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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] Max Caulfield in San Francisco by ClaireSea

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] Max Caulfield in San Francisco by ClaireSea

    [ALL] Max Caulfield in San Francisco by ClaireSea

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] On a downtown train - a picture I threw together after I had a literal showerthought while listening to some music. It's far from perfect but I hope you'll enjoy it either way

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Hell is empty by Lunayl Skyflower

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    [ALL] IMO LiS's main antagonist is Time

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    What I have understood from the story of this game, is that you can never win over time, even if you get a power to rewind time, it will only fuck your life up in more ways. In the game there are only two main antagonists, Nathan and Jefferson, but neither of them felt as powerful in the game as time did. Man, I can't get over this game!

    submitted by /u/geniusn
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    [S2] I just finished the story, and I can't stop thinking about it

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    I bought the game about 3 months ago, didn't really have time to play it until a week ago, and oh boy. What a ride. Being 18, I could relate to Sean a lot at the start of Episode 1, having a sibling that sometimes likes to intrude my room for no reason haha. I really sympathised Sean for the most part, he could be having the time of his life at a party with his best friends, going after a girl he likes and what happened? Life hit him hard. I was already semi sad after the first episode, thinking about whether I would survive if I was Sean. Imho I wished Lyla had more of a part in the game, she was one of my favourite characters in the game and her total screen time probably lasted for 20 mins to half an hour, which was surprising for me since Sean is so close to her, almost like siblings. I did call her on EP 1 and 2, just to let her know that Sean didn't forget about her. Glad I did though, since she stated that she was already suffering from insomnia and her bff leaving her just made it way worse.

    Fast forwarding to episode 4, it was heartbreaking that the thing that Sean was trying to prevent happened to him; Daniel got separated from him :(, on top of that he lost an eye. And to add salt to his wound he was absolutely humiliated by the people in the desert. Sean could easily take the easy way out after all he's been through, but the game really highlighted the relationship the 2 brothers had, Sean would literally die for Daniel and that alone is something I don't even see often. Overall I really enjoyed E4, it made me realise that Sean is in a lot of pain but strong mentally even after losing an organ, being humiliated, being physically attacked and most importantly being separated with his closest kin.

    Ultimately I chose the Redemption ending at the end, because I taught Daniel to have morals, to use his powers for good and not for his own benefits. I understand that Sean had to be incarcerated since he ran away from a crime scene, grew cannabis and stole a car, but 15 years? Imho it's too long for a teenager that was wrongly accused for killing a police officer. I initially thought it would be between 5 to 10 years at most but damn, half his life was behind bars when Daniel had a relatively normal life, getting a Degree, keeping in contact with Chris and Karen, etc. Sean weeping at the forest was really depressing, it kind of felt that he wanted the best life for both of them in Puerto Lobos but it turned out differently.

    After I finished the ending cutscene, I went to replay the second last chapter where I made Sean cross the border but Daniel turn himself in. I romanced Cassidy in Ep 3 so I thought this ending would be okay but... it was empty feeling. Sure, Daniel had about the same life as Redemption and Sean is actually free and with a woman he loves, but it felt empty, the bond between Sean and Daniel used to be inseparable, now both of them are in different towns. At least Sean somewhat got what he wanted, and he was actually happy for once in the entire storyline, so that's not that bad.

    I do apologise for the long read, I planned to finish the story and move on to do my home based learning but I haven't been able to find the motivation to do anything after I got the Redemption ending. I've played both LiS and LiS: BtS prior to this and it's one of the only games where I can truly relate to a character. I enjoyed this game as much as the others :D Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Synfoxius
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    [BTS E2] The Stars Are Real to Us

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    [ALL] I need serious help to finish this game!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Chloe is dead and I don't wanna play this game anymore. I haven't played ep 5 yet. I just finished ep 4 and I am devastated right now. That fuckin' Mr. Jefferson was behind all these!! Please tell me what I can do to save Chole, so that next time I play from the beginning I alter my decisions and prevent this mishap from happening. Damn, man! Please...

    submitted by /u/souvikshanku
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    [NO SPOILERS] I just finished LiS1, went this to a friend

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    [All] My Life is Strange Experience

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    So, I've been going back and forth whether or not I should write about my experience about the game because while I read posts on Reddit I've never posted before, but in the end, I decided to share my experience because spoiler alert: I love this hella good game. I knew about this game for a while now and I heard it was really good but never played it until recently. A few things were also unfortunately spoiled for including the ending choice and the cleverly foreshadowed villain of the game. After finishing Detroit I was in the mood for more "interactive movie games" so I decided to play LiS to finally remove from my backlog. My stance was more of a "Let's get this over with" thing, even though I heard a lot of good things about the game. This game was so much better than I'd heard. I mean I played games that are objectively speaking better but this game immediately became my favorite game of all time.

