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    Sunday, May 10, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Together by Brakken

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Together by Brakken

    [NO SPOILERS] Together by Brakken

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I'm new the the Life is strange games and I thought a sub reddit based on the games would be the best place to ask for some opinions

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Ok, the Life is strange games are on sale for ps4 and I wonder if they're worth buying, is the story good for all 3 games and I would like to play games in canonical order, would I get a good experience playing the games in canonical order or should I start with the first game and end with before the storm the third game. And is the deluxe edition worth it for before the storm

    submitted by /u/GrilledCheeseCowboy1
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    [ALL] Cassidy by ChiseQO

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Max, never Maxine by Ochairo

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    [ALL] New Life Is Strange fan fiction list

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I finished LiS at the end of January last year and it touched me so much that I got what is referred to a PLiSD. To try and combat this, I started reading fan fictions, listening to the soundtrack and looking at pricefield fan art. So since then I have been compiling a list of all the fan fictions I have read so far (as well as data for people who like statistics like me), and after some encouragement from some friends, I have decided to share this list to the world.

    Here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16QtBJEtvV5a5DheR78x5AsoVA5b2DpXD1mq-x3lCFiA/edit?usp=sharing

    If you have any recommendations, feel free to message me and I'll take a look.

    submitted by /u/JackAshwell1
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    [ALL] I hope Season 3 returns to form.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Life Is Strange 2 was fun, but it didn't feel like Life Is Strange, y'know?

    The thing I loved about Season 1 is that it combined some of my favorite features, Drama, Murder Mysteries, and the Paranormal.
    But season 2 didn't have much of any of those, I mean, there was definitely drama, but most of it only lasted for 1 episode, and Dan's powers weren't all that important to the story, unlike Season 1 where Max's powers were the primary central arch.

    And the characters didn't last long enough to form a connection with, like, Brody was cool, but he barely had impact on the story; I really liked Finn, but I only got to kiss him once.

    And finally, Mystery, I hope Season 3 has more of a mystery to it, because that's what season 1 was to me, a paranormal mystery, and that's what I liked about it, that's really what I want back the most.

    Also, less real-world politics, when I'm trying to solve a mystery and control my powers, I don't want to hear about The Wall every 5 minutes.

    submitted by /u/Sox_The_Fox2002
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    [S2 E4] Today in Life is Strange History

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Wednesday, May 10, 2017:

    Sean drives towards Haven Point. Entry 91 of Sean's sketchbook reads:

    "So so hard to drive... Fucking miracle I haven't been in a wreck yet. Gonna pull over soon so I can rest. Driving in the dark with one eye is the absolute worst. Would feel a lot safer walking on the edge of the cliff on a moonless night."

    Tonight, Sean is accosted by Chad Michaels and Mike Wilson. Following depends on player's actions:

    "Racist dickheads beat the shit out of me because I wouldn't let them humiliate me. My whole body hurts. Stomach, lungs... but I don't care./Let racist dickheads humiliate me so they wouldn't beat the shit out of me. Hurts but I don't care.

    My only priority is Daniel. No more gas, gotta walk..."

    submitted by /u/alientraveller
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    [No Spoilers] What type of car would Chloe like?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Soon-ish, I plan on recreating her tattoo as a livery group in Forza and I intend to use it as part of a full wrap. The biggest issue I have come across (besides spending hours recreating a tattoo) is I'm not sure what she would like. I'm pretty sure she would actually have preferences (as opposed to Max, who I don't see caring at all), but obviously there's not really anything to go off of outside the truck and a dislike of step-douche's <insert generic muscle car>. I'm thinking older sports car but not a classic (1980s or 1990s), maybe American, but that's all I have. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Ubiystvo
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    [All] My Life is Strange: Before the Storm Experience

