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    Sunday, September 12, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Happy birthday, Kate! by 사프

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Happy birthday, Kate! by 사프

    [NO SPOILERS] Happy birthday, Kate! by 사프

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Just finished the game and it was great ( The first Life Is Strange I have played)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Found a familiar T-Shirt in Stephs Record Store

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    [TC] POV: You're the mysterious shopkeep who bartered away an expensive item for a chance with a bard

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Rachel and Chloe fanart. I want to play True Colors so bad, just listening to the soundtrack makes me love it. (Art by me. IG: gyabu.arts)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    [ALL] it was a tough choice, really

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe cosplay by me�� twitch:KATEVITAMIN

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    [TC]How do you feel about whole LARP scene?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    I both love it and hate it.

    It's fun to play with, that boss fight was great.

    But it really hurts for the pace of telling story... It's about, at least half an hour or more? The whole game was only about 8-10 hours. It didn't do much to building characters.

    The idea of doing a LARP for Ethan and all that was great, but should it take this much time?

    That flirt with Steph is AWESOME though. But I guess it could be insert into different places too.

    Edit: I think 'do nothing' is too strong word

    submitted by /u/CmdrSonia
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    [TC] Charlotte is a cool character

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Charlotte's character is amazing! I find it really nice that they showed that people can get such strong emotions even if they don't agree with how they're feeling, it's realistic! People do feel certain emotions they can't control, and that makes me like Charlotte as a believable character! I love the anger scene!!

    submitted by /u/Mixture-Pitiful
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    [NO SPOILERS] Stunning is an understatement

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] that is mildly infuriating

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] This shook me pretty good

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Alex’s character design

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    just a quick appreciation for Alex's model, i love how the made her curvy and not just skinny - i found similarities in her body type to mine and seeing her looking so cool in different outfits made me realise that it's ok to the look the way i do, and that my body is a good body :]]

    submitted by /u/ameliaa_ha
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    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    For a title that was promoted saying that "the music would have an important participation" the truth is that this is very scarce, for me an important part of the music in the saga was when and where to use it, all the previous installments have those memorable montages, "Obstacles" at the end of the first episode, "Mt. Washigton" at the end of the second, and so on, at the beginning of BtS with Rachel and Chloe dancing to "Are you ready for me" or relaxing listening to "Lanterns on the lake" on a train or getting on a train in LiS2 with "I found a way" in the background, or discovering that Sean loses an eye with "Natalie", LiS: TC has VERY few scenes I would say 2 or 4, which is a total shame, most of the songs it has are optional to listen to, Angus and Julia Stone made a beautiful album that I felt wasted, surely many of us missed some zen moments, I had imagined very good scenes with those songs in the background, talking about the instrumental, the only remarkable thing is the menu music, inside the game the soundtrack is quite generic compared to previous installments, "Max and Chloe", "Golden Hour", "Flaws", "The right way around", "Departure", "Into the woods", "Home", the unofficial "Blood Brothers/Lone Wolf" are themes that bring back specific memories, again TC doesn't have that, some good montages would even solve another problem of the game, the length, one scene that I felt wasted was to see Alex's aura when she sang with Steph, I wish we could have seen her aura go from blue (nervousness or scared of the audience) to golden (happiness and confidence), but nope, the scene was short too, well, if you read this far thanks for your time <3

    PS: The promotional music was much better and that they revealed some songs before. took away impact to some scenes, and even there the previous games also win, the trailers of LiS, BtS, CS, LiS2 have a spectacular promotional music section.

    submitted by /u/Inexorable14
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    [NO SPOILERS] love the main theme ("Haven" by Novo Amor"

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] happy 26th birthday Kate, you're the Arcadia Bay Angel :)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    [TC E3] Let's talk about that LARP...

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Okay, I'm not ready to declare True Colors as the best LiS quite yet, but THAT SCENE is the best scene in any LiS game ever. Even better than the swimming pool, even better than early-morning Lua. The sheer amount of imagination and whimsy, how each character inserted into the overall episode, how even nameless townsfolk chipped in...it really set the tone for Haven and it's people in a way that not even Arcadia Bay enjoyed. And watching Ethan go from mopey and sad to happy, his wonderment growing with every 'encounter'....I had a HUGE goofy grin and tears in my eyes through the entire thing. The spoof Final Fantasy menu sounds, the switch to side-camera, and at the end when Alex stepped into Ethan's emotions? Just goddamn...

    Just well done, Deck Nine. I mean that, well fucking done. That's two scenes now ( first one was the one with Eleanor ) that absolutely floored me with how amazing they were put together, and what a pleasure ( even painfully so ) they were to play. So far Alex's power mechanic is 100% a win, if for no other reason than the scope of storytelling it allows.

    Also, I appreciate that they knew Ryan was going to be second-fiddle to Steph going in, but his part in the LARP was almost unfair. NOBODY should be that adorable. His personality and humor, and that voice? He's definitely giving Steph a run for her money.

