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    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Firestorm. - Fanart by ORCus51.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Firestorm. - Fanart by ORCus51.

    [NO SPOILERS] Firestorm. - Fanart by ORCus51.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Made an animated wallpaper of Chloe and Rachel.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] My new shirts just arrived. I blame Rachel Amber for this fashion choice.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    [ALL] Life is Strange 2 - What are your overall opinions?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Alright, so this might be a long overdue post, but after long anticipations I've finished playing Life is Strange 2 yesterday. I know you may think, okay cool, why should we care more than a year after since the fifth episode was released, but hear me out for a sec.

    I was foolishly being happy that I'll have with what to preoccupy myself and my time, thinking I'll be able to take it slowly, won't play more than an episode a day, yeah, I finished the whole thing in 2 days. I just couldn't stop, it completely got to me, I didn't expect to get so captivated, I was way too curious and intrigued to just casually play. Needless to say it obviously broke me. I have played the first one as well, I knew very well what I was getting myself into. The story, heavy atmosphere and soundtrack of the first one stayed with me for months after finishing it so I figured the same thing will probably happen with its sequel. However this second game, besides doing all of what I just mentioned above, for me personally has something so very special. It touched me in ways I really didn't think about before sitting down and playing it. If the first one for me was pretty much the introduction to interactive story games, and it shocked, overwhelmed and imprinted itself on me, I'm not able to tell you how much the second season sneaked and settled deeply and so closely to my heart. It's weird and sort of scary if you really think about it, how much this series makes its audience get invested emotionally and care for the characters. You're fully aware of the fact that it's just a game, the whole scenario is hypothetical, yet you still strive so hard to make the best decisions for a hopefully good outcome and get angry and sad when that doesn't happen.

    So I was a little bit bugged, and was thinking what actually made this game stand out for me so much and I've shortly come to the conclusion that it was its story line and none other than Sean. I still don't know why it hit so close to home, as I have no siblings and fortunately didn't grow up in conditions similar to the Diaz brothers, but the lesson it teaches about brotherhood affected me. When we start out playing we don't think much of the relationship between Sean and Daniel and we're even somewhat directed to thinking they might not even get along that well. At the beginning of episode 2 not knowing much about the brothers I remember being sort of even annoyed by the sudden change of Sean's attitude towards Daniel because he is instantly forced to take on this too big of a responsibility and becomes a father-figure. I mean one moment he's literally saying get out of my room you little shit to Daniel and throwing things at him, the next one he's hugging him and making sure he ate enough 😂. It's only a little later on when we find out much more about their bond, the trips they used to take together with their dad, or how close they actually were to each other before Sean went to high school and other priorities came along for him as well. Slowly as these things were revealed I started caring more and more and build up an immense respect for this non-existent, video game character.

    As if his dad being shot in front of him is not traumatising enough, the fact that he's in charge of the well-being of his 9 year old brother, all the hunger, shortages, cold, eye injury, heat later on, beating up and sacrifices he has to face, made me think how much more could a 16 year old boy actually bear. Now that I think about it, the whole game because of these aspects, every now and then becomes slightly hard to digest. Overall I really thought that he is truly well written and complexly created. He starts out as a bland teenage boy and ends up being a main pillar for Daniel. He is kind, sensitive not forgetting about the manners his dad thought him, learns about good and bad, and is completely selfless willing to do pretty much anything to protect his younger brother. I never really had this happen before, but for all these reasons and many more that I'm sure you guys know as well, I can't put in words how much I love and treasure this character.

    I was more than happy and satisfied generally with the game as a whole as well. I believe it's powerful and somewhat important. Yes it gets political, but I didn't necessarily feel like anything was shoved down my throat. It's bigger and visually prettier. I absolutely loved the connection to Chris and how important this side character becomes when you get the Parting Ways ending. It is slower than the first one for sure, but somehow I didn't mind that at all. With both games, probably even more with this one storytelling is in fact put in first place. At one point, it literally felt like an amazing TV series. The bitter-sweetness of the soundtrack is unforgettable on this one as well. The music and everything that happens match incredibly well. I simply can't take that little main theme called Into the Woods by Jonathan Moralli out of my head. It saddens me that generally the game is low-key overlooked, but at the end of the day season 2 and the story of these brothers I truly believe deserves to be remembered. I've read that many people expected the return of Max and Chloe or if not, a story line that at least is closer to the original one. While it is different, it didn't bother me. I really hope there will be a third season, and I think it'd be absolutely cool if Max, Chloe & Sean and Daniel would somehow connect in any way. I don't think it'd be even that hard to pull it off since the overall universe is the same, with David's presence in this game as well and him mentioning the girls.

    In the end we all have our opinions, and we all have our own experience with this game and that's what makes it special I guess. I was happy to learn that at least it was nominated and won a lot of gaming awards, with one award association even calling it "more than just entertainment". Anyways if you got to this point, thanks for hearing me out, and please do and feel free to share your thoughts on everything I've mentioned if you had a similar experience. x.

    submitted by /u/elimax21
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    [NO SPOILERS] what’s your favorite song or musician art by AlenD-nyan

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Here’s fan art of Max I drew!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    [ALL] Life is Strange 2 - Overall Opinions

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Alright, so this might be a long overdue post, but after long anticipations I've finished playing Life is Strange 2 yesterday. I know you may think, okay cool, why should we care more than a year after since the fifth episode was released, but hear me out for a sec.

