and in Sean's mind, Mexico was this perfect place where they could be safe together. But in reality, living in Mexico, they would still be fugitives, still running. And Daniel always said he hated running. He just wanted a home.

    When we broke out of the jail and headed to the border I just knew there was going to be a bunch of cops there. And I knew we had to surrender. Sean's speech was PERFECT. Everything I wanted to say to Daniel and had thought in my mind the whole time.

    Then we see Daniel growing up, spending time with Chris, going to school, getting a job, and I'm just sobbing because this is what I wanted for him all along. To see him just being a normal kid. And he looked so much like Sean I just couldn't handle it. Plus, I liked that Sean didn't give up sketching while he was in jail, even making the comic book for Daniel, so I figured they were in regular contact.

    So I get out of jail, hug Daniel, Lyla, my mom and I'm just so happy and thinking this is a perfect end for this...

    And then they went and messed it all up!!!

    Sean breaking down and crying to Daniel, when Daniel was SO excited to tell him all about his life. And then they just... parted ways. Daniel howled to the car, and Sean just drove off. And it just crushed Daniel.

    Why! Why did they do that???? I watched all the other endings and God, this was actually the one I liked best and yet I'm just so freaking upset because... I feel like Daniel ends up disappointed no matter what you do. In one, you're a monster to him, living selfishly while he takes the heat for your decision to run, and your'e still separated. In another, you're together, but he didn't get to be a kid at all and is clearly unhappy with what he's become. And in the worst one, he's a monster alone, Sean is dead, he knows it's his fault (and I couldn't even finish watching it).

    So anyways that's the end of my rant. I want to pretend in my head that Sean ends up marrying Lyla, and he and Daniel hang out every week, watching movies and eating Chock-o-Crisps...

    submitted by /u/babybop728
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    [S1] [BtS] Is Life is Strange 2 worth playing?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:36 PM PST

    I have finished LiS and BtS (except farewell) and my question is: Is it worth playing captain spirit and LiS 2? I have heard that LiS 2 is not as good as LiS 1, but is it bad or just not good in comparison?

    submitted by /u/Slimy_Pufffi
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