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    After my first post sharing my LiS experience, I decided to share my BtS experience as well and this time I did not wait a week to do so. I finished the game yesterday and it took a surprisingly long time for me to beat the game (I'll get to that later). This game was unique to me in a way, that in the end, it became a memorable experience. Probably it was the first game where I both really wanted to play the game but was dreaded to do so. On the one hand, I really was looking forward to playing as Chloe (and Max in Farewell) but I also knew that if it's anything like the 1st Season, this game going to leave emotionally devastated (which it most certainly did). So after finally gathering the courage to start the game and....that main menu music. That damn main menu music hit me so hard. Beautiful, sad, maybe a bit hopeful. So I've spent my first hour listening to this music. Then I once more managed to find the strength and started Episode 1. I loved it so much. I was a bit surprised by Chloe's new VA but got used to it very soon.

    One of my objectives was to actually "roleplay" as Chloe and not just control the character. It was a brand new experience for me to do, I have never done it before. Well, I unintentionally ended up doing with Max, but this time it was planned. It was a success for the most part anyway. There were 2 instances where the choices...took me out of the experience of being Chloe (I'll get to that later). But let's go chronologically. Rachel Ambers. I ended up really liking her. She was a wildcard but ended up working pretty well for me (for the most part). Being Chloe around Rachel was also a unique challenge because my perception of her was somewhat tainted by Season 1. I think Deck Nine did a good job here because it worked in the end (for the most part). So yeah, I love Rachel and her character but I still have some problems with her. She was definitely important in Chloe's life, probably saved her life (It's safe to assume that Chloe might have had some suicidal thoughts at this point in her life). And Chloe was also important in Rachel's life. Ultimately though, their relationship was not completely healthy. I wouldn't go as far as labelling it as toxic (I've seen a lot of posts that did that) but they certainly brought out each other's negative/destructive tendencies. In an ideal world, this relationship could have been perfect but in this game world, Max is Chloe's other half and vice versa. I really think that they brought the best out of each other (for the most part anyway). Case and Point: The San Fransico timeline where Chloe applied for the Bay City College, and Chloe made Max more confident. I'm not hating on Rachel or anything but to me, Max-Chloe just works better. I think even the game references this point in Chloe's dream (which I think not just a dream):

    • Fire blinds us, just like darkness. But darkness blinds with absence. With loss.
    • What does fire blind with?
    • Beauty. But sometimes, there's greater beauty yet to come. Fire is jealous, Chloe. It wants all the beauty for itself. That's why you need to be careful.
    • Careful of what?
    • Of getting burned.

    Deck Nine put a lot of subtle hints like these. I hope I didn't sound too harsh because as I said I loved Rachel and her character, I simply think that Max-Chole works better. This bring me to the first problem I had with the game, which was the junkyard scene: Friendship or Something More. My problem with this was that I thought it occurred way too soon for me to even consider it as a choice. If a choice like that occurred in Episode 3 I might have chosen Something More but at the moment I went with the Friendship option and I kinda glad I did. To me, in the first game that is, it felt like Chloe's love was ultimately unrequited. If they had something more than that...It just makes Rachel's action so much worse in season 1 in my eye. As I said, I love Rachel and her character. She and Chloe were two broken girls who met at the right time when they both needed someone. Their friendship and connection is/was/will be special.

    Moving on to the junkyard scene again. Chloe's breakdown was so heartbreaking....It almost broke me. One of the most devastating and emotional scenes in the game for sure. The ending of episode one made me question my theory about the storm. I'm somewhat sure that Rachel has powers (though I think she is/was unaware of those powers) and she might be more connected to Strom than I originally thought. Adding to that she played Prospera from the Tempest (a character who can make storms) and I'm pretty sure it was intentional from Deck Nine's part. The degree is said connection is unknown, if we are honest the whole storm-time travel thing is kind of a mess so who knows at this point. This brings us to Episode 2 which I really enjoyed and that's all. I loved the Tempest scene a lot.