    I was foolishly being happy that I'll have with what to preoccupy myself and my time, thinking I'll be able to take it slowly, won't play more than an episode a day, yeah, I finished the whole thing in 2 days. I just couldn't stop, it completely got to me, I didn't expect to get so captivated, I was way too curious and intrigued to just casually play. Needless to say it obviously broke me. I have played the first one as well, I knew very well what I was getting myself into. The story, heavy atmosphere and soundtrack of the first one stayed with me for months after finishing it so I figured the same thing will probably happen with its sequel. However this second game, besides doing all of what I just mentioned above, for me personally has something so very special. It touched me in ways I really didn't think about before sitting down and playing it. If the first one for me was pretty much the introduction to interactive story games, and it shocked, overwhelmed and imprinted itself on me, I'm not able to tell you how much the second season sneaked and settled deeply and so closely to my heart. It's weird and sort of scary if you really think about it, how much this series makes its audience get invested emotionally and care for the characters. You're fully aware of the fact that it's just a game, the whole scenario is hypothetical, yet you still strive so hard to make the best decisions for a hopefully good outcome and get angry and sad when that doesn't happen.

    So I was a little bit bugged, and was thinking what actually made this game stand out for me so much and I've shortly come to the conclusion that it was its story line and none other than Sean. I still don't know why it hit so close to home, as I have no siblings and fortunately didn't grow up in conditions similar to the Diaz brothers, but the lesson it teaches about brotherhood affected me. When we start out playing we don't think much of the relationship between Sean and Daniel and we're even somewhat directed to thinking they might not even get along that well. At the beginning of episode 2 not knowing much about the brothers I remember being sort of even annoyed by the sudden change of Sean's attitude towards Daniel because he is instantly forced to take on this too big of a responsibility and becomes a father-figure. I mean one moment he's literally saying get out of my room you little shit to Daniel and throwing things at him, the next one he's hugging him and making sure he ate enough 😂. It's only a little later on when we find out much more about their bond, the trips they used to take together with their dad, or how close they actually were to each other before Sean went to high school and other priorities came along for him as well. Slowly as these things were revealed I started caring more and more and build up an immense respect for this non-existent, video game character.

    As if his dad being shot in front of him is not traumatising enough, the fact that he's in charge of the well-being of his 9 year old brother, all the hunger, shortages, cold, eye injury, heat later on, beating up and sacrifices he has to face, made me think how much more could a 16 year old boy actually bear. Now that I think about it, the whole game because of these aspects, every now and then becomes slightly hard to digest. Overall I really thought that he is truly well written and complexly created. He starts out as a bland teenage boy and ends up being a main pillar for Daniel. He is kind, sensitive not forgetting about the manners his dad thought him, learns about good and bad, and is completely selfless willing to do pretty much anything to protect his younger brother. I never really had this happen before, but for all these reasons and many more that I'm sure you guys know as well, I can't put in words how much I love and treasure this character.

    I was more than happy and satisfied generally with the game as a whole as well. I believe it's powerful and somewhat important. Yes it gets political, but I didn't necessarily feel like anything was shoved down my throat. It's bigger and visually prettier. I absolutely loved the connection to Chris and how important this side character becomes when you get the Parting Ways ending. It is slower than the first one for sure, but somehow I didn't mind that at all. With both games, probably even more with this one storytelling is in fact put in first place. At one point, it literally felt like an amazing TV series. The bitter-sweetness of the soundtrack is unforgettable on this one as well. The music and everything that happens match incredibly well. I simply can't take that little main theme called Into the Woods by Jonathan Moralli out of my head. It saddens me that generally the game is low-key overlooked, but at the end of the day season 2 and the story of these brothers I truly believe deserves to be remembered. I've read that many people expected the return of Max and Chloe or if not, a story line that at least is closer to the original one. While it is different, it didn't bother me. I really hope there will be a third season, and I think it'd be absolutely cool if Max, Chloe & Sean and Daniel would somehow connect in any way. I don't think it'd be even that hard to pull it off since the overall universe is the same, with David's presence in this game as well and him mentioning the girls.

