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    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Snowy Day. - Fanart by NortOnFlames.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Snowy Day. - Fanart by NortOnFlames.

    [NO SPOILERS] Snowy Day. - Fanart by NortOnFlames.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:31 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price cosplay by MityaDemitsky

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:55 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] Beautiful Artwork by Veronica Fish

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:07 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Chris appreciation post. The sweetest little boy that must be protected at all costs

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:34 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Max and Kate selfie by DennGrn

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    [ALL] Why didn’t you like LIS 2?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:38 AM PST

    If you played LIS 2, why didn't you enjoy it?

    I recently just finished the second game, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I feel neutral, and the pros and cons even each other out. I like that the game is more realistic and diverse, and the people in the world feel like real human beings, not just characters who are given dialogue. The world is beautiful, and the graphics are way better, although I still like how aesthetic LIS 1 was. I didn't really connect with Sean or Daniel that much, and I think the voice acting for the two characters wasn't impressive. Every time I heard Sean's voice, it made me think of his voice actor in a booth just reading the lines that he was given. Daniel was a tiny bit better in emotional scenes, but it wasn't anything special. I also don't like that Sean barely made any decisions for himself even though we are controlling him, but I understand why because every choice is made to teach Daniel a lesson, but Daniel's powers are also needed to move the plot, which isn't a bad thing, but I feel like there should've been something else to keep me going (I'm not sure how to explain this). I know Daniel is a kid, but he's so bratty that it annoys me. I was a terrible brother and got the worst ending because I had the "kill everyone or they'll end up hurting us" mindset, so it makes sense that Sean dies after I told Daniel to give up and surrender after telling him to always use his powers so we could go to Mexico, only to end up denying his wishes and feeling like he put in all this effort of this in effort for nothing. I got the ending I deserved, but it still feels like the ending fell flat? Every episode before 5 felt like the perfect length, but at the same time, it makes sense that 5 is the shortest episode because you finally get to Mexico, but you're fucked by the police.

    I also felt like I was playing the game just to finish it, not because I was enjoying it. In LIS 1, I took maybe a 1 or 2 day break between each episode, then took maybe a little bit longer than a week to finish episode 5. Maybe this is just my problem. I enjoyed the game, but I didn't feel connected enough to care about certain cliffhangers.

    Overall, the story feels cohesive, but at the same time, disjointed because of the road trip aspect of the game. LIS 2 brought new and different themes to the franchise, and I'm glad they're trying something new. I don't know if I'll play the next game if there is one because I still relate more to the first game and like stories about teens in high school more, and LIS 2 was just very...different, in a good way ofc.

    I just want to know how you guys feel about the game. I'm having a hard time figuring out anything that people really didn't like about this game, and I'm just really curious because a lot of people cried about the problems of the first game (ex. choices not actually having consequences with a static ending, then LIS 2 fixes that and I guess no one is really crying anymore?), but disappeared when this game came out.

    TLDR: Did you like LIS 2? If not, why? The characters were diverse, the world felt realistic, and the graphics were better, but Daniel is annoying brat who is there with powers for the sake of the plot, and the endings fell flat for me.

    submitted by /u/Selcooth
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    [NO SPOILERS] Chasemarsh by Nikodere

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:58 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] The most punchable face in the LIS universe.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:39 PM PST

    [ALL] Where can I read the comic "Strings"?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Hey I've recently finished the first game and it was breathtaking.

    So after that I decided to chose Chloe over Arcadia, I read in some post here that there are a series of 3 comics that take place after the universe that I choose.

    Either way I chose it not, im really interested in everything that involves this game and im currently playing BtS.

    I already read "Dust" and "Waves" in my main language (spanish), but I cant find "Strings" (the last one) anywhere, not even in english. Help pls and thx in advance

    Sry for wrong flair I couldnt find "help" flair.

    submitted by /u/TriNauux
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    [ALL] Which of these fanfiction stories would you be most interested in reading?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:23 AM PST

    Hey guys, it's VietnamVet from AO3 here. The following poll options are going to be for a few fanfics that I've been dabbling in alongside writing my current story ('Pricefield - Time Warriors', for those who don't already know), which if all goes to plan, will have it's final chapter released on the last day of 2020, so that I can kickstart 2021 with something new. I'm still going to release the first chapter of each fic listed here (except for the fourth one) at the same time, along with the few extra chapters I have backlogged for them already; however, I'd still like to know which of these stories interests you guys the most so that I know which ones I should focus my efforts on.

    The fanfic descriptions are as follows and may contain early story spoilers that only you guys will get to know about, so if you don't want spoilers, just skip the rest of this and vote on the fanfic titles in the poll instead:

    Chasing Amber (Through Fields & Marshes) - This will be my one and only attempt at a post-Bay storyline. However, it's technically a forced Bay ending with a twist, because rather than Max choosing Bae/Bay on the clifftop, she attempts to circumvent fate by saving Rachel instead, which forces fate to intervene and ensure that her actions still have consequences. So it allows Rachel to survive, but fate demands a life for a life and decides that Chloe still dies in the bathroom, except this time Max isn't able to stop it. Also, to better explain the odd title, I plan on this being a multi-POV story with an eventual four-way poly-ship, because if I have to write something where Chloe is dead, then you can be damn sure I'm gonna make up for it in other ways, rather than just writing it as completely depressing mess.

