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    Thursday, October 29, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] I got my Max Caulfield collector’s plush today! :D

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] I got my Max Caulfield collector’s plush today! :D

    [No Spoilers] I got my Max Caulfield collector’s plush today! :D

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price cosplay by me �� twitch:KATEVITAMIN

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I tried drawing Chloe as well :D Thank you so much for the comments and upvotes on my Max drawing!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price cosplay by me�� twitch: KATEVITAMIN

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] So I tried cosplaying Max

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    [No spoilers] My Chloe Price cosplay! HDM plushie made by me o3o

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    [All] My LiS(/Pricefield) fanfics!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Haven't been on Reddit in a while, but I joined a discord and people told me the LiS reddit is quite active. Pricefield sucked me back in and I need to share my love for this game and its characters <3

    This link takes you to all my LiS fics! Some are rated Explicit/NSFW, those are all rated and tagged accordingly. So far they're all Pricefield fics, but I have a Pricerichfield fic in the works now, too. Also have a Jonerich (StephxCassidy) fic planned o3o

    My LiS fanfics

    submitted by /u/Nightworldlove
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    [ALL] Frank’s client book

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    I am so manyyy years late to realize this, but why didn't Max just take the book from Frank IF Chloe killed him, and just rewind like they were never there? They would never have to deal with Frank and they would easily get the info. Same with getting Nathan's phone.

    submitted by /u/tequila-la
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    [NO SPOILERS] Keeping my markers in a good place!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    [S1] I finished the game for the first time, it's absolutely breathtaking and unbelievable..

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I'm new to this subreddit. I bought LIS1 & 2 during sales, but I haven't bought Before The Storm yet since it doesn't have discount with others. I think I'm likely to buy and play it in this upcoming weekend anyway, so no spoilers for LIS2 & Before the Storm please.

    Characters in this game are well-written and relatable (especially the kids at the academy). Some school kids were bullied, had difficulties to make friends, being outcasted; meanwhile the bullies or popular ones seem look tough from their outside, but their inside can be soft, fragile and insecure like others. Troubled behaviors usually came from troubled pasts, unstable relationship with their family members, etc. David firstly appeared as an adult bully due to his hardened soldier personality, but he also showed his soft side while not knowing how to express it.

    The story setting is simple that set in a Arcadia Bay. Max is given with a power that can be used to resolve events that happened in the Bay. Disappearance of Rachel Amber is an exciting mystery that I have to pay attention to every detail to solve the clues. Decisions in this game are all extremely tough to be made as they greatly impact the story future on. Examining objects can also greatly assist when talking to other characters (e.g Frank, Kate) or backfire if select the wrong option.

    In other singleplayer games, there're also dreamy/hallucination scenes but I think Dontnod Entertainment did an outstanding job for the Nightmare scene. Beating the game feels accomplished but it still feels hollow inside as both endings are all bittersweet.

    submitted by /u/Drunken_Queen
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    [NO SPOILERS] A Howl In The Night. - Fanart by Jeekwat.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] A Q+A Sequel? Don't mind if I do��

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    The Q+A was a blast to do. Had a few comments giving compliments✌ I am going to do a Q+A every Thursday as I loved it. Give me any Life Is Strange questions down below and they'll be used.

    submitted by /u/ChloePriceFan
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    [S2] Ruthless Wolf. - Fanart by TheArtofBabayaga.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] app keeps crashing

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    does anyone know how to fix the app crashing for the first life is strange? i have a iphone 6s and it keeps crashing in the beginning, on the loading screen. i freed up a few gb of storage and it still does it.

    submitted by /u/jocelynturner
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    [NO SPOILERS] chloe price in pubg. kinda looks like her

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    [S1] Life is Strange season 1 survey results... at last!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    [S1] Life is Strange season 1 survey results... at last!

    Hi everyone, it's been too long--WAY too long-- since I posted a survey about Life is Strange season 1 here, hoping to write an academic paper about the game. I should have posted the results sooner (let's just say the last three years have been... complicated). And the paper itself is still looking for an academic journal because initial plans fell short, so... I decided it was time to share some of the results with you!


    Thanks to everyone that participated in the survey (n=799), I was able to get a good look at how you (meaning, people who participated after finding the link on r/lifeisstrange) reacted to the various choices throughout season one. I was more than surprised at how much of your experiences you shared--thank you so much for that--and I'm still in the process of running word analysis to better understand all that data from a qualitative point of view. But here are the raw numbers.