    In the end we all have our opinions, and we all have our own experience with this game and that's what makes it special I guess. I was happy to learn that at least it was nominated and won a lot of gaming awards, with one award association even calling it "more than just entertainment". Anyways if you got to this point, thanks for hearing me out, and please do and feel free to share your thoughts on everything I've mentioned if you had a similar experience. x.

    submitted by /u/elimax21
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    [No Spoilers] Supposed LIS news.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Haven't seen this mentioned here yet, but apparently this video's been up for four days now. Feel silly linking it, since it really only says that Deck Nine is working on a new LIS game, and honestly doesn't seem super-solid, but you can check it out for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lLguwtVvQI

    submitted by /u/PaveltheWriter
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    [ALL] Max and Chloe kiss each other.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    [no spoilers] corrupted save file for steam version?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    hi all, i only started playing life is strange 2 two days ago and am absolutely loving it. recently got onto the beginning of episode 4 where my pc froze and then crashed. when i booted it up again and opened the game, it says that my savw files have been corrupted. has anyone else ever experienced this? if so, is there any way to fix it? or is playing the game from the very start again the only option? hope anyone can help! and thanks!

    submitted by /u/crucifical
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    [ALL] Life is Strange 1 vs Before The Storm - Which did you prefer?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Which game did you prefer? The first game with Max as the protagonist or the second game with Chloe as the protagonist

    submitted by /u/jdpm1991
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    [ALL] As someone who has never gone through trauma like Chloe’s, I don’t think I picked up the lyrics and meanings in the songs by daughter

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Those of you who related to Chloe, did you pick up the lyrics in the songs which were made by daughter, to storytell Chloe's feelings?

    And those of you who don't relate to Chloe, did you just simply enjoy the music and bop your head to it?

    Because I sure did, I didn't really recognise what was being said til I went on genius, and it turns out the songs by daughter, such as 'hole in the earth' talk a lot about her and Rachel's dads, that one is a liar and one is in the earth.

    But now I feel bad since I didn't listen to the music hard enough, it's literally a soundtrack for Chloe's life, and I'm a bit sad that I didn't hear what was being said in the songs.

    I've seen this quote before, it goes along the lines of 'when you're happy you enjoy the music, when you're sad you understand the lyrics' which is a very great quote and I agree with it 110%. Maybe because I haven't gone through anything Chloe has, I just listened to the music and enjoyed it, but I guess if I related, I would have heard the lyrics properly and understood them.

    Any thoughts? I would appreciate it a lot!

    submitted by /u/lara10432
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    [ALL] What Life is Strange S1 episodes still crushes you with each play?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    All of them crush my spirit every play but I think imo Ep 4 really takes the cake.

    Being forced to choose to kill Chloe in the alternate universe was heartbreaking for me in fact when I first played that episode, I had to take a break from the game when I finished.

    LIS can be a bit overwhelming sometimes.

    submitted by /u/jdpm1991
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    [ALL] Life is Strange has changed my life.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    So, its been roughly almost a month and i am still in the PLiSD.

    I thought I was slowly getting over it a few weeks ago, couldn't cry anymore listening to the soundtrack etc etc. Just felt pure sadness.

    Fast forward a few weeks and here i am again, listening to the soundtrack again and bawling my eyes out. I've started listening to cover songs and fan edits too. I've tried so hard to fill the void that this game has left me with to avail. Nothing feels the same anymore.

    So, why does the title say what it does?

    Basically, This game has taught me more about myself than anything ever has and has made me want to change myself for the better, as well as take control of my life.

    1. I always wanted to dye my hair blue and now this game has given me a reason to.
    2. I never actually knew what style of clothes i liked until I played this game, I can tell you with absolute certainty that its gonna change now
    3. My room has always bugged me, it doesn't feel like my room so i don't really take care of it that much, I'm planning on completely giving my room a makeover to make it more "me"
    4. I've considered getting a tattoo before but it would have to be something really meaningful to me. This game has fulfilled the "meaningful to me" category.
    5. I'm planning on starting a journal, kinda like Max's, I think it would give me an outlet for my feelings and experiences.
    6. I contacted my close friend after finishing the game and cant wait for the quarantine to end so i can finally see her again, Its made me realize how lucky i am having friends like these.

    Now for the spoiler section

    I don't think any other video game or TV show character has hit me as hard as the death of Rachel Amber. Words cannot even describe how much pain I am in right now. When i finally played BtS I couldn't stop myself from crying almost every episode thinking about her ending.

    On another note, the reason why the ending to LiS hit me so hard was that i chose to sacrifice Chloe instead of the bay.

    So doesn't matter now, every time i hear Spanish Sahara or Obstacles i cry either way.

    submitted by /u/Hizzyz
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    [ALL] I'm planning to replay the game (LiS 1 & BtS). What game should I play first?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Hi! I only played both games once, LiS was like 4 years ago and BtS 2 years ago. I already tried to play LiS again but it never really worked out for me. I don't know why.

    Some of you guys probably already played both games again. In what order did you played both games and what order would you recommend? :)

    submitted by /u/Cleq
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    [BtS][S1] Translation of certain lines from Life is Strange–Before the Storm from the Japanese dub.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    This is a continuation of sorts of /u/aburaNashi's post, I'm retranslating classic meme dialogues from the Japanese dub. As mentioned in the title, the primary focus of this post is lines from Life is Strange – Before the Storm, with a few more lines from Life is Strange thrown in for good measure.

    As with the previous post, each piece of dialogue has four columns: the original English phrase, the Japanese phrase, the Romanization of the Japanese phrase, and a translation of the Japanese phrase into English. Translations were made using a combination of Google Translate and DeepL so if you can suggest a better translation, please do.

