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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] Fly away by CamKitty2

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] Fly away by CamKitty2

    [ALL] Fly away by CamKitty2

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:07 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Why yes, yes it is.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] The doe by ItsKingdomofIsolation

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Partners in crime and time by Gabriel Kolbe

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:17 PM PST

    [ALL] S2E5: Journey to Puerto Lobos or to court?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:42 AM PST

    With S2E5 just around the corner, where do you guys think the final episode is heading? Where do you want it to head? Somehow I can't imagine it'll lead to Puerto Lobos, at least not without a big showdown with the police. And what would happen afterwards? Sean clearly doesn't have a plan what do after making it across the border. They'd be two kids all on their own in a strange country. Do they have any family left in Mexico? An ending like this also doesn't leave much choice based variations, unless there are only two endings: getting shot by the police or blow them to tiny shreds and live the rest of your life on the run from your crimes.

    Another possible scenario could be a final arrest. The court theory has been popular on the sub, meaning Sean and Daniel never make it to Puerto Lobos and are caught after crossing the mexican border, only to be dragged back to american court. I am personally not a fan of this scenario because A) the cop's murder, the heist and the church fire (+Lisbeth's possible murder by Daniel) were crimes whose prevention were completely out of the players control. All those things happened regardless of our choices, so every possible outcome of a trial would be jailtime. And B) it would take up a lot of time, possibly with non-interactive cutscenes and I'd much rather have our limited time for actual gameplay. Furthermore, how would Daniel's powers play into this? Will he just peacefully accept Sean being shipped to jail? Will a violent Daniel blow up the whole court?

    Which brings me to another big plot point: will Daniel's powers ever be revealed to the outside world? If Cassidy, Finn or Jakob would show up in a court scenario, should they spill the beans about it? Or should the power stay a secret until the very end, like how it was with Max?

    One last point: the possible David Madsen cameo and what it means for LiS 1. Would you like the fate of old characters to get addressed to an extent, like in a postcard or a phone call from Chloe/Joyce? I wouldn't like for Max or Chloe to actually show up unless it's for a really short amount of time and actually contributes something to the brothers' journey.

    submitted by /u/Harley4L
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    [NO SPOILERS] What Youtubers have the best and worst Let's Plays of LiS in your opinion?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:09 AM PST

    I don't know how popular of an opinion this is, but I noticed that LiS, being as relatively quiet and slow-paced of a game it is, doesn't really meld well with let's plays so I find that a lot of them aren't so good. I especially dislike it when a YouTuber doesn't like everything not being spoon-fed to them or end up not liking Chloe, which, fair enough, is their opinion but yeah, I can tell you're annoyed.

    But anyway, enough with my shallow mini-rant lol, I want to know what you think.

    submitted by /u/Iskahylock
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    [NO SPOILERS] I know this has been asked ad nauseam all over the internet, but I can not get this game to start ("fatal error! filename not found" issue). Maybe someone here can help me? I don't know what else to do and am ready to give up.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:05 PM PST

    A while ago I played the first episode of life is strange and really liked it. Ended up buying the rest of the episodes but didn't get around to playing them. I want to pick the game back up, but now it just wont load.

    I have searched and searched but cant seem to figure out what the issue is. No matter what I try, the game won't start, it just throws "Fatal Error!" as soon as the game starts to load, at a white screen. I never get the Unreal logo, i just get an error and the game crashes. Here's the message:

    Fatal error!

    Address = 0x1198232 (filename not found) [in D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Life Is Strange\Binaries\Win32\LifeIsStrange.exe]

    Address = 0x1188632 (filename not found) [in D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Life Is Strange\Binaries\Win32\LifeIsStrange.exe]

    Address = 0x118c552 (filename not found) [in D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Life Is Strange\Binaries\Win32\LifeIsStrange.exe]

    I tried both fixes recommended here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/319630/discussions/1/541906989410237076/?ctp=7 which for me comprised of installing the latest version of PhysX (9.19.0218), making sure DirectX and C++ Redsitributable were all up to date. I've rebooted, reinstalled, cleared out the user data in my steam folder, verified the game's integrity.

    I tried a fix recommended on this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/34fcbi/is_anyone_else_getting_a_fatal_error_after_the/ which basically was to copy the file PhysxCore.dll to my Nvidia folder. I didn't have a folder named DB8A731FDBD5 so I created it and copied the PhysXCore.dll from the Life Is Strange/Binaries/Win32 folder into that.

    I have tried running the game as administrator, making sure compatibility for Windows 8 is UNCHECKED (it was never checked).

    One thing I've noticed is that several fixes recommend re-installing the Physx, C++ and DirectX from the _commonredist folder, but I don't have one inside my /steamapps/common/lifeisstrange folder. I did have one from when the game was originally installed, but after I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, it's not downloading anymore. I do see a _CommonRedist folder under /steamapps/common/Steamworks Shared and used that to install physx, C++ and directX at one point, but that didn't help.

    Windows 10 64 bit, graphics card is Asus Strix 1080ti and Nividia drivers are all up to date, as of yesterday's release. Steam library installed on D drive, not C.

    If anyone can help me get this game started, I'd love to continue on and play the rest of it and buy the sequel during the Steam sale.


    submitted by /u/rental_car_fast
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    [NO SPOILERS] teaser (I’m drawing multiple)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:09 PM PST

    [ALL] Rachel Amber question (and discussion)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:45 AM PST

    Have anyone already made the theories Rachel might have powers like Max aswell? That would explain why literally everyone loved her, maybe even have greater powers than Max. Haven't played Before the Storm yet but a friend of mine told me that Rachel can't have powers because there were none to see, but if you play Chloe you can't really tell if there wasn't any time manipulation.

