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    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] I got these for Christmas and absolutely loved them. Can't wait for Part 4 to come out

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] I got these for Christmas and absolutely loved them. Can't wait for Part 4 to come out

    [No Spoilers] I got these for Christmas and absolutely loved them. Can't wait for Part 4 to come out

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:35 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life needs a little mystery by Charles Deroo

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:51 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] "Photobomb!" "Photo-Hog!"

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:42 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Quickie: Even angels need to blink (by me)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:04 AM PST

    [ALL] Looking for new fics with mainly/only focused AmberField relationship.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:52 AM PST


    I am looking for new fics to read about Max & Rachel.

    Ideally without trio AmberPriceField - if it is, then at least deeper relationship development for M&R.

    Fics I have read and really enjoyed:

    • Ambers Anonymous series - AmberField
    • Defy Fate - AmberPriceField but Max & Rachel are stuck with each other for half a year without Chloe which was really enjoyable.
    submitted by /u/Chevalire
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    [ALL] Which game would you rather

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    [S1 E3] & [BtS EB] Farewell and S1 Ep3

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:15 AM PST

    So, I finally played Before the Storm and the first Life is Strange. My friend suggested me to start with Before the Storm and with the Farewell episode. I finished the whole BtS and started immediately the first game. I got to the end of Ep3 (when Max travels back through the Polaroid picture) and I noticed, the two parts are not lining up. I mean Farewell and the LiS EP 3s end takes place on the same day and, the events in both "episodes" are a little bit different.

    Is there any particular reason why the timeline and the events are not lining up totally?

    I noticed the 2 games are made by 2 different developers and on 2 different game engines.

    submitted by /u/Itosz
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    [ALL] What would yall feel about playing Rachel in a Life is Strange game

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:28 PM PST

    I know alot of people feel like she's only real likeable cause you're playing as Chloe, but what if we got to play through as Rachel and see how her mind really works.

    submitted by /u/KounterKombatant
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    [ALL] Why the Tempest in Before the Storm Does Not Payoff

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Life is Strange: Before the Storm only has three episodes, so it's not that hard to pick out where the highlights of the game are. Most people seem to say the best part of the game lies in Episode 2: Brave New World. Of course, the scene in question is the school performance of the play, The Tempest. I never fully understood why people say this. Because to me, it may be the most underwhelming scene in the game as well as a scene whose "romantic" payoff is completely undeserved.

    I think when speaking about Before the Storm we have to note the time in which it takes place. The game primarily takes place from May 7th, 2010 to May 9th, 2010. The intro to the game's opening takes place the late night of May 6th, 2010 but because it's only for what we can assume is a couple hours, I'm not going to factor it in too well. The fact that the game takes place over three consecutive days is obviously an attempt to mirror the first game taking place over the course of a week. But this inherently causes a flaw for the play and its payoff between Rachel and Chloe.

    The play takes place on May 8th, so basically one day after Chloe and Rachel met. Think about that for a second. It's basically only been a day since these two met, and Rachel has managed to lure Chloe into what is essentially a public declaration of love between the two. I just don't get why people think this is emotionally filled or has the romantic payoff everyone claims it has. The two barely know each other and the first day they have known each other was Rachel lying to Chloe to get her to do something. When the two have their kiss on the street, it's an undeserved moment because there's barely anything built between the two girls.

    Let's take a look back at the original Life is Strange for a moment. Why do the moments between Max and Chloe succeed and pay off, while the ones between Chloe and Rachel aren't? Well we have to look at episode totals. Two extra episodes allow for more development to occur between Max and Chloe, so when something romantic does occur between them it feels like a natural development and payoff between the two. More importantly, Max and Chloe have nearly an entire childhood history together. By making sure that these two have history together, it allows for the development of their relationship to feel much more real. When you place that together with the hell-like week the two experience together, all of the moments between Max and Chloe are deserved. Despite only taking place over five days, because their overall loving declarative moment is at the end of the game it all feels better and fits in more.

    Before the Storm only has three episodes. Meaning the play is the climax of the penultimate episode. And even by then, we basically know nothing about the ongoing story. The only thing we have is a handful of scenes between Rachel and Chloe meeting for the first time and essentially hanging out for the first time as well. This is immediately followed by a declaration of love which comes out of nowhere. It's leading the player on because from the mind of the player, we know there's only one more episode left. And this feels like the type of thing that would come at the end of the second act of a story. But when you sit down and think, you realize that these two barely know each other. But the game has managed to convince the player that these two have the same inherent bond and history that Max and Chloe have, when in reality Rachel and Chloe lack that bond.

    The play lacks emotional weight, as well as the coming kiss because there's really nothing to their relationship in the slightest. It's why I still believe that the emotional height of the game is Chloe's meltdown in the junkyard during Awake. There's true emotion and reason for her meltdown, where all bets are off and she just can't be consoled. It's a part of her already established character that Chloe has severe issues with abandonment, and after seeing through Rachel's guise for a moment, she breaks down until she eventually passes out and leads into a dream with William. The importance of those two scenes cannot be understated, because for a moment the game gains ground to have the same emotional weight as the original game.

    When we think about Brave New World, and while people consider it the best episode, why is that? Most people point to the play scene and the immediate street scene that follows. To me, it's a hollow moment. Rachel and Chloe kiss, but there's no feeling behind it. There's no meaning to it. It's an exchange. Rachel wants Chloe to run away with her, and Chloe says yes in exchange for a kiss. Rachel gives it to her in order to complete this exchange, knowing that Chloe is running off the high of the play and is therefore more susceptible to what Rachel asks of her. To me, the emotional moment doesn't work because it's not about an actual relationship but rather a transaction. You do this for me, and I'll do this for you.

    With a lack of an actual bond and no real history between the two of them, the entire declaration of love and wistfully wishing to run away from town in front of an audience really does make it seem more empty than anything else. It exists to be an emotion filled moment without the build up to actually make it FEEL like one. Rachel and Chloe are not best friends with an entire history behind them. No, they are two girls who met a day ago because one of them really wanted to ditch school to see if her dad was cheating on her mom. She withheld this information from the other girl, proceeded to get drunk, and then rant at the other one until she had a complete emotional meltdown that had her pass out in the wreckage of her dead father's car. All because she didn't bother to tell the truth. That was the entire day one of their relationship.

    There is no emotional weight to the performance of The Tempest. It simply just doesn't exist. It utilizes clever tricks like emotional music cues and foreknowledge that the game is almost over to make it seem like there is. It lacks any real payoff because these two characters barely know each other and barely have a relationship with one another. The payoff is undeserved because there is no build up to this moment to begin with.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [ALL] folks, i present to you my episode 1 gameplay of the first Life Is Strange

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 06:30 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe is a natural born thrill seeker. She's become a legend in the punk world with her style. Here's the 2nd version of 'Arcadia Anarchist'.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 04:15 PM PST

    [ALL] Unpopular opinion poll

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    Some of my less than popular opinions. Which do you agree with the most?!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Weeeeee711
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