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    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [no spoilers] Found this LiS reference in an unlikely place (Miscreated, a zombie survival game)

    Life Is Strange | [no spoilers] Found this LiS reference in an unlikely place (Miscreated, a zombie survival game)

    [no spoilers] Found this LiS reference in an unlikely place (Miscreated, a zombie survival game)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] Chloe by 小猫次郎王

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:41 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Progress on Blackwell Academy for my Arcadia Bay build. Still building main building interiors.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:38 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Max portrait by 89Dery

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:04 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Ok so I’m a depressed wreck but I thought of a song that might go well with Before The Storm

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PST

    I don't know why, but I think a slower female cover of Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen would have worked so well for a cute scene with Rachel and Chloe, as much as I love pricefield, Rachel and Chloe just seem so much better for that song, the lyrics are just so so fitting for their relationship

    submitted by /u/SatansSassySage
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange x Cannibal Corpse: Firewalk Vengeance

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:09 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] I made my IMVU character look like Chloe Price

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:08 PM PST

    [All] i have a thought about the furture of Lis

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:24 PM PST

    So in both storys A character in the story has a power max having her rewind and Daniel having his Telacaniceas now i feel like there is somthing that might happen in the franchise explaining more about these powers or maybe including max and chloe and danial and sean together or mabye im just hoping we get to see chloe and max in another part of the franchise

    submitted by /u/A_Vodka
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    [NO SPOILERS] any updates on the Life is strange tv show? :p

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PST

    [ALL] Favorite scenes from the series? Each game?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:45 PM PST

    So I was wondering what is everyone's favorite scene from the series? Or if you wanna write a bit more, favorite scene from each game?

    Life is Strange: My favorite scene in this game is definitely the pool scene from episode three. There's something so... great about this scene. It's the only moment in the game where it's purely Max and Chloe not caring about anything else happening in their life. They float there and then enjoy each other's company while flirting and teasing. I would say this has to go hand-in-hand with the morning after scene where they're in bed too, and just Max can lay there in bed with Chloe for however long you deem fit. At that point you forget there's a mystery to solve or anything else. It's just Max and Chloe. Together. Being themselves. And I absolutely adore that.

    Before the Storm: For me, I'm torn between two scenes. Chloe's meltdown in episode one in the junkyard and Chloe's "fuck-you" to the establishment of Blackwell after her suspension/expulsion. Both scenes definitely show Chloe's raw emotions and attitude towards everything in her life at that point. Her melting down about the fact Max is still gone and how she just gives a final middle finger to Wells and the school in whole. Both are scenes that focus primarily on Chloe's being and state of mind. I know a lot of people love the Tempest scene, but I always saw that as a scene that focused way too much on Rachel speaking to Chloe as opposed to something that focuses in on both of them.

    Captain Spirit: This mini-game/episode hurts. It is short. And it is wonderfully written. And it is also painful. I think it's so short, that I just say all of it is great. If I had to focus in on one scene though, it would definitely be the Mantroid reveal scene. That just hurts. You know it has to do with his mom's death, and then you see it. You see Mantroid is just the names of the street where his mom was killed in the hit and run. It's heartbreaking, and to feel that heartbreak for a character you only spend like two hours with? It's pretty amazing writing.

    Life is Strange 2: Here is a bit harder for me to kinda whittle down what my favorite scene is. Because, one, I was so embittered by the comic that I personally thought everything with David was absolutely amazing for both Max and Chloe, but also David's character arc having a natural conclusion as a whole in the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay Ending world. But unrelated to any of that, I think my favorite scenes are either the scene in episode four where Sean is talking to Karen outside the motel and they both just kind of sit there together and talk. Sean loses his hostility and simply asks her things about what happened. You feel why Sean was so hostile and upset, but now you also feel and understand why Karen left in the first place. You love your family so much, but your own inability to have that kind of sedentary lifestyle? That could easily ruin your family. So she left. And you come to understand both sides of the story. You understand and feel for why Sean resents his mother for leaving, but you understand and feel for why she left in the first place. And the other favorite scene is just basically everything in Away. I think that entire section is great, especially when Sean, Daniel, and Karen let loose the floating lamps into the sky.