    Oregon is a mystical state, I hope you get my reference.

    submitted by /u/DareDandy
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    [ALL] Finally Trying Life is Strange 2: Chapter 4

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:35 PM PST

    True story. I wrote these reviews while playing through the game, but that was a month ago. I stopped dead at the end of chapter 3 and never bothered posting them til now. The chapter totally put me off Daniel, and the game as a whole has so little else to offer, and I knew I was done with the only characters I found interesting. I only picked it up again because ch5 is coming and I wanted to play that on release.

    1. This unskippable wolf story makes me want to turn the game off. I didn't like it the first time and they keep shoving it in my face. The actor's trying way too hard to sell the gravitas of it all. It just comes off as trite and cloying. Art's cute, though, so 1/8th of a point for that!

    2. Shouldn't Sean forgiving Daniel be my choice? If I'm not supposed to be influencing their relationship, what the hell am I doing here? There's nothing else for me to do or care about!

    3. More of this shit. "I fucked Daniel over." Fuck you, game. Daniel sucks. He fucked everybody over. He's a dangerous little shithead who can't even sit still for 2 goddamn minutes. Fuck Daniel, and fuck you for trying to make me feel guilty about your contrived plot railroad as if this had anything to do with my decisions!

    4. Kind of enjoyed the escape scene. Weird that those have been a highlight.

    5. Talking to your ghost dad in the car. It's a life is strange tradition.

    6. If we just have a minority character and then a series of random shitty things happen to them, that's meaningful, right?

    7. Game, you already did Random Redneck Attack. It sucked the first time. Whatever, I'll just click shit at random. I might as well have been doing that the whole game for all it mattered.

    8. You can have Sean talk about how much he misses Daniel all you like, it does not equate to the player missing Daniel. I liked this character a couple episodes ago. How'd you mess this up so bad?

    9. Desert Bus, life is strange edition.

    10. "I'm just a boring trucker." Well, sir, you are in the right game!

    11. We could have skipped from the hospital to Sean getting out of the truck in Haven Point and lost absolutely nothing of value. I feel like I've said that a lot. Was this originally conceived as a 3 chapter game?

    12. Oh God, coughing kid. Are we doing the bit now where her parents won't let her get vaccinated? If we are, I'm done.

    13. Dude mentions new miracle and I know it's Daniel and I can't tell you how bad I want to leave. Maybe if I go rub up against the invisible walls for long enough the game will let me out of here.

    Okay, all jokes aside, I'm done. I quit here and have been trying for 3 days to get back into it, but I really am not interested in seeing any more of Daniel. What went wrong here? I don't typically hate kid characters. I didn't hate him early on. I don't hate him because he's not Max and Chloe. I know where they live if I want to see them, and I never wanted a direct sequel for them anyway. I came here for something new. It's the game that made me hate Daniel. It wasn't my idea!

    Things started off well. I liked Sean. I thought the initial shooting scene was well done and the environments are a legitimate artistic achievement. I was initially invested in the two brothers, their interactions and their plight, and was waiting patiently for the rest of the plot to show up. And it never did. The occasional glimpses of interesting people or settings in later chapters only serve to highlight how basic and hollow the main story is, carried entirely by a relationship that became frustrating to the point I would rather quit playing than see the characters reunited. It doesn't work from a narrative or mechanical perspective when the game is all too eager to toss aside your choices whenever the plot needs Daniel to be a dipshit. Which it does. All too often. I actually preferred limping through the desert for 20 minutes to the prospect of spending even another second with Daniel.

    You can't play a game when you and it are working at cross purposes. It wants me to be excited to get Daniel and Sean back together, but I think Sean would be better off cutting Daniel out of his life entirely. He already took your eye, Sean, how long before he gets you killed LIKE HE DID YOUR DAD? That's right. I said it. Racist angry asshole neighbor is a known quantity and this little moron runs up and gets paint on him anyway? Based on what I saw of him in later chapters, you'll never convince me he wasn't deliberately starting shit. This kid was a destructive person long before he got superpowers. I like Sean too much to contribute to his suffering by forcing him to be around that selfish little powder keg.

    You know what I thought would happen when I started this chapter? I thought Daniel would use his powers to break Sean out of the hospital. Maybe fling something through the window or TK me up a ladder. I thought there'd be this big dramatic moment to atone for getting us fired and all our friends in trouble and injuring a bunch of people and COSTING SEAN HIS EYE! But no. Little shit is perfectly content to be the golden child in some cult than spare even a single thought for the sibling he maimed. You got problems if you think this is sweet or compelling.

    While we're on the subject, never has a piece of fiction wasted superpowers so thoroughly. Daniel's telekinesis never once creates a fun moment or interesting gameplay. It's just another thing for the brothers to argue about. The snow training scene, an early highlight for me, could have been replaced with a scene of Sean teaching Daniel any mundane skill (or standing around huffing paint for all the difference it made in the story.) If you have superpowers in a game but the player doesn't once get to have fun with them, you have failed as game designers. If you have superpowers in a game but you can remove them and lose nothing, you have failed as writers.

    I have joked in the past, before playing, that this game would be better with a female lead, but that's not really true. The game would be better with a plot. It would be better if it wasn't a disjointed series of poorly written anecdotes with the world's cheapest stock characters. Like that godawful random redneck attack just now. Stupid, pointless, taking itself ever so laughably over-serious and populated with characters so generic I expected to find a clip-art site logo watermarked on their foreheads. A female lead would make S2 feel superficially more like the original, but wouldn't save it from being a hollow, aimless, ill-conceived and poorly executed mess of a thing.

    0/10- Can't give any points to a chapter I got so mad at I had to quit the game.

    Total score for Life is Strange 2- 3/10. 1 point for the first hour or so, 2 points for the parts of chapter 3 that don't have anything to do with Daniel. That's right. The only