    Side note: I am...fairly disturbed at the high number of people who chose to TAKE Charlotte's anger from her. 55%!!!! Like holy hell, guys, do you not see how REMOVING someone's emotions might be bad? Especially an artist???? Yikes.

    submitted by /u/chazzstrong
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    [TC] Not sure if anyone has posted this easter egg yet. I love the little things

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    [TC] a guide on how to gain each character's trust for Chapter 5

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    I just finished my 2nd playthrough romancing Steph and got everyone to side with me. Here's what I did:

    Charlotte - tell Gabe about Ethan's plans + tell her about the rising star (optimistic) + don't sign affidavit + don't absorb her anger

    Eleanor - remind her about Gabe's death + keep her secret from Riley at the bus stop in Chapter 4

    Pike - absorb his fear (I think that's it)

    Duckie - [reunited with his whiskey + allowed him to have free beer during the LARP section (idk if this affects it, but just to be sure)] + danced with him in the Black Lantern during the festival

    Ryan - back his claim during the wake + offer him Gabe's forgiveness + hug him at the ravine + called him cute/made him say something nice during the LARP section + said sorry to him when you first got into the council meeting and sorry again after you explained everything

    I chose Steph for the distraction plan and gave the rose to her as well, so I think those choices do not affect if he trusts you in the end or not. When I was explaining everything in the end, I was also being "respectful" like saying "don't pretend" as opposed to "fuck you" or "not embarrassed" as opposed to "did I ask you" to Dianne.

    Anyways, hope this helps you guys!


    submitted by /u/Kotassium_08
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    [NO SPOILERS] Charlotte, you might want to fix the door to your shop

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:08 AM PDT

    [TC] My experience with True Colors

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    For context, The original life is strange is my third favorite game of all time, and something heavily worried me with each new release. It's nothing about the game quality itself, although I enjoyed some less than others. But it was the sad realization that I had to come to. The time of my life that I played LiS1 combined with the things I was going through gave me a level of emotional connection with that game that I accepted will never be topped by any games in the series. This is exactly how I felt with LiS: True colors, the beginning left me completely floored, from the graphics to the characters to the idea of a community like Haven Springs. Very early on, I 100% thought that True colors was the best game in the series, but I just couldn't put it over the bond I had with the first game.

    And then the second half of the game happened…..

     The rise in quality from the first to the second half of the game was astonishing and I had to use so much strength to stop myself from crying at so many moments. The relationship between Alex, Ryan, and Steph was so incredibly natural and real that I felt so immersed. And even on the SO side of things (I chose Steph ofc), the characters have such an intense love for each other and they shape each other's lives for the better. When Steph and Alex kissed on the rooftop, I just broke down in a way I can't really explain, I haven't felt that way in such a long time even though I would consider myself a very emotional person. I fell in love with this game so early, and at no point did that feeling diminish. The aspirations and realized dialogue of every single character was inspiring. The ending to this game made it all the much better. I have struggled a lot in my adult transitioning with the idea of staying where I am for my whole life or venturing out into the world. The ladder truly haunts me as there are so many unknowns that I have no control over. Making that final decision to stay or leave Haven Springs took me such a long time, as it felt as if I was truly Making that choice. In the end, I decided to seek adventure, and what I saw didn't disappoint. Seeing Alex travel and perform with the one she loves filled me with such joy that no game has made me experience before. Relationships and finding "the one" are something I think about a lot, and Steph and Alex's relationship is one that I fell in love with and hope I can find one day. This game has made me rethink my world view and changed me significantly. To wrap it up, LiS1 was extremely important to me during the time of my life that I played it and True colors is extremely important to me in this current time of my life. Making this choice has been extremely difficult, but I have finally let LiS1 go, and True Colors has taken its place. I tried to hold it back but simply writing this has made me cry again. Thank you so much if you have read this far, it really means a lot to have my emotions and words be absorbed by others. 
    submitted by /u/Lucalemonlord1
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    [ALL] my take on LIS: true colors ending

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    I think the best ending for Alex is to leave Heaven and hit the road instead. Yeah this oppinion might be influenced by the actions and choices I made but... I feel like Alex learnt and got what she needed to from Haven. I don't think "transforming" Haven is what Alex is supposed to do, specially in a place where your brother was murdered and .

    What Alex needs is to keep evolving (more so than she did in Haven) and grow on her own and as person, not just being stucked or rooted in one place like Ryan suggested. What I'm assuming after my ending (Alex hits the road) is that, instead of using her powers to heal (or "manipulate") ppl she is gonna do so through her music AND to even more people.

    Fr Alex ain't no therapist to Heaven's citiziens, they all need to move on and heal on their own, just like Alex.

    submitted by /u/AdSwimming5629
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    [TC] I dated Ryan but I see a lot of people dating Steph

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Am I the only one who dated Ryan? I mean I really liked Steph, no question, but my gay little heart just found Ryan to be more attractive. It was actually hard for me to choose who to give the rose to but Ryan just took the cake for me. He's so cute I can't even

    submitted by /u/the_german_ganymedes
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    [No Spoilers] LiS EV road trip - best birthday I've ever had!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:20 PM PDT

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