    BtS E1: Old Mill

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Bouncer: A girl like you…I can't protect you in there. ここは女が来る場所じゃねえんだ Koko wa on'na ga kuru basho janē nda This isn't the place for girls.
    Chloe: A girl like you with pretty, pretty flowers on her bicycle shouldn't lecture me on what I can do. バイクにカワイイお花をつけてる女々しい奴にとやかく言われたくないね Baiku ni kawaī o hana o tsuke teru memeshī yatsu ni toyakaku iwa retakunai ne I don't want to be judged by some girly guy who puts pretty flowers on his bike.
    Bouncer: That's a traditional Samoan—! あれはサモアの伝統的な——! Are wa Samoa no dentō-tekina——! That is a traditional Samoan—!

    The following dialogue provides context for the next one.

    S1 E3: Chloe's house - downstairs

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Max: Eggs and bacon all the way. 卵とベーコン焼いて! Tamago to bēkon yaite! Cooked eggs and bacon!
    Joyce: Remember when you guys would sleep in until I yelled out, "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" 昔はよく「卵とベーコンが焼けたよ!」って起こしに行ったっけ Mukashi wa yoku "tamago to bēkon ga yaketa yo!" Tte okoshi ni itta kke I remember in the old days I used to say, "I've got eggs and bacon baked!" to wake you up, right?
    Max: Totally. We'd wake up so fast. そうそう。それで飛び起きてたよ Sō sō. Sore de tobioki teta yo That's right. So I jumped up because of that.
    Joyce: So this time you can help me with the ingredients. I need you to grab me the actual eggs and the bacon. それじゃあちょっと手伝ってくれるかい?卵とベーコンを持ってきて Sore jā chotto tetsudatte kureru kai? Tamago to bēkon o motte kite Now, could you help me out a bit? Get the eggs and bacon.

    From this context, we learn that Joyce (in the Japanese dub of Life is Strange) used to call Max and Chloe down to breakfast with the phrase 「卵とベーコンが焼けたよ!」. With that in mind, here's how the corresponding phrase appears in Before the Storm.

    BtS E1: Chloe's house - Upstairs

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Joyce: Chloe! Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey! クロエ!起きな!朝ご飯よ! Kuroe! Oki na! Asa gohan yo! Chloe! Wake up! Breakfast!

    I'm a bit disappointed they didn't keep the phrase 「卵とベーコンが焼けたよ!」. Maybe the it isn't as memorable in Japanese as the corresponding English phrase.

    BtS E1: David's car

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    David: If you were a man, I'd… お前が男だったら… Omae ga otokodattara… If you were a man…
    Chloe: It's cool. If you were a man, I wouldn't go so easy on you either. だとしてもあんたには負ける気がしないけどな Da to shite mo anta ni wa makeru ki ga shinaikedo na If I were a man, I'd kick your ass'.
    David: Don't know why I bother trying. 話すだけ無駄のようだ Hanasu dake muda no yōda There's no point in talking.

    BtS E1: Main Campus / Victoria

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: I'm sorry, Victoria. I didn't mean to be rude. You know, I finished the assignment. Want some help? ごめんごめん悪気はないんだあたし課題終わってるから手伝おうか? Gomen gomen warugi wa nai nda atashi kadai owatterukara tetsudaou ka? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but I've finished my assignment, if you need any help.
    Victoria: You…help me? え…あなたが? E… anata ga? What… you?
    Chloe: Of course! That last problem was hard, right! If I'm remembering correctly, the answer was…fluorine, uranium, carbon, potassium…and, uh…uranium again. Does that sound right? ああ最後の問題ムズかったよな確か答えは…フッ素ウラン炭素カリウム…ウランだったような合ってそう? Ā saigo no mondai muzu katta yo na tashika kotaeha… fusso uran tanso kariumu… urandatta yōna gō tte sō? Yeah, you missed that last one, but I'm pretty sure the answer was fluorine, uranium, carbon, potassium, and uranium… right?
    Victoria: Perfect. Hey, thanks, Kari. 素敵ありがとカリー Suteki arigato karī Great. Thanks, Callie.
    Chloe: No problem. はいはい Hai hai Yes, yes

    This is an instance of rendering a foreign sound according to Japanese phonology. See Perception of English /r/ and /l/ by Japanese speakers.

    The fact Google Translate translates カリー to curry is funny to me. DeepL translates the same character sequence to Callie in this context.

    BtS E1: Main Campus / Mikey

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Mikey: Steph has a cru-ush. ステフが恋したか Sutefu ga koishita ka Steph's in love.

    Mikey laughs, but his line is not singsongy as it is in English.

    BtS E1: Main Campus / Dragonkin

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Steph: He is undaunted. "I will eat your face, elven garbage lady." 彼は怒った「顔食うぞエルフのゴミ女!」 Kare wa okotta "kao kuu zo Erufu no gomi on'na!" He got angry, "I'll eat your face, you elven trash girl!"
    Mikey: Elven garbage lady? エルフのゴミ女? Erufu no gomi on'na? Elven trash girl?
    Chloe: Eat my face? 顔食う? Kao kuu? Eat my face?
    Steph: I'm trying. うっさい Ussai Shut up.

