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    Tuesday, July 28, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Max Caulfield

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Max Caulfield

    [NO SPOILERS] Max Caulfield

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Made a fanart of Chloe and Max

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] S1 E4 Dark Room 5th Anniversary. - Fanart by Sayroo.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe, Max and Rachel by Angel Moonlight

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    [S1] Has anyone else read Max's journal besides Max herself?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    This post is spoiler-heavy, so be warned.

    We all know that after Max got captured by Jefferson into the Dark Room, he took away her possessions as well, such as her phone, her journal, etc. Is it possible that Jefferson know about her rewind power by reading her journal? If so, why does he still tell Max about his motivations and what happened to Nathan, etc? I think that, at the very least, he's snooped through a bit to find the torn photo for the contest and then burned it. Anyone else has any theory on this?

    submitted by /u/sack0fd3mon
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    [NO SPOILERS] Discussion for those who hated Life is Strange 2: Besides "everything", what are the reasons why you despise the game entirely and what would you like to see it improve to the next installment?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I truly understand some were either turned off or leave some sour taste especially back when they've announce the trailer for Life is Strange 2 that some on the comments on either YouTube or here on Reddit hated the sequel mainly, because of the protagonist from LiS hasn't returned, despite that DONTNOD had already reported that Max and Chloe will not be returning on the sequel and they want to have a fresh new start.

    And I truly understand that. But we don't have to blame DONTNOD for that because they had a good point and for a good reason, mainly because they don't want to serve the game as a cash-cow and take advantage of it. They want the existing franchise to have something fresh, they wanted to do the same as what Square Enix did on Final Fantasy, that they have hits or misses depending on what they wanted on that franchise and listening to the fan reactions. But, at least, give them a chance to redeem themselves for the better game.

    For me, Life is Strange 2 is a great game. I've already mentioned it before, and I would say it again. Listening to the feedback that says "this game sucks because there's no Chloe or Max" this and that is just their opinion and I wanted to try it for myself to see if they still had the charm like the first one or if they improved everything about it. And they did improve it, from linear endings, to even adding more varieties of endings than what was it shown on LiS2. Heck, Daniel's mechanic to either spoil him or teach him to become a better person is also a great addition to the game too. Plus, the setting is become massive as we had ourselves to see the settings much bigger as we saw Sean and Daniel went from Washington to (determinant) Puerto Lobos. And a great character development has being put into the storyline depending on what choices you've made.

    Overall, it's not a big dissatisfaction to me. Yeah, it doesn't made me cry like LiS did. But, this game thought me about being, not just a good father one day, but to be a good influence, no matter how bad the situation is.

    So yeah, it's just my opinion and it deserves a chance to play it for those who haven't yet. But, hey, I wanted to know why you hated it. Don't worry, I won't be biased and I'll be reading it whatever bugs you in this game.

    submitted by /u/Hachiman-Hikigaya
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    [NO SPOILERS] Made a playlist inspired by the Vortex Club party. Enjoy :)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Trophy unlocked: all LIS 1 Books :)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    [ALL] Max's fate

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    Well, i hope mods don't delete my post again even after tagging it with a spoiler alert so here we go again...

    Hi, sorry if this was already asked, but i was just wondering what happens to Max after you sacrifice Chloe. I mean, i know that if you sacrifice the Bay, Chloe and Max go to New York and try to find a life there as David's call let's see in LiS2. But if you sacrifice Chloe, in the same call David only talks about Joyce and previously he talks about the Bay, but nothing about Max.

    In Life is Strange, the only reason i sacrificed the Bay was that it wasn't me dealing with the consequences of the choice but it was Max, and i was worrying about how she would take it or if she could take it at all (maybe she was going to kill herself after that or some shit).

    I feel weird overthinking that way just for a fictional character but the game hitted me pretty hard and close (even when, thankfully, i didn't experience irl all the problems as the characters did in the game) so i wanted to know what happens to Max after Chloe's death. Thanks for taking time to read this!

    submitted by /u/qaj3311
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    [S1] Can somebody explain Polarized to me?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Ever since I first played season 1 about a year ago, I've always been puzzled by 3 sections from the 1st half of Polarized that have never sat with me well when trying to explain them to myself and just felt like major plotholes. So, I figured maybe someone could clear these up for me.