    First, on those 799 users, 68% declared their gender as "Man", and 16% as "Woman" (with the other 16% as either "no answer", or "other" (today I would probably ask the question differently to let people type in their answer). As for age, more than 25% under 20, another 50% between 20 and 30: a very young sample!

    Now, the big question:


    This is coherent with the numbers provided by the game (it was around 46% BAE, 54% BAY at the time). What's interesting is that almost 9% tried both endings right away (which was also what I did on my first run). Other users described how they were frustated with the ending they chose, which was confirmed with another question:


    Indeed, only 59% felt satisfied, with many players describing the difficulty to accept their choice. The "Trolley Problem" vibe is strong with this one, as Youtube channel The Game Theorists described when studying the final choice--except their sample gave off a weird result, 71,9% BAE, probably because they asked "what would you do" (what do you think is the best choice) as opposed to "what did you do on your first playthrough". Some players also described trying to do what Max would do as opposed to what they would do; others went back and tried to save as much inhabitants of Arcadia Bay as possible in order to feel better when choosing Bae over Bay.

    Apparently, most of the sample wasn't influenced by the statistics from other players (67% were just curious, only 12% thought comparing choices is part of the experience).

    [Content warning: Kate's storyline]


    Another intriguing result: 64,9% managed to save Kate during their first run on Episode 2. At least twenty users declared they reloaded the game or looked online to learn how to save her. What about you? Did you cheat? This is one point I should have analyzed further: was saving Kate treated as an achievement, a "perfect" game, or was it the product of empathy for the character? This may be a complex question, as some players admitting they cheated said they did so because they cared about her, not about a "perfect" game. I also tried comparing the results with results from the first question (Bae or Bay), but nothing conclusive yet. [end of CW]

    Since we're talking about content warnings, players within the sample had many different feeling about whether the game should have displayed more obvious trigger warnings than what was already in place (for later episodes especially, and on the website):


    The workshop in which I initially talked about the game and presented preliminary results was focused on ethics within works of fiction. It turns out, in the case of this sample, the difficult issues adressed by the game were perceived as the number one reason Life is Strange felt so realistic, with the consequences of choices and the cultural references ranked #2 and #3. Most of the sample (more than 550 users) felt it was also what made the game an intimate and unique experience. This is interesting, considering how much narrative-driven games nowadays put an emphasis on ethical choices, and yet how much videogames still have to learn when depicting those (think about the somewhat Manichean morality system of earlier Mass Effect for example).

    This is already a very long post, but I could finish with a qualitative feedback on everything users shared. So far, I isolated a few trends, all linked to the power--and the limits--of fiction: can it change our worldviews? Can it have an impact on our lives?

    Many users explained the game allowed them to ask questions about themselves and others, whether it's about the LGBT+ community or the importance of friendship. These comments came from people directly impacted by the questions raised by the game (with a focus on the representation of "non-sexualized woman/woman relationships" for example), but also from people that felt the game may not have targeted them, and yet still enjoyed it, sometimes reporting life-changing effects (like "curing homophobia"). Many users described how the game helped them during a tough time, like coping with depression or reexamining your gender identity/sexual orientation. I was amazed at the various and profound impacts users attributed in part to the game.

    Of course, they knew it was fiction, and some users reported the game did not felt subtle when tackling certain issues, but overall, the feedback was very positive. It allowed me to link Life is Strange to "expressive games", "which encourages players to experience various ethical and moral choices, allowing them to understand the consequences of those choices" according to a colleague of mine at Université de Lorraine. Even with its science fictional plot and the illusion of choice (the serialized structure forces the plot to go to necessary, standardized checkpoints), this is the kind of game that allows players to experience ethical choices. It's one thing to experience it on your own; it's another to know, with certainty, that it had a huge impact on many other players!

    Here ends this post, don't hesitate if you want to know more, this is still a work in progress, as I will have to remodulate the way I treat the data in the hopes I can rewrite the paper!

    submitted by /u/Rasebelune
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    [ALL] What's my take on Rachel and Her Attitude? Do I think they're any healthy relationships in the LIS Games? I answer questions like this in the first ever StraightEdge Q+A.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    [S1 E4] Made a song inspired by the 4th Episode of Life is strange

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

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