    These lines appears when selecting "die of old age" on the second choice of the talkback, after selecting "Shoes" or "Meat puppet" for the first choice. I can't seem to get a clear consensus on the translation of うっさい in this context. *'Ussai' is just a slurred version of 'urusai', meaning 'shut up'.

    BtS E1: Main Campus / Duurgaron

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: I want to punch that stupid man cow in the dick. ウシ野郎の股間を殴ってやるか Ushi yarō no kokan o nagutte yaru ka I'm gonna punch that bovine bastard in the crotch.
    Steph: Like, right in the dick? マジで股間を? Majide kokan o? Seriously, the crotch?
    Chloe: Right. In. The dick. ああ思い切りな Ā omoikiri na Yup, and I'll do it HARD.
    Mikey: Chloe, you punch a lot of dicks. クロエ股間ばっかだな Kuroe kokan bakkada na Chloe, you're all about the crotch.
    Chloe: So? は? Wa? Huh?

    Instead of a more determined reiteration of Chloe's intent to punch Duurgaron "in the dick" (or crotch in this case), Chloe explains that doing so is a bold move.

    The determination of Chloe to punch Duurgaron "in the dick" (or crotch in this case) is expressed differently.

    BtS E1: Train / Chloe is nervous

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: Is this… nervousness? Is that what this feeling is? Wish Max were here, so I could ask. あたし…ピビってる?緊張してんのか?マックスがいたら何て言うかな Atashi… pibi tteru? Kinchō shi ten no ka? Makkusu ga itara nanite iu ka na Am I… nervous? What are you so nervous about? I wonder what Max would say if she were here.
    Chloe: Should I make small talk? Is that what people do? 話しかけたちがいいのか?どうなんだろ Hanashikake-tachi ga ī no ka? Dōna ndaro Should I just talk to her? I don't know.
    Chloe: It's nice Rachel we're having. いいレイチェルだな Ī reicheruda na It's nice Rachel.
    Rachel: What? えっ? E~? What?
    Chloe: I mean weather! It's nice weather. その…天気だよ!いい天気だな Sono… tenkida yo! Ī tenkida na I mean… weather! It's nice weather.
    Rachel: It sure is. そうだね Sōda ne Yes, it is.

    BtS E1: Train / Two Truths and a Lie

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: What's your third thing? 最後は? Saigo wa? And the last one?
    Rachel: My third thing? 最後? Saigo? The last one?
    Chloe: Two truths and a lie. You say three things— 真実2つにウソ1つだろ Shinjitsu futatsu ni usō hitotsudaro Two truths, and one lie.
    Rachel: Right! I'm a Leo. Meow. そっか!私はしし座がおー Sokka! Watashi wa shishi-za gao Oh, yeah! I'm a Leo. Roar.

    I wonder why they used a more lion-like がおー for that line, replacing the more cat-like Meow (which, as anyone who has seen Nyan Cat knows, is translated ニャー (Nyā)).

    BtS E1: Train / You're hella mysterious…

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Rachel: You're hella mysterious, Chloe Price. クソ不思議な人ねクロエ・プライス Kuso fushigina hito ne Kuroe Puraisu You're fucking mysterious, Chloe Price.
    Chloe: Uh…hella? Who says that? クソ不思議?何だそりゃ Kuso fushigi? Nanida sorya Fucking mysterious? What's that?
    Rachel: It's a Cali thing. いいでしょ Īdesho It's good.

    クソ kuso is explained further in /u/aburaNashi's post. Needless to say, it appears a lot. Not just in replacing the English word hella, but also in Chloe's nickname for David, which appears further down.

    BtS E1: Park / Victoria (SMS)

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Victoria: CHLOE PRICE クロエ・プライス Kuroe Puraisu Chloe Price
    Victoria: fluorine uraniam carbon potassium uranium??? フッ素、ウラン、炭素、カリウム、ウランですって? Fusso, uran, tanso, kariumu, uran de sutte? Fluorine, uranium, carbon, potassium, and uranium?
    Victoria: think I dont know that spells FUCKU on the periodic table???? 周期表で見ると「FUCKU」になるのを知らないとでも思った Shūki-hyō de miru to "FUCKU" ni naru no o shiranaito demo omotta You'd think I wouldn't know it was "FUCKU" when I looked at the periodic table.
    Victoria: I got in trouble for that. you CARBON URANIUM NITROGEN TIN おかげで怒られた。この炭素、ウラン、窒素、スズ Okage de okora reta. Kono tanso, uran, chisso, suzu I got in trouble for it. You carbon, uranium, nitrogen, tin
    Chloe: you called me a CUNSN CUNSNじゃ、言葉になってねえよ CUNSN ja, kotoba ni nattenē yo CUNSN is not a word.
    Victoria: huh? え? E? Huh?
    Chloe: tin is Sn スズはSn、Tにしたいならチタンとかだな Suzu wa Sn, T ni shitainara chitan tokada na Tin is Sn; if you want T, titanium or something like that.
    Victoria: FUCK YOU BITCH YOUR SO DEAD 覚えてなさいよ、ビッチ! Oboete nasai yo, bitchi! You better remember that, bitch!
    Chloe: you're そんな元素はないね Son'na genso wa nai ne There's no such element.