    Comics: I don't like the comics very much. But my favorite scene was definitely in the latest issue, and seeing OUR Chloe. Seeing how much she misses Max. How much she loves Max. So much so, that she has no doubt in her mind that Max will come back. She waits for Max. She lives in that same apartment. She wears Max's grey zip-up even though is doesn't fit her. I don't like the comics though. It put Chloe in that position, but I still think it's a great scene to see how much Chloe loves Max.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [ALL] The "Day in the Life" Factor

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:38 PM PST

    Very often, we have threads around here looking for games similar to LiS, and there's a lot of good games that come up as recs. Edith Finch, Rachel Foster, Gone Home, Oxenfree etc. All great.

    But one thing I really miss from LiS and BtS that I don't get elsewhere is this feeling like a lot of the game is just Max's life. Look at chapter 1. You have the rewind, but almost everything else that happens is so mundane. Dorm drama, getting bullied, talking to randos, teacher pressure, reuniting with an old friend, lying about weed, etc. A lot of the runtime in the early going is just Max being Max. I love how the game lets me step into a completely different life for a while. And I LOVE being Max! I've joked before I would buy DLC called "Max Caulfield Does Her Laundry" and that's 100% true!

    I can't think of other games that do that. Not the laundry thing I mean.

    I know a lot of AAA open world games aim for that feel, but the worlds feel so artificial and staged that the character doesn't feel like a person. They can be immersive, but the characters often feel like hollow avatars because... well because they are. By design.

    I also know a lot of VNs market themselves as "slice of life" but I don't find those to be very immersive.

    Even the other recommended games I mentioned follow the protagonist on some especially unusual adventure. You never get to just chill at Edith Finch's dorm and talk to your neighbors.

    I think that's part of why LiS2 doesn't work for me. We only get to spend time just being Sean very briefly in ch1 and again in ch3 before he gets pinballed from one daniel-related mess to the next.

    Am I just talking nonsense here or what? Anybody else feel this way? Anybody else get this feeling from any other game?

    submitted by /u/FortressCaulfield
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    [NO SPOILERS] How do I fix this graphic bug?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:52 PM PST

    I have an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor

    and an AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT.

    Back when I had a bad Nvidia card the game worked flawlessly but recently I got these black rectangular blocks behind/on models that are in the background.
    Examples for that:
    (they are not as annoying as in-game because of the downscaling + they flicker in-game which is really distracting)


    https://imgur.com/cGONSrs (not sure if the doe is bugged/the errors on Max model a pretty hard too spot in that one)



    Does anybody how I could fix that?

    submitted by /u/OKeender
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    [S1 E5]

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:53 PM PST

    So I've been discussing this with a friend for a while.

    At the end of Season 1, you get to choose the option of sacrificing Bae or Bay. But why couldn't max go back through the photo, go out and stop Chloe from coming inside?? Nathan wasn't there when she took the picture, so she could theoretically just walk out.

    Or maybe she could even immediately pull the fire alarm, like once she got back she just pulled it right away?

    AND if she did use her powers, causing the tornado, then maybe she could warn the poodle she cared about and disguise it as a road trip or say that the weather has been freaking her out. She could take David, Joyce, Chloe, Warren, and Kate. Those are the people she really cares about, and maybe she could even convince Victoria.

    OR going back to the whole still using powers, she could just tell the town that a tornado is coming and that those who want to live should leave. Then once all the weird stuff starts happening they could maybe start to believe her?

    Idk just a thought. Or two.

    submitted by /u/A_Malice_Melancholy
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    [ALL] Did Rachel love Chloe? Or was she a pawn of some sort to her? I got very mixed signals.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:54 PM PST

    I love Rachel. Though I definitely prefer PriceField over AmberPrice, I was very touched by BtS and I could feel and empathize with Chloe falling in love with Rachel. The way she went off screen in the Tempest was beautiful, and how she had the balls to push Damon away from her really signified a deep caring and even love for Chloe.

    But... she cheated on her. Twice. And even tried to leave Arcadia Bay without her.

    What the hell could have happened in those three years that caused this shift? It goes from Rachel being caring and protective (albeit manipulative, but she was 15 so I'm willing to cut her some slack even if she was mature for her age) to not seeming to care about her feelings much at all. I know their relationship was up to the player, but I romanced Rachel in my playthrough and imagined they were together up until LiS. I just don't understand how Rachel could do that to Chloe after caring for her so much in BtS. And while you could chalk her little speech in the play to Rachel just being manipulative again, I think it's more than that. There was genuine emotion there.

    submitted by /u/maxchloerachel
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    [NO SPOILERS] What order do the games have to be played in?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:08 PM PST

    Hiya! Newbie to the games here (known about them for years but I've finally got round to buying the first game)
    do I need to play Before the Storm before I play 2?

    submitted by /u/guessimkindaemo
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