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    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Chloe trading card by LunarDignity

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Chloe trading card by LunarDignity

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe trading card by LunarDignity

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    [ALL] To all those memories together till the end.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I'll never let you go by Ansdj8181

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    [ALL] I regret none of these choices

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    [ALL] Why do you love the series' characters?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    So I've seen lots of posts to the degree of, "I hate Chloe/Daniel/Rachel and this is why,"(and a few other characters but those are the three main ones), but very rarely see a post saying something like, "I love Chloe/Daniel/Rachel and this is why," which I think is a bit unfair, especially in a series about it's awesome characters.

    Human nature makes people love explaining why they hate the things they hate more than they love explaining why they love the things they love. So, in an effort to change that, and to spread positivity, I thought I'd make a post(more like a love letter to the games lol) where people can gush about who they love. I'll share what I love as well.

    Before I start, I want to say that I am in no way saying characters like Rachel, Finn, Karen, Victoria, Frank, or David are perfect. I don't think they are, but I want this to be about positivity, so I'm only gonna talk about what I love about them. Also important to note that I left some characters out, not because I don't like them, but because I feel I haven't learned enough about them to have an opinion either way. So let's start:


    Max: Where do I start? Max is great, she's smart, funny, cares for people and wants to help them. She was given an incredibly powerful ability, and what does she do with it? Helps people. Saves Chloe. She's an amazing person. She feels bad about leaving Chloe, and is very empathetic. She loves people, she sees the good in people. She's a bit shy, but once you break her out of her cocoon she can be incredibly fun to hang out with. She's not afraid to speak her mind, and is incredibly strong. When Jefferson kidnaps her, what does she do? She doesn't give up. She's determined. Oh, not to mention shes a great photographer. Max is awesome. And Hannah did a great job portraying her.

    Chloe: Again, where to start? Chloe is amazing. Her life has been fucked up, but she stays strong. She loses her dad and her best friend on the same day, then 2 years later she loses another great friend. I feel terrible for her, because she doesn't deserve this, her life is unfair and really makes me wanna bawl my eyes out. She's a great person. She is almost the opposite of Max. She's outgoing, and doesn't care what people think. What makes her so lovable, is that she has a sensitive side. She may act like she doesn't care about anything, but she really does. That is what makes her so easy to sympathize with. She loves people, and the world. She sees the good in people, just like Max, even if she wouldn't admit it. She wants to help people. What did she do when Drew was picking on Nathan? She stood up for him, even though she didn't like him. She also is not afraid to speak her mind. She's strong and determined, in a different way than Max. What did she do when Max didn't contact her for years? She forgave her, almost instantly, she knows it wasn't intentional. She loves Max, and Max loves her. Also, Ashly Burch is the greatest voice actress on Earth. She did an amazing job. No joke, I literally bought the game Horizon Zero Dawn just because I heard Ashly voiced the main character. That's how amazing she is. But as I was saying, Chloe is wonderful.

    Warren: Warren is a good dude. He may be a little awkward, but he's a nice guy. He wants Max to be happy, and he doesn't care if she's with him, Chloe or anyone else to get that happiness. He cares for people. He's also really smart, and knows a lot about science.

    Joyce: Joyce is just trying her best to be a good mom. I know it must be very hard, and I empathize with her easily. She must have been devastated when William died. She is unsure what her and Chloe's future will come to, but wants it to be the best possible future. She cares a lot about people, and she is incredibly charismatic. She just loves....people. She is a great parent, especially considering the circumstances. I also love her voice.

    David: I love how conflicted David is. He wants the best for Chloe, however his idea of the best for her is very different from Chloe's idea of the best for her. He is passionate about the country, and being a soldier. He keeps his emotions bottled up, so from the outside he seems very stoic. But he is not. He cares for Joyce and Chloe, and people in general, evidenced by the fact he was a soldier. I love that after the Bae ending, him and Chloe made amends. Chloe deserves a parental figure such as him, especially considering that Joyce is gone in that scenario.

    Kate: Kate is so lovable. She's naive and scared, which makes her easy to empathize with. She hates negativity, and doesn't understand why anyone would be mean to anyone else. She is obviously very passionate about her faith, and I find it incredibly heart-breaking that others exploit that faith. She doesn't deserve to be made fun of and bullied because of one video, especially because she wasn't herself at the party. It's terrible what happened to her. Even if she survives, I find it terribly sad that she was pushed so close to the edge of suicide. Kates gives a very sad look into a very real problem.