    The point where Before the Storm became a unique experience starts with Episode 3. Or rather, me not wanting to play it because I knew that after that I had to play the Farewell episode and I knew that it was going to be heartbreaking. The other reason is that I knew that If I finish it, then that's it. No more 'new' content (=game) regarding two of my favorite characters. So I spent days looking at the main menu and not playing the game. Which brings us to yesterday: I saw a post that (ingame) Episode 3 occurred 10 years ago. I realized that this was a golden opportunity for me because finishing the game would also make this my 10th platinum trophy. I've never been so happy to get a platinum trophy like that before. This forever made Life is Strange a special game and experience for me.



    So as I mentioned in the beginning, there were 2 choices that took me out of the game. The second one occurred here when David offered the photo. I really felt sad for David and I really wanted to accept the photo. I stopped the game and started to think. Up until that point, I think I was mostly successful with making choices that Chloe would make but here for a moment I almost made the decision. It might sound a bit weird, this was the first occasion for me to roleplay like this so it's kinda hard to describe it. So after careful consideration, I refused the photo and I was happy with the dialogue because it wasn't an outright dickish answer but it was something that I think Chloe would have said. It also makes more sense in the long run to me. I checked the different endings and seeing the three of them hugging seemed unrealistic, especially considering how things end up being in Season 1. Also, seeing Chloe flip off David during the proposal was so goddamn hilarious that it was definitely worth it.

    The ending choice was also something that made me think a lot. Feeling conflicted like that, like Chloe was an amazing experience. I also like that just like in Season 1, the statistics are almost 50-50. I decided to tell Rachel the truth. The idea and concept of terrible truths are an interesting one. I think Chloe knowing how much Rachel hated being lied to, that how much she wanted a true, genuine friendship/connection, lies cannot be a part of something like that I think. This ultimately also makes Rachel's lies in Season 1 even more painful to Chloe (the other one would make Chloe a bit of a hypocrite imo). So all in all, I really enjoyed the story, the characters. It had a lot of memorable moments for me. The tabletop game was so amazing. I really loved that (though it does make me question where did these characters disappeared to). But the best of what Before the Storm could offer was yet to come.

    The Farewell episode....The episode I was dreaded to play....First things first, it was really fun being Max again. Once again, new to this roleplay thingy, but it felt like I was able to instantly find the connection with her again, like on an emotional level. Still amazed, how this game series managed to do that. I mean, no game has ever been able to put me into another character's emotional state like this before. It was fun, filled with sadness regarding the upcoming farewell and stuff. I really enjoyed it and it thought: "Okay, It was kinda sad sure but it was not too bad." And then Joyce entered the door and it completely, utterly broke me. It was intense, it was devastating, I cried so much, it was really, really fucking painful.

    Life is Strange and Before the Storm forever cemented themselves as my favorite game of all time. I would never have guessed how big of an effect this game series is going to have on me and my life. I picked up the guitar after 10+ years again, determined to learn to play every song in the game. I wrote two Reddit posts, which seems like a small thing but after like years of reading Reddit, this made me write and share something emotional personally like this. So yeah, I hella love these games. And now, I'm off to replaying Season 1 again, ready to be devastated once again before playing Captain Spirit and Season 2. I know LiS2 is...divisive to say the least. After Season 1 I read quite a lot of posts regarding it and I'm somewhat sad that it divided the fans this much. My only expectation and hope regarding LiS2 is that I hope I'll have a similar experience again. I hope that I'll be able to connect with the characters the sameish way I did with Chloe and Max. I hope that it's going to have the sameish emotional effect on me. I want to be as fair to the game as possible. I don't want to be blinded by the love I have for Max-Chloe. So yeah, I hope I'm going to get this, and If not...well I'm still going to have these two amazing games. Thanks for reading my yet another long rambling about LiS.

    submitted by /u/revishawke
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    [NO SPOILERS] ok second post I've download all of the Life is strange games and I can't find life is strange captain dpirit

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I've searched captain spirit, life is strange 2 and life is strange captain spirit

    submitted by /u/GrilledCheeseCowboy1
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    [NO SPOILERS] Sad Daniel by Lovisari

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    [ALL] It's been a while since I made a LiS music video

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    [no spoilers] Chloe Price in costume

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] An in-depth investigation into Deck Nine's new game!