    So I finished playing it last Friday, at 3 am to be precise, after the end of Episode 4, I could not help myself. Before starting the game I've decided to go with the sacrifice AB ending because I was more interested in that than the "sacrifice your love" ending. A decision that was originally born out of curiosity became an emotional one. Probably this was the most surprising thing of all. It's still hard to describe really. I mean I grew to love other characters in other games as well, I cried sometimes playing Detroit ('cause empathy and shit) but never to such an extent. It was pure empathy, probably the first time I felt empathy this pure....I mean, even after a week I'm unable to correctly describe this I thought about it a lot. I played a few roleplaying games before, but in those cases, I was either playing myself or an idialized version of myself. This time, I was roleplaying Max, and I was able to identify with her (which is strange considering I'm 28 years old cismale who lives in Europe and never been to the US before) and her feelings that I was simply unable to sacrifice Chloe (even though I originally planned to see both endings) to the point that simply thinking about it made me cry so much. To this day I'm unable to think about the second ending without crying. I've never expected that this game could have such a profound effect on me.

    So I'm the newest member of the PLiSD club. I became a bit obsessed with the game I suppose. I was able to buy a used copy of the Limited Edition PS4 (I wanted that sweet physical copy of the soundtrack and the artbook) for a really good price, the LiS-BtS Limited Edition is on its way. I'm trying to control myself but I probably going to buy a lot of LiS T-shirts as well. I've already pre-ordered the LiS Comic Boxed Set. The game also reignited my passion for the guitar (I've stopped playing it for like 10 years). I've also started to read fanfictions which is something I've never done before. I'm currently reading the super-long Ouroboros which I really love and enjoy (already read like 400 pages of that masterpiece). Imaginary Max was also a fun read. I've started to read Better Then and All that Remains as well but those feel a bit too fanfictiony for my tastes (still going to finish them eventually). I just prefer those that have a somewhat "canon" feeling to it.

    So I think I'm going to end my ramblings with my interpretation of the ending. So as I mentioned before, I chose Sacrifice AB ending. It was a decision driven by emotions but I thought about it and the game a lot to figure out if there's a logical way to justify this. I think there is one. I think it was strongly implied that alternative realities (universes) are created when Max changes the timeline. Max was in between realities in the airplane scene, and depending on how much we believe Nightmare-Max and Warren's explanation, I think It can be said there are multiple universes existing. So, even if Max goes back in time to save AB, there is still going to be an alternate universe where AB was destroyed. So ultimately to me, the choice was to chose which reality does Max wants to live in? Might as well stay in this one with Chloe. The other theory/interpretation is that saving Chloe did not cause the Time Storm. Saving Chloe caused the snowfall which was caused by the two timelines/universes interacting which each other. If Max did nothing else, I think that would have been the end of it. There is a cause-effect here (butterfly effect) but the cause of the Time Storm wasn't Chloe. Continuing on this, freezing time and trying to save Kate caused the eclipse (which makes sense if we are assuming that 2 or multiple timelines/universes are interacting with one another). Photo jumping to save William? Dead Whales. Reversing that? Two Moons. The whole San Fransisco debacle? Time Storm. I mean sure, saving Chloe resulted in the events that lead to the Storm that's true but I think that one act alone was not enough to cause that storm. But that's just my interpretation of things. If I have to say one negative thing about this game is the ending (maybe that's why I love Ouroboros or Imaginary Max). I still think there could have been a way to save both Chloe and AB. I mean I understand why the "Hospital Ending" was scratched but still. This could have been a nice 3rd ending for New Game Plus if you meet certain requirements but I digress.

    So thanks for reading my semi-long rambling about my new favorite game. Looking forward to seeing more fanarts and posts here.

    submitted by /u/revishawke
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    [S2] My Life is Strange 2 Tier Lists.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    [BtS] Here are the lyrics I wrote for a LiS BtS-inspired original song called "Tempest" (Zoom in)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    [S2] Any good LiS 2 fanfictions that follow the events of the 4 endings?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    I'm looking for fanfiction that takes place after the events at the border, for any of the endings. Anyone know any good ones?

    submitted by /u/grimmbrother
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    [S1 E1] The Blue Butterfly At The Beginning��

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Am I the only one that just caught on that the blue butterfly at the beginning of the games in the bathroom is probably Rachel protecting Chloe by showing Max where to go to hide and rewind time and everything ?

    Or like is it just a coincidence and has NOTHING to do with Rachel. Or like I'm just stupid and just caught on ?

    submitted by /u/Roxyyyyyyyy
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    [NO SPOILERS] Is Life is Strange 2 and Before the Storm worth it?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    Finished the first one yesterday and I have to say it has to be my favourite game after Metro Last Light. Loved the characters, the art style and the story but I'm unsure if the sequel and the prequel are worth playing. Any opinions?

    submitted by /u/Backtoast_
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