    The symbol for Titanium is Ti. There is no element whose symbol is T by itself. I suppose Chloe suggesting titanium as a replacement for tin in Victoria's insult, and then later stating there is no such element (whose symbol is T by itself) is another demonstration of Chloe's science smarts. Also, this conversation is text only; the Romanization is here for your convenience.

    BtS E1: Overlook

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Rachel: Wow, that was dark. 今のダークだね Ima no dākuda ne Now that's dark.
    Chloe: Too dark? やいすぎ? Yai sugi? Too much?
    Rachel: Perfect dark. いやカンペキ Iya kanpeki No, it's perfect.

    BtS E1: Picnickers

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: Look at all the time we've wasted already. This woman needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, stat. だ黙って見てたって時間の無駄だ今すぐ人工呼吸が必要だって Da damatte mite tatte jikan'nomudada ima sugu jinkō kokyū ga hitsuyō datte You're wasting your time, and I'm telling you she needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation right now.
    Rachel: Nnnnnnnooooo. やだあああああ… Yadāāā… Ooooooh, noooooo…
    Chloe: Yup, definitely needs mouth-to-mouth. うん絶対必要だな Un zettai hitsuyōda na Yeah, we're gonna need it.

    Just like in English, repeating letters are usually used to extend a sound. やだ by itself means "Oh, no," but adding several あs to it extends the final a sound considerably.

    BtS E2: Junkyard / Truck

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Rachel: You're going to need a new nickname to mark your enemy. What have you got? 敵には新しいあだ名が必要だ何がいい? Teki ni wa atarashī adana ga hitsuyōda nani ga ī? The enemy needs a new nickname, and what would it be?
    Chloe: He's a stepdouche because he's inserting himself where he doesn't belong. Also, he's a douche. クソオヤジ…でいいよクソでオヤジで親父面してくるしピッタリだ Kusooyaji…de ī yo kuso de oyaji de oyaji-men shite kurushi pittarida He's a shit-dad… because he's shitty, and he's a dad, so that's perfect.
    Rachel: Poetic. May I also suggest step ladder? いいねじゃあさタコオヤジはどう? Ī ne jā sa tako oyaji wa dō? How about Father Octopus?
    Chloe: Why step ladder? 何でタコオヤジ? Nani de tako oyaji? Why Father Octopus?
    Rachel: Because he climbs on your mom every night. 毎晩ママに吸いついてるから Maiban mama ni sui tsuiterukara He's sucking on your mom every night.
    Chloe: Ew! キモッ! Kimo~! Disgusting!
    Rachel: And pretty soon they'll be stepping down the aisle. そのままくっついて離れなくなるかもよ Sonomama kuttsuite hanarenaku naru kamo yo Maybe they'll stick together and never leave.
    Chloe: What the hell kind of therapist are you? これのどこがカウンセリング? Kore no doko ga kaunseringu? What part of this is counseling?
    Rachel: Sorry. It's called shock therapy. Highly controversial. これはショック療法って言ってね賛否があるの Kore wa shokku ryōhō tte itte ne sanpi ga aru no It's called shock therapy, and it has its pros and cons.

    Instead of step ladder, Rachel's suggests "Father Octopus" as a nickname for David, with an equally disgusting explanation. Isn't "Father Octopus" another video game?

    BtS E2: Dorms / Skip

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: Seriously, my uterus is on fire, dude. Is that… uh… descriptive enough? マジで腹が痛いんだけどもしかして…あんたそういうフェチがあんの? Majide hara ga itai ndakedo moshikashite… anta sōiu fechi ga an no? I'm seriously sick to my stomach, but maybe… you have a fetish like that?
    Skip: I don't wanna know about— そうじゃなくて! Sō janakute! It's not that!
    Chloe: En fuego utero, Skip! En fuego utero! お願いだスキップ…これ以上は子宮が… Onegaida sukippu… koreijō wa shikyū ga… Please, Skip, my uterus can't go on like this.

    We lose the Spanish here, but Chloe still mentions her uterus.

    BtS E2: Campus - Backstage / Dana

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: Hey, Dana. ようデーナ Yō dēna Yo, Dana.
    Dana: Did Doug dig David's garden, or did David dig Doug's? (continues repeating sentence) 武具馬具武具馬具三武具馬具合わせて武具馬具六武具馬具… Bugubagu bugubagu mibugubagu awasete bugubagumu bugubagu Armor Harness, Armor Harness, 3 Armor Harnesses Combined, Armor Harness 6 Armor Harnesses
    Chloe: Hell if I know. 何だそりゃ Nanida sorya What's that?
    Dana: Betty bought a bit of butter, but she found the butter bitter. (continues repeating sentence) 笑わば笑えわらわは笑われるいわれはないわい… Warawaba warae warawa wa warawa reru iware wa nai wai… Laughing is no laughing matter if there's no reason to be laughed at.
    Chloe: Sucks for Betty. ハハッウケる Haha~ uukeru Ha ha. Funny.
    Dana: Clueless, klutzy Chloe clumsily crowded careful creatives. (continues repeating sentence) 人の非は非とぞ憎みて非とすれど我が非は非とぞ知れど非とせず… Hito no hi wa hi to zo niku mite hi to suredo waga hi wa hi to zo shiredo hi to sezu… I hate my faults, but I know my faults, but they're not my fault…
    Chloe: Wait a second! 何かヤダな… Nanika Yadana… Something's wrong…

    Dana is seen repeating several tongue twisters to herself. In the English version, Dana is clearly annoyed at Chloe by the time Chloe tries to talk to her the third time. The phrase she repeats is not only a tongue twister of sorts, but also a message to Chloe, telling her to back off. This detail is lost in the Japanese translation.