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I posted here last year trying to figure out what Deck Nine's newest game was going to be, but I realized that I didn't have anywhere near enough evidence to figure anything out. Since then, however, a lot of new evidence has come out, and I think I might be closer to a definitive conclusion than I was before. You can skip to the bottom for my conclusion based on all of the current evidence.

    What we definitively know:

    1.) In 2018, Deck Nine announced that they were working on a new game with Square Enix (owners of the Life is Strange intellectual property.)

    2.) Deck Nine has started looking for more Quality Assurance testers, meaning that they are most likely approaching the end of their development cycle.

    3.) DontNod is currently working on Tell Me Why (Xbox Game Studios), Twin Mirror (Bandai Namco Entertainment), an unannounced "Project 8" (Focus Home Interactive), and an unannounced "Project 7" (Self-Owned IP). This means that they are not working on the next Life is Strange game with Square Enix as of right now.

    4.) Deck Nine's new game will be out on next gen platforms. They were one of the developers Microsoft announced they were working with for Xbox Series X games.

    These four points are the strongest evidence I have right now. From here on out, I will be listing the rest of the evidence that I have, with number 1 being what I am least confident about, and number 5 being what I am most confident about.

    Non-Definitive Evidence:

    1.) A recent YouTube video

    Take this with as much confidence as you'd like, but YouTuber Stop Me Oh recently posted a video stating that she had received info from two sources that a new Life is Strange game was in the works with Deck Nine, and that it would feature a new character, with a recurring character from BtS being present (she hinted at this being Steph.) While you may be apprehensive in believing a random YouTube video, I think that there is reason to believe her. Points #2 and #3 that I will list below corroborate some of this information.

    2.) A Deck Nine webinar

    In a recent webinar with Deck Nine Games and the Colorado Office of Film Television and Media, they show some photos of the game that they have in development. (I am almost certain that these photos come from this year, rather from than their BtS production cycle. This is because similar photos from their studio in February were recently posted on the Colorado Public Radio website -- I will discuss this in point 4. This article also mentioned the mocap actors being shown as present in Deck Nine's current game.) Anyway, at the timestap 22:00 of the aforementioned webinar, a scene entitled "Steph_ROM" is being recorded. This hints that the scene features Steph. It makes sense that Steph would return in the next game, as she isn't depicted in LiS 1, meaning she could have likely survived the storm (no matter what decision the player makes at the end of LiS 1.)

    3.) Rumors that I have heard

    I have personally heard rumors that corroborate the assertion made by Stop Me Oh in point 1. Specifically, I have heard that another Life is Strange game is being developed, that the protagonists will be a male and a female, and that a recurring character from BtS will be present. I have also heard that the protagonist will have a mind-reading power of some sort, and that they will be of Asian-American descent. I just threw this in here because I can personally vouch for these rumors. Feel free to ignore this point if you don't believe me.