    Victoria: I like how passionate Victoria is about her photography. She wants to be successful, and is incredibly worried that she won't be, which I find very relatable. She is insecure about not only her work, but others opinions of her as well, which I also find relatable.

    Frank: I love that Frank is so totally different from drug-dealer characters in basically any other story. I get the feeling Frank doesn't enjoy what he's doing, but doesn't know how to work in the real world, because of how long he's been doing it. Frank is obviously very passionate about Rachel, and it is implied he used to be good friends with Chloe. I find it surprisingly easy to empathize with him, not only because of his passion for finding Rachel but also his love for dogs. Despite he is criminal, I don't necessarily think he is a bad person. Also, the beans scene is fucking hilarious.

    William: William is very obviously an amazing father and his portrayal in the game really helps you empathize with Chloe. He is very enjoyable and charismatic.


    Rachel: I love how Rachel is very relatable, whether she's happy, sad, angry, etc. I love how much happiness she brought Chloe. I love how she felt her family was "fake" and didn't want to become like them, I found that pretty relatable. She is obviously very passionate about stage performances and drama, which was an interesting aspect of her character.

    Steph: While we don't have much time with Steph, I very much enjoyed the time we did have with her. I found her very relatable and overall fun to be around. She seems to care very much for her friends.

    Drew and Mikey: I am lumping them together because a lot of my thoughts apply to both of them, and it will make some of my points easier to follow. I love the "stereotypical jock" and "stereotypical nerd" being brothers, it made for a very interesting dynamic between them and other characters. They both care very much for each other and I found it cool to see into their lifes.


    Sean: Another character where I don't know where to start. Sean is smart, funny, and cares a lot for people, for better or worse. He loves his friends and family, and he is the most relatable character in the series to me. I loved how his view of the world and Daniel's were so different and clashed with one another, leading to arguments between them which I found impossible to take sides in. Sean has to be a father figure to Daniel, and in turn wants him to grow up and be more responsible, but despite this he treats Daniel like a child. Daniel, on the other hand isn't sure he wants to grow up. He wants to be treated like an adult, however hates the idea of growing up itself, as he finds it sad, and boring. These two dynamics fit each of their characters really well, and I'll get to Daniel in a moment, but for now, back to Sean. Sean is strong, honestly the strongest character in the series. What does he do when his dad dies? He worries about if Daniel will be okay first, he leaves the greiving until later, as he knows it won't serve him now, which I know that I could not do. What does he do when Chad attacks him, or he loses his eye, etc? He doesn't give up. The only time he gives up is if the player chooses to surrender at the end of the game, which is an interesting thing to think about. Despite how strong Sean is, he also has a sensitive side, just like Chloe, which I love. I also love that Sean realizes he hasn't been a good brother to Daniel before the events of the game, and tries to make it up to him. Gonzalo did an amazing job, and you can really hear the infliction in his voice. Also, Sean's a great artist.

    Daniel: Again, where do I begin? I already mentioned why I love his dynamic with Sean, so I'll just talk about him specifically. Daniel is incredibly lovable, sweet, and easy to empathize with. I find his life to easily be the most unfair and bawl-under-a-blanket inducing in the whole series, perhaps more so than even Chloe. Of course the whole thing was unfair to Sean as well, but I found Daniel to be the one I empathized with the most, as he had the least control over the whole situation. He loses so much, he stays strong, and he decides who he is based on what Sean has taught him. I felt proud of him at multiple moments, like when he was doing chores in episode 3 without being asked to, after refusing to do chores in episode 2, or especially in the Parting Ways ending, where he decides for himself what kind of life he should live. He was incredibly strong, being able to deal with all this at such a young age. Roman did a great job voicing him, so much so that just listening to his naivety and innocence in episode 1 and 2 makes me cry. Actually his performance in the later episodes also makes me cry too because he has matured faster than any kid should have.

    Esteban: Esteban was surprisingly expanded upon very well after his death, and hearing the brothers talk about him made me actually feel mournful for Esteban. He shows he loves Sean and Daniel, and thinking about what Esteban would have wanted is an interesting and sad way to look at the endings. Also, what is it with amazing fathers dying in Life Is Strange games?

    Lyla: I found Lyla to be very interesting, and felt bad for her even though all this crazy shit didn't happen to her. I found her conversation with Sean very emotional and personal, and her voice actress(sorry I don't know her name) killed it on the phone calls. She obviously cares a lot for both Sean and Daniel.

