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    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Happy New Year!

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Happy New Year!

    [NO SPOILERS] Happy New Year!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:18 AM PST

    [ALL] Just a drawing of Chloe that I did a while ago

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:27 AM PST

    [ALL] The smile she's found by Brakken

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Max's room lighting test.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:18 PM PST

    [ALL] post game depression and writing here to relieve myself i guess

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:10 AM PST

    So I first finished Life is Strange a couple years back and didn't think too much of it then. It was a good game but my rig was sort of low end at that time and booting Life is Strange would heat up my PC way high. I just skipped the unnecessary interactions and quickly go through the story. I didn't take time to enjoy the atmosphere the game was creating. For me it was a good game but didn't give a lasting impression.

    Recently I got a new PC, a powerful one. While browsing my steam library to find which games I should install first, I remembered I had life is strange and never actually got to enjoy it. I installed it back and bought Before The Storm too. I figured I should play BTS first since I vaguely remember LIS. Boy was it an excellent game. Playing as Chloe Price was a fun experience since I too had an edgy/angst phase. I kept thinking, damn, Chloe is hella cringey, like me some time ago. Made me smile all the way through the game cus I do relate to her. But then came along Rachel Amber and I think I remember her being dead in the first game so I didn't think too much of her but as the game progresses and the bond between Chloe and Rachel grows, I started to feel sad, like really sad knowing this character I like will meet a horrible death. After finishing BTS I got hit by that post game depression. I thought about alot of things, from getting sudden wanderlust to thinking couldn't Rachel not die?

    To rid myself of those thoughts I played LIS again to experience one more time. It was nice to play as Max again, a girl with not as much troubles growing up, well atleast before she got her powers. Since I already know most of the stuff I went through the game easily but when Max meets the other Chloe, oh boy, tears started to fall like crazy. And that scene where Rachel's body was found hits different now that I've played as Chloe. Sad to say that did not help at all.

    For some reason I played Farewell last and...yeah did not go well.

    My very last attempt was to read the comics. It's cool to see the continuation of one of the endings. The new characters were also nice, especially Tristan. But during the earlier volumes, seeing as how Rachel lived in the AU, and how she is now an up and coming actress made me even more sad for the main Rachel. How would her live go on had she lived. Had Jefferson not come. Maybe she'll survive the storm. Maybe there will be no storm.

    idk anyway i just wrote here to throw up whatever was in my head and to rid the last bit of depression I had left.

    submitted by /u/Psaykho
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    [ALL] Just found this, and it's really hard to listen to. Give it a listen.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:40 PM PST

    [ALL] How different would be Life is Strange if David Cage would have wrote it?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:20 PM PST

    What the title says.

    submitted by /u/Bowerrick
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