    Life Is Shipwrecked - This story will start out quite dark but it gets better, eventually becoming Amberpricefield. It is set on the night before Rachel planned to go to a Vortex Club bloc party (the same one that she presumably met Jefferson at, which would've kickstarted her future demise) so that she could have a break from dealing with Chloe's mess, because you see, Chloe developed a bit of a drinking problem ever since she'd turned 18 thanks to Max abandoning her. But when Chloe shows up at Rachel's bedroom window drunk off her ass as usual, she ditches her night out at the Vortex Club party and drags Chloe up to Seattle instead so that she can finally confront Max about ghosting her for five years. Unfortunately, those five years in Seattle were not all sunshine and rainbows for Max like Chloe thinks, far from it, because a year after leaving Arcadia Bay, her controlling mother ended up dying. Max blamed herself for her death, but worst of all, her father did too, and so Ryan soon turned into an abusive drunk, also intent on following in Vanessa's controlling footsteps. Once reunited, the three girls will have to recover from their own personal demons and rebuild their lives. Together.

    The Final Timeline - Before The Storm - This one is going to be set on the day before the events of Before The Storm, as the title implies. Max finds herself back in the Blackwell bathroom after trying and failing countless times to stop the series of events leading up to the tornado and her being forced into making a choice between her best friend and her hometown. Having exhausted all her possible options, she decides to use all of the knowledge she's gained so far by going back even further than the week of hell she'd been repeating until now, jumping right back to the day that Chloe first met Rachel, hoping to stop everything once and for all. However, when Nightmare Max manages to intercept her mid-jump and reveals the consequences of her actions throughout her constant attempts at changing the timeline, Max is forced to come to a compromise and accept that this really would be her last chance to fix everything. But the real twist is when she arrives in the new timeline; rather than taking over the body of her younger self like usual, this time she ends up sharing it with her instead. So there's now two separate consciousnesses of Max Caulfield inhabiting the same mind and body. One is an experienced time traveller, the other is an anxious wreck of a teenager. This is guaranteed to complicate Max's mission (not to mention their potential romantic interests), as now she has to not only build trust with her younger self so that she is willing to cooperate, but also keep much of the future events secret from her for as long as possible so that she doesn't freak out. It's just lucky that they have the most important thing in common... their best friend, Chloe Price.

    I'll also mention a fourth fic idea I have which is currently nothing but a title and a starting outline. I haven't written anything for it yet, so I'm not including it in the poll:

    The Blackwell Baes - This is going to be set on September 1st 2013, Max's first day back in Arcadia Bay. The title is in reference to the existence of a 'secret society' at Blackwell Academy that rivals even the prestigious elite Vortex Club, which decides to recruit Max into it's ranks. To make this idea work at all, I had to mess around with a few canon details, bumping up students' grades, bringing already graduated students back, etc so that I could include as many of the girls (and guys) from LIS/BTS as possible. Anyway, The Blackwell Baes' membership is going to be made up of purely Senior students, or more specifically, those who got into the Extended Senior Year Program now that it had been finally implemented after three years of gradual transition from a 2010 combined middle/highschool into just a normal highschool that included a specialized program for Seniors in 2013. Now, officially, The Blackwell Baes gives it's members a chance to experience all that life has to offer - whatever it may be - in a safe environment, free from judgement and surrounded by friends that would not laugh at them for wanting to learn new things, giving them the confidence to grow and become the person they wish to be. Their slogan is 'Put Yourself Before Anyone Else'. And yes, I just gave you their recruitment speech. But what nobody except for it's its I just got out-grammar'd by a bot... own members know, is that The Blackwell Baes is, unofficially, also a secret society for potential lesbians, and that their more secretive learning experiences also includes safe practicing of sexual activities. So yeah... If I ever actually write something for this, it's safe to say that it'll probably include many different ship pairings, not to mention a lot of smut. Which normally isn't my thing. :P

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/TheRealGuy01
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    [NO SPOILERS] LIS1 and BTS are great and all but LIS2...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:49 PM PST

    Is there a more direct place for content/discussion relating to LIS2?

    Please don't take this the wrong way. I love Max, Chloe, and Amber. I've played LIS1 and BTS, but recently I finally played LIS2 and I'm looking for a place more related to that rather than LIS1/BTS.

    Does such a place exist? I spent 5 minute scrolling through like 20 posts here only to see one for LIS2.

    submitted by /u/Inmate7269
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    [BtS] You can tell when a friendship can be more than 'casual'. This kiss punches the card. Here's a Custom LIS Song called 'True Love'.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST

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