• Breaking News

    Monday, June 28, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Happy Pride Month!!! - Fanart by Jacksonnah.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Happy Pride Month!!! - Fanart by Jacksonnah.

    [NO SPOILERS] Happy Pride Month!!! - Fanart by Jacksonnah.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Chasemarsh Monday: Assassin AU (by old taro)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Kate the artist by VaneFox

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    [ALL] How do is it feel to play BTS before LIS 1?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    One of these days I would like to play the games in this order: Farewell, Before The Storm and in the end Life Is Strange.

    Do you think it makes a different/better experience or nothing changes?

    submitted by /u/Mango424
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    [S2] What would you choose in this hypothetical situation?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    If somehow all LIS 2 characters where in mortal danger and the only way to prevent it was Sean killing Daniel, would you do it?

    submitted by /u/Bowerrick
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange sale on Comixology

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    [ALL] Let’s see how international the Life is Strange community is! Where are you from?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Any aussies over here?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Fictionelle
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    [ALL] Creativity Golden Hour: Max and Chloe Date Edition

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    I feel like a lot of people in this community have hella creative minds so I wanna try out setting up posts that present a question or scenario that can spark some of that creativity and imagination to see what you guys come up with. Feel free to answer with something short and sweet or let your creativity flow with something more detailed. The choice is yours.

    For this post, I ask:

    What would Max and Chloe's first official date together look like?

    submitted by /u/otterbot33
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    [No Spoilers] If you could have the life of either character wich would you choose?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Hypothetically pretend like you don't have any reason to stay as the person you are, you get a fresh start. Who do you want to be?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Pogchamp_Mcpoggers
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    [No spoilers] Just books suggestions

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    So I recently started playing part 2. Which I'm loving it. Is there any books similar to this game? Or just the series itself. Butterfly effect, telekinesis, anything thats similar to the series.

    submitted by /u/Bam90lp
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    [NO SPOILERS] What Do You Guys Think About LIS True Colors , Being Release In It’s Entirety?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Personally, I feel it has its pros and cons , the episodic thing really gave the first game , that mystery like feeling , especially towards episodes 4 and 5. What are your thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/Empty-Mammoth9929
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    [NO SPOILERS] No physical Collectors Edition for the Remasters?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:36 PM PDT

    So, im a bit surprised that they havent announced a physical collectors edition with the 2 remastered games.

    Seems like easy money for them on the table, especially since LiS 1 didnt have a "real" collectors edition (compared to original BtS and LiS 2)

    Have i missed anything?

    submitted by /u/MantiH
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    [all] I want to let a friend play the games. Which order is recommended?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    If it helps, she becomes easily emotional but has little experience with gaming. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Fictionelle
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    [NO SPOILERS] Comics 2.5 onwards single issues question (not asking about it's delay)

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    So I'm aware it got delayed, though I haven't seen anything why it was marked March in 2.4 and didn't come out exactly. But whatever, it happens. I've got used to that over the last year.

    But what I have seen in my looking it up, was that the next release is November. Except it's a full volume? Is this really going to be the only case? Honestly I'm a bit disappointed if that is, as I've got single issues so far and I love having the choices in the covers. Having however many single issues then one volume, it really doesn't sit too well with me in my collection and will look off. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I can't find anything on this subject.

    submitted by /u/So_UnSophiesticated
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