    Brody: Brody seemed real to me, very non-threatening and an unlikely guy to lie to you. He is a good man. I didn't realize how much I liked him, until I found myself crying while reading his letter about his mom dealing with cancer.

    Chris: Chris is a great kid, and it's terrible what happened to his mom. I found that Chris seemed quite mature for his age, especially in the way he talked, which I found really sad. He is certainly very talented, and he seems like the kind of kid who may end up famous later in life.

    Charles: Charles was a very interesting character. He is obviously very passionate about Chris and his late wife, Emily, and he seems like he just wants to be a good dad, and he knows when he is and isn't. Charles is a character very aware of what he can grow on.

    Claire and Steven: I'm lumping them together because lots of my opinions apply to both of them. They are both very nice people, they both feel super real to me (kinda similar to my real grandparents) they are very caring, and overall pretty lovable. I never found Claire's rules too strict and thought it was a little weird when Sean called her out on it. Both Claire and Steven have amazing voice actors and actresses as well, they sounded super alive. I really love them. Easily some of my favorite side characters in the series.

    Cassidy: Cassidy was overall pretty lovable, and Sean got together with her in my playthrough. She cares a lot about people and is very selfless. She also has a great voice. I enjoy her.

    Finn: Finn comes across as incredibly lovable and a very funny and entertaining guy. He is also very open-minded. His voice actor was great as well.

    Hannah: I enjoyed how she was absolutely unafraid to speak her mind, and she offered a kind of opposite to Cassidy, and Finn. I found her pretty intriguing.

    Penny: I liked how he wasn't your stereotypical "conspiracy theorist weird guy" and actually had a story behind him. I felt bad for him. His voice actor was really good as well.

    Jacob: I loved how he didn't turn out to be the stereotypical "quiet guy" that I thought he was at first. The twist of him being kicked out of Haven Point for being gay I found very interesting and made me empathize with him a lot.

    Karen: Karen is extremely interesting. I love the confliction in her voice when she talks about why she left, and find it very honorable that she gave her self in to give Sean and Daniel a head start. It felt fitting that after she left to get her freedom back, she gave her freedom up again to help them. Also her voice actress did an amazing job.

    Joan: Joan seems very caring and nice. She reminded me of some of my mom's friends. Even I though I didn't get much time with her, I found myself really liking her.

    Arthur and Stanley: I'm grouping them together because most of my opinions apply to both of them. I thought they were lovable and liked their relationship with each other. I thought the topic of "discovering your sexuality when you've already made a commitment" was interesting.

    And that's it! If you read that whole thing, you are super awesome :)

    So now I encourage you to say why you love some of these characters, and well, gush about them like I just did! But please, if you don't like a certain character, or don't have anything nice to say about them, please just don't mention them. I want this to be about spreading positivity, and not negativity.

    submitted by /u/ConorOberstFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] [OC] life is strange type beat

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] What songs/artists do you want to see in future games?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    If we do get a Life is Strange 3 and beyond, what kind of music would you want to be able to listen to while playing?

    Personally, I really like The Walters and think a lot of their songs would fit in with in the general vibe of the games.




    submitted by /u/danielwastaken
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    [S1] Finished my first full playthrough, wanted to write a cathartic splurge

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    TL,DR – LiS1 is hella amazeballs, found it extremely relatable, more people should play it

    After my first full playthrough of LiS1 I wanted to write something for catharsis and work out why I find it so powerful. I know everyone relates to LiS in their own way, and everyone makes different decisions, and that's part of its beauty. Anyone can take away something meaningful that's personal to them. To me playing as Max was so close to home that it was a kind of therapy.

    (Disclosure – I knew the story already because I'd started playing it last year, but then couldn't get to my PS4 until now, so I shamefully gave into temptation and watched Youtube no-commentary playthroughs of it and BtS/Farewell. At least after a year it was unfamiliar enough to feel all the feels again.)


    Two friends and I nearly died in a car crash a few years ago. "To think that our destiny is linked to goddamn car keys." Small choices can dramatically change your life, and who knows what else, in a domino effect through history. If one of your ancestors had gone out one day and been run over by a horse and coach, you wouldn't exist, and some of your family wouldn't either. How would the world be different? It's easy to get caught up in the knowledge that everything is intertwined, and paralysed by thinking about the consequences of your actions. I've replayed the crash in my mind so many times: feeling like slow motion, skidding in circles all over the motorway, narrowly missing speeding cars, glancing off a barrier. If my friends hadn't gone out of their way to pick me up, the car would've been in a different place when the tyre blew. Would they have died? For a while I was scared to get in a car. I revisit other moments that must have altered the course of my life, conversations that ended things, but I can't change any of them by dwelling. That's no way to live. Like Chloe's graffiti says, "just gotta let go".