    4.) Pictures on the Colorado Public Radio website

    Recently, Deck Nine was featured in an article with the Colorado Public Radio. There, they shared some photos that were really interesting. Both of the photos I am about to mention have EXIF data stating that they were taken in February 2020, meaning that they are from Deck Nine's new game. There is one photo which shows the exact same actors from the "Steph" scene I mentioned in point 2, proving that the scene mentioned there is definitely from their new game. More interestingly, there was another photo showing a developer at his desk, working on the new game. Analyzing this photo, it appears that he quickly pulled up a picture from BtS to cover up what he was working for. He didn't, however, cover up the notes that he had written across the desk. These provide some new insight into the game. One post-it talks about "Eye welling in Ep4_S4A". This can be interpreted to mean that someone's eye is welling in Episode 4, Scene 4A of the new game. More importantly, this confirms that the new game will have at least 4 episodes, unlike the three episodes of BtS. Another post-it note mentions three characters that I can make out -- Alex, Joel, and Gabe. I assume that two of the three will be the protagonists of the new game, with Alex being the male, and either Joel or Gabe being the female. In the background, part of the StoryForge software which Deck Nine uses can be seen, and there are many instances of the word "UsePower", seemingly confirming that the next game will have powers in them.

    5.) Casting Call by Deck Nine

    Recently, a casting call was put up by Deck Nine for a transwoman character, and a "troubled Asian family". It is not clear whether these two calls were related. Unfortunately, the website has since been taken down, but its contents have been summarized in the comments of this Reddit post.


    Based on the evidence that is currently present, I believe that Deck Nine is currently finishing and will reveal a new Life is Strange game this summer. It will feature Asian-American male and female protagonists (named Gabe/Joel and Alex, respectively). Steph from BtS will be present in the game. The game will be at least 4 episodes long. That is all that I can say solidly, without delving too much into inference and happenstance.

    If you have any other thoughts/evidence, please let me know in the comments (or send me a DM)! Please feel free to also ask any questions that you might have.

    I'm a huge LiS fan, and I'm just as excited for the next game as the rest of you guys. Still, please remember that most of this isn't confirmed, so it'd probably be best for us to keep our expectations in check until we get some sort of official announcement. Square Enix has recently been collecting surveys on Life is Strange 2, and they seem to be very receptive to the feedback the franchise has had. Regardless, I am confident that Deck Nine will do a great job on whatever comes next.

    Edit: Square Enix is attending the IGN Summer of Games event in June, so I'd say that if they did have anything to reveal, there's a pretty strong chance it'd be there.

    submitted by /u/lifeishellastrange01
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    [ALL] Are there beans in Life is Strange 2?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    [ALL] Are there beans in Life is Strange 2?

    I'm sure many of you remember this delightful line from the original Life is Strange:

    A classic

    I've just played through the entirety of Life is Strange 2 and I have to say, after scouring this game, I was unable to locate any beans. This is surprising given the many logical scenarios in which beans could have occurred and the myriad searchable food items in each episode. I can't think of any good reason why the developers may have been trying to avoid a bean reference, but perhaps this was the case. If so, they have succeeded in creating perhaps the scariest thing of all: a beanless world.

    I find it hard to believe that the gamemakers would purposely try to avoid reference to beans. But it doesn't make sense given the camping/roadtrip storyline of LiS2 for beans to literally never show up at all even as a background item. If anyone has found a can of beans in this game that I missed, please let me know so we can solve this bizarre conundrum.

    submitted by /u/econs99
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    [S2 E5] Possible plot hole or something I missed?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if I've missed something or if it's a plot point but maybe someone else knows, so here goes.

    In the ending with Sean going away to live in Puerto Lobos and Daniel living with his grandparents, we see that he has an ankle bracelet thingie to indicate that he's on house arrest. However, before that when we see photos of Daniel sent (to Sean for Christmas etc I assume) we see that there's a picture of Daniel and Karen.

    I know that Karen made up with her parents (at least enough to talk on the phone with her mom), so there's a possibility that Karen visited, but I'm not 100% convinced, it doesn't look like the Reynolds' backyard to me.

    What are your thoughts about this? Is it a plot point? Did Karen visit her parents and son? Did Daniel visit his mom somehow?

    submitted by /u/withadreamer
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    [NO SPOILERS] Sean and Daniel cover drawing.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Sean and Daniel cover drawing.

    Hi guys, I've drawn today Sean and Daniel from cover art with aquarelle pencils. Hope you'll like it!


    submitted by /u/Liptonkus
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