    -- The 1st problem I have is where max goes back in time to the day in Jeffersons class in E1 in order to prevent Chloe from being killed and prevent her from being in the dark room. What I don't understand is why does max turn in the photo at all to Jefferson? All max needed to really do was warn David and she was set. Sure, this allows her to go to SF but this doesn't really seem to help the narrative at all other than later putting the storm into perspective for max when she realizes it still exists later on in the Zeitgest gallery. Now, if you chose to wait before handing in the photo and linger in the lab, max has some thinking dialogue that could resolve the reasoning for this issue, but none of her reasons really make all that sense to me given what's happening in the story.

    The following quotes Max says (along the lines of) if you do:

    "I'd be the last photo he'd ever judge" - Okay...but what if he does chose it. Then what?

    "Shouldn't mess with time and space" - From her experience though, she should know that it would.

    "...and then we'd all have our happy ending" - I don't get how this descision would impact the narrative. It gives Max a break from everything, but what does this do for the story of the storm and Chloe?

    Another guess I have towards this is that the focus only ends when Max fixes something specific from within the boundaries. But I feel this is more-so the game itself, not the mechanic.

    -- Secondly, after the ZG gallery and max goes back in time to rip the photo she submitted, it's discovered by Jefferson and burned (in the timestream montage), which resets the timeline back. But if max was going back in time in the reality where she warned David, how does reset the timeline back to its original state? The photo she submits doesn't affect her warning David at all, it just stops her from going to SF. The selfie photo Max takes in E1 is what should/is affecting this outcome. And unless it is that photo that causes the "reset" when Jefferson burned the diary (it was inside it as well), I don't understand why at all that that is the outcome of reality.

    -- Lastly, how does David find out about the Dark room and Max if he's kicked out the house in E3? I know that (if he stays I believe) he says he discovered their work in chloe's room, but if joyce told him not to be back when she got home that night, how would david have even discovered this assuming the timeline reset and max never warned him in the 1st place?

    Anyway, those are just some of the burning questions I have over E5, I actually thought it was excellent other than these problems I noticed, and if somebody could help me figure out why all this happens, it really would help me fully appreciate this game.


    submitted by /u/rockforever0919
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    [S2] Myers Briggs personality and ending preference

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    Hey everyone.

    Just thought it would be fun to do an informal little experiment seeing if your Myers Briggs personality type has any correlation with your initial and preferred ending in life is strange 2.

    So let me know your Myers Brigg type, test can be taken here: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

    your initial ending when you first played through the game.

    and your preferred ending.

    My answers:


    Redemption and Redemption

    Next Tuesday (August 4th) I will put results into a spreadsheet and see if there is any correlation.

    submitted by /u/Feral_Lynx7
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life is strange Comics

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Hey! Just wanted to ask in which websites can I read these Comics?

    submitted by /u/tekahaimpel
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    [NO SPOILERS] does lis bts limited edition come with dynamic theme

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Just want the theme

    submitted by /u/Itsbrad12
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    [NO SPOILERS] Some cool lines for the voice actors

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    I'd honestly really love to hear the voice actors for either Chloe and Max or Chloe and Rachel do this one scene out of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The scene involves a pretty central part of Chloe's character in the loss of someone close. I included an excerpt from the aforementioned scene as an example.

    S6E04 "Orders" (2014)

    Captain Rex: [Going to Fives after he was shot in the chest] Fives, brother. Call for help! We need a medic!

    Fives: Rex...

    Captain Rex: Fives...

    Fives: This, it's... it's bigger than any of us... than anything I could have imagined... I never meant to... I only wanted to do my duty...

    Captain Rex: Brother, Fives. Stay with me Fives! Fives!

    Fives: The mission... the nightmares... they're... finally... over...

    [Fives dies]

    Captain Rex: Fives! No, Fives! Come on, Fives. Don't go, stay with me, stay with me! Fives! Fives! Don't go... Oh... Oh no...

    submitted by /u/poizunman206
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