    BtS E2: The Tempest

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Rachel: For but a little longer I beseech: continue in thy service to my schemes. And when they are complete, I swear to thee: we shall fly beyond this isle, the corners of the world our mere prologue. I'll seek to make thy happiness so great that e'en the name of liberty's forgot. What sayest thou to my most hopeful wish? 私の望みが叶うまであと少しだけ力を貸しておくれここに誓うすべてが終わったら——ともにこの島を出よう——世界をめぐるのは旅の序章「自由」という言葉も忘れるほどの最上の幸せを約束しよう私の想いに応えてくれるか? Watashi no nozomi ga kanau made ato sukoshidake-ryoku o kashite okure koko ni chikau subete ga owattara —— tomoni kono shima o deyou —— sekai o meguru no wa tabi no joshō "jiyū" to iu kotoba mo wasureru hodo no saijō no shiawase o yakusoku shiyou watashi no omoi ni kotaete kureru ka? Help me just a little while longer until I get what I want, and when it's all over, I swear to you, we'll leave this island together… a prelude to a journey through the world, and I promise you the greatest happiness I've ever known, even forgetting the word "freedom." Will you fulfill my desire?
    Woman in audience: Say yes! 応えてあげて! Kotaete agete! Respond to her!
    Chloe: Yes. はい Hai Yes.
    Rachel: I am most pleased. 感謝する Kansha suru I appreciate it.
    Rachel: Your duty, done for now. So go forth hence with haste! I've work to do. ではもう下がってよいぞさあ立ち去れ!私はやることがある Dewa mō sagatte yoi zo sā tachisare! Watashi wa yaru koto ga aru Then you may step back now and walk away! I've got work to do.

    The line that adds a bit of comedy to this touching moment between Chloe and Rachel is the woman in the audience shouting at Chloe. It might not be the same, but it still adds something.

    BtS E2: Amber House

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Rose: Chloe, was it? クロエだったわね? Kuroedatta wa ne? It's Chloe, right?
    Chloe: It was, but that was before I was suspended. Now it's "That-girl-who-used-to-go-here-what-was-her-name-again?" All one word. ええ停学になる前は「だった」ってのは「昔学校にいたあの子」って意味ですかね E e teigaku ni naru mae wa "datta" tte no wa "mukashi gakkō ni ita ano ko" tte imidesu ka ne Yeah, before I was suspended. Do you mean "that girl who used to be at school"?
    Rose: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring up any sore subjects. まあごめんなさいつらい話題を持ち出すつもりはなかったの Mā gomen'nasai tsurai wadai o mochidasu tsumori wa nakatta no Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up such a painful subject.
    Chloe: Who's sore? いえ別に Ie betsuni No, not particularly.

    BtS E2: Amber House / James

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: What's your vice, Mr. Amber? ところでフリンはいかがっすか? Tokorode furin wa ikagassu ka? By the way, how's the affair going?
    James: I'm sorry? 今何と? Ima nanto? What did you say?
    Chloe: Your wife wants to know what kind of drink you're having. ドリンクは何にするかおばさんが聞いてきてって Dorinku wa nani ni suru ka obasan ga kiite kite tte The lady asks you what you'd like to drink.
    James: Ah. Let's say…sherry. シェリーと言ってもらえるかな Sherī to itte moraeru ka na Sherry, I think you'll say.
    Chloe: Okay. One…two…three…sherry! はいよ1 2の3「シェリー」 Hai yo Ichi ni no san "sherī" Okay. One… two… three… "Sherry."
    James: Comical. 参ったね Maitta ne You got me.

    One of the things I like to do when watching someone on Twitch playing this scene, and this exchange comes up, is to type in chat, "Sherry" the moment Chloe says it. Good to see this joke made it through.

    The word play in Chloe's opening statement is between furin and dorinku, which sound similar. The wordplay is accentuated even further by writing furin in katakana (フリン) instead of using the kanji (不倫).

    BtS E2: Amber House / Dinner

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    James: Rachel, honey, whatever you saw or think you saw… I know it's hard, but I need you to trust me. レイチェル昨日見た…いや見たと思っていることは難しいだろうがパパを信じてくれ… Reicheru kinō mita… iya mita to omotte iru koto wa muzukashīdarouga papa o shinjite kure… Rachel, I know it's hard for you to believe that you saw it yesterday… or rather, that you thought you saw it, but trust me [Dad].
    Chloe: Think we saw?! Are you trying to gaslight us?! There's no thinking involved! We saw you locking lips with some other woman. 見たと思ってる?ごまかすんじゃねえよ!「思う」なんてレベルじゃないキス Mita to omotteru? Gomakasu n janē yo! "Omou" nante reberu janai kisu Think we saw it? Don't you dare play games with us! It's not an "I think" level kiss.