    LiS helps me remember that we're not responsible for causation. Everything is temporary and transitory, but that's just how things are. Hold on to what you can, and if we have to let go of something, we can, however hard it is. It doesn't mean we're doomed. Whatever has led us to this point has made us who we are, and we can still love ourselves for who and what we are now, rather than wishing our lives away for not fitting some other ideal. Amanda Palmer's "In My Mind" is fitting after Max returns from the alternate reality as it's about struggling with this, but ultimately having no regrets over what IS.

    "And maybe it's funniest of all

    To think I'll die before I actually see

    That I am exactly the person that I want to be

    Fuck yes, I am exactly the person that I want to be"

    So it's OK to just be. I don't have to dwell on what I "should" be, what I "should" have said or done, or what other people who affect my life "should" be. I do NOT have to wish that everything I do could be better, or different… that's held me back, stopped me doing things, and probably meant I've missed out. It's OK to let go of all that and just be. If I stop to remember the positives about myself I can live differently, and have more time and mental energy to focus on things that matter.

    LiS especially helps me appreciate the small things in friendship, and friendship itself. During this lockdown it makes me want to spend more time talking to people I care about, to value them more, to be a better person. Reconnecting with old friends takes effort on both sides, but if you break the ice, you've tried. Maybe most importantly it makes me actually try to DO these things, not just have an epiphany and go nowhere with it. It's challenged my tendency to put things off, when I know I should go out of my way to make them happen.


    Something else that made LiS special is how real and relatable I found Max and Chloe. They're deep characters with far more to them than just two halves of a love story.

    I got where Chloe was coming from. My dad died when I was 15 and I went through a storm of emotions trying to live with the aftermath and understand my place in the world. As a kid, I went to a string of funerals and lost a lot of family. I couldn't finish school because of illness. I got into angry "rebellious" music, tried and failed to find meaning in spirituality and religion, and grew a chip on my shoulder against authority. As a kid and teenager I had friends grow apart or distance themselves from me to the point where I stopped thinking of anyone as a best friend. It was like putting an expiry date on the friendship. I can understand why Chloe has abandonment issues and is easily triggered, and why when Max first comes back into her life she doesn't want to be hurt again.

    Max was instantly relatable, from the self-doubt right down to my old YA uniform of grey hoodies and record bags. I'd read Ray Bradbury, watched Donnie Darko, seen Bright Eyes in concert, listened to all sorts of indie/hipstery stuff that could've found its way onto the soundtrack. I got her excitement at being accepted into college for a fresh start at life. That feeling of infinite possibilities and a love of creativity was like a high. I had a film camera for years and still love having the physical photos. (Max sees her surroundings with a photographer's eye, so collecting optional photos for her college portfolio is a neat way to add trophies to the game.)

    I used to blog in the same kind of self-conscious style as Max's diary, feeling inadequate yet sometimes judgmental of others. I was nervous and afraid to speak in class. I'd been bullied at school for being interested in both sexes. I was glad to leave. Then at university I found myself in an abusive relationship where there were days when I couldn't say or do anything right and I'd get snapped at or dumped. I second-guessed myself so much that eventually I didn't speak without thinking carefully about the consequences of every little thing I said (the relationship ended after I decided that the next dumping would be the last). Especially early in the game, Max seriously struggles to believe she can do anything right; after a lot of choices she wonders if she should undo them. The rewind mechanism is perfect for an insecure teenager and lots of us have been in that boat. If you could undo embarrassing things… or take risks with no fear of consequence… how would you change? You'd lose a lot of your fear, and that's how Max became stronger towards the end.

    Max at the beginning is lonely and plagued with insecurities. She seems to have made two "great" friends in Seattle who she has no contact with and only mentions twice, once to say how drunk they were when she wasn't. Her diary is "emo ground zero", she's wracked with guilt and indecision about not contacting Chloe, her Blackwell file says she has an IEP which seems to mean she has a known condition of some kind. I've listened to interviews with the devs but haven't heard why they put this in, but she is continually nostalgic for her childhood which fits with depression.