    BtS E3: Rachel's room

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Chloe: Makes sense that Rachel needs two signs to contain her awesomeness. I shall call her 'Lioncrab' from now on. レイチェルは獅子座と蟹座のハイブリッドかなんか合体したら強そうだ Reicheru wa shishi-za to Kaniza no haiburiddo ka nanka gattai shitara tsuyo-sōda Rachel's a Leo/Cancer hybrid or something, she's so strong.

    No cool nickname for Rachel when Chloe looks at the astrology chart, but at least the Leo/Cancer hybrid made it.

    BtS E3: Hospital / Mikey's room

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Mikey: Your crotch-punching abilities are second to none. 君の「股間攻撃」は最強だ Kimi no "kokan kōgeki" wa saikyōda Your "crotch attack" is the strongest.

    BtS E3: Amber House / James' Office

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Eliot: No? Just look where you are now. A highschool dropout, hanging out with criminals, and breaking into houses. It's crazy! It just as easily could've been you in that hospital today. If that ever happened… そう?考えてみなよ学校にも行かず犯罪者とつるんで不法侵入まで… どうかしてる!一歩間違ったら君が刺されてたかもしれないんだそんなことになったら… Sō? Kangaete mi na yo gakkō ni mo ikazu hanzai-sha to tsurunde fuhō shin'nyū made… dōka shi teru! Ippo machigattara kimi ga sasa re teta kamo shirenai nda son'na kotoni nattara… Really? Think about it, you don't go to school, you hang out with criminals, you break and enter… this is crazy! You could have been stabbed if you took one wrong step, and if that happened…
    Chloe: Dude, you know you sound a little stalker-ish right now? その…言ってることがストーカーみたいだぞ… Sono… itteru koto ga sutōkā mitaida zo… Well… you sound like a stalker…
    Eliot: Stalking is defined as repeated unwanted interactions. How long have my interactions been unwanted? ストーカーは嫌がる相手につきまとう奴だ君は僕のこと嫌がってたのか? Sutōkā wa iyagaru aite ni tsukimatō yatsuda kimi wa boku no koto iyagatteta no ka? Stalkers are the guys you hate. Do you hate me?

    In the English, Eliot somehow has the definition of the word stalker memorized to quote verbatim when accused of being a stalker. In the Japanese, Eliot just expresses an idea that Chloe doesn't like stalkers.

    Bonus: S1 E5: Phrases from the evil maze

    Art Gallery

    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Jefferson: Please understand, Max… The only place I can be "myselfie" is in the Dark Room… なんで分かってくれないんだ…僕が自分でいられたのは…あの「暗室」だけなんだ… Nande wakatte kurenai nda… boku ga jibun de i rareta no wa… ano "anshitsu" dakena nda… I don't know why you don't understand… the only place I've ever been myself… was in that Dark Room…

    The wordplay on "myselfie" seems to have been lost.


    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Warren: Max… Where are you? Max… Come out to play… Come out to play…! マックスどこにいるの?出ておいで…で一ておいで一 Makkusu doko ni iru no? Dete oide… Dēte oidē… Max, where are you? Come on out… Come on ooooouuuut…
    Warren: Ape, Ape, Ape… Who wants to "Go Ape"? Go Ape! Go Ape! Ape! Ape!!! 猿…猿…猿…「猿の惑星」見にいこうよ?いこうよ!いこうよ!猿見にいこうよ! Saru… saru… saru…"saru no wakusei" mi ni ikou yo? Ikou yo! Ikou yo! Saru mi ni ikou yo! Ape… ape… ape… let's go see "Planet of the Apes", shall we? Come on, let's go! Come on, let's go! Let's go see apes!

    Another way of extending a sound is shown here. Obviously not as long as Rachel's line when acting before the picnickers, but just enough to convey the creepiness of the nightmare scene Max is experiencing.


    English Japanese Romanization Translation
    Frank: Those were my beans, Max… Those were my fucking beans!!! 俺の豆…俺の豆をメチャクチャにしやがって!… Ore no mame… ore no mame o mechakucha ni shi ya gatte!… My beans… You ruined my beans!

    For once, Frank mentions his beans.

    Edits: Thanks to all who have made contributions so far.

    submitted by /u/Redbird9346
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    [ALL] what happens to Chloe in episode 5 at the end?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    This is like my 500 millionth question about this game but I have so many endless questions and my mind is going slightly crazy. Anyway, when Max chooses to sacrifice Chloe, Chloe will die in the original timeline, but what happens to that Chloe on the cliff? And does max jump into the photo? So she's no longer there on the cliff with Chloe? Can anyone explain? I guess no one knows for certain as we're only shown limited things. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lara10432
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