    Thanks to Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle, I'm not sure you can completely separate the art and artist because they put so much of themselves into the performances. Hannah Telle grew over the development of the game just as Max did. In a couple of interviews (I think here and here – the Blackwell Podcast on Youtube is great for geeking out) she said she used to be "so debilitatingly shy I came across as incompetent", and that she has clinical depression and was in a very dark place when she auditioned, but getting the part of Max "kinda saved my life" and "if my life can make such a drastic turnaround, then anything is possible". It shows how powerful the game is when a lead VA can grow in a similar way to her character. Her interviews on Youtube are very personal and inspiring, and of course there's the bonus that you're listening to Max's voice the whole time <3 Ashly put a lot of herself into Chloe as well. Her emotions over her lover's overdose came out in her VOs and (as most of this sub probably knows) her blog post about this explains why Chloe sounds so ripped apart at the discovery in episode 4.


    LiS has reminded me to keep trying to make better use of my time. It's kept me caring about the novel I'd been writing that had been gathering dust. It's made me remember that introspection can be a good thing, and can help you process things and grow.

    I've changed a lot over the years, but prompts like this are welcome. I've learned from mistakes and learned to be kinder to myself. I've made peace with having no external "meaning of life" despite once being like Kate, and that's OK. I've hit my thirties and I know time is passing… but there are life lessons in LiS for adults as well as a YA audience. Time only goes forward. Like Gandalf said, "all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." What you take away from the game is personal, but what I felt was... we can't rewind or undo, but we might have a second chance at things we think we've messed up or lost, by changing ourselves and the way we approach things. There's more harm in never trying than in trying and failing. We can always fail gracefully and with others' best interests at heart. Don't be too quick to judge (look how easy it was to judge David, Victoria and Nathan before finding out more about them); keep in touch with friends whose lives are changing; cultivate your talents and use them... you've got less to lose than if you did nothing through indecision.

    I know LiS is not a flawless game and I don't care. It's a masterpiece of emotional storytelling that means more to me than any other game, and I've played/watched a ton of choice/narrative-based games (try Night in the Woods, To the Moon, The Walking Dead, etc). Little bits of my teenage psyche, likes/tastes, hopes and fears are dotted through it and I'm in awe how Dontnod pulled so much together so well. Along with The Last of Us, LiS made me appreciate games as an art form that could be as powerful as the best books, films, TV etc... but it works as a game in a way it couldn't as a TV show. As a game about impossible decisions, you experience the pain of having to make them. You have to walk in Max's shoes, wrestle with decisions and motivations, and take responsibility for whose lives you've improved, ruined, saved or ended. If you want, you can learn lessons to take into your own life.

    So if any snobs think games can't be an art form… I'd direct them to Ray Bradbury:

    "Books were only one type of receptacle where we stored a lot of things we were afraid we might forget. There is nothing magical in them at all. The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the Universe together into one garment for us."

    Thank you, Dontnod <3

    submitted by /u/spiritof1789
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    [ALL] I know it's shit but I was playing life is strange 2 and thought alone by quadeca together would fit in

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    [ALL] LiS BTS episode 2 junkyard

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    In episode 2, has anyone found out what happens to chloes outfit with the beanie, if you don't find the beanie in the glove compartment? Will that outfit just not have a beanie with it?

    submitted by /u/lara10432
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    [ALL] (LiS) does anyone else notice frank does this in episode 4?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    I've noticed that based on what I (Max) say to frank at the beach scene, Frank (if he has David's gun), he can actually take out his knife, or if you say something else, he can take his gun out? There are so many possible combinations in this scene, it's insane! I was wondering why he took his knife out as he has David's gun, so I replayed the scene over and over again and he finally took his gun out, I guess he was in a rage lol!

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    submitted by /u/lara10432
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    [No Spoilers] What happened to the reccomendations table in this subs wiki?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    I was looking for some sort of TV show or anime that had a similar feel to Life is Strange.

    I stumbled across the wiki page for this subreddits and noticed for TV show it said a general table of the submissions will be coming soon but that revision was 4 years ago atleast?

    Was this forgotten about or just not enough submissions was there? Or is it there and I can't see it cause I'm on mobile?

    submitted by /u/Quantum-64
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    [S1 E1] Pictures that you can hear. Start from the beginning Max. Will continue the journey tomorrow.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    [ALL] Life is strange Theory Couldn’t Max keep going back in time?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I was wonder you know how you can choice between save Arcadia bay or save chloe but if you think about the only reason she was able to save Arcadia bay was because of the picture she took so if she lets chloe die and everyone keeps living their life and when max is old she can just go back in time and save chloe and feel both experiences

    submitted by /u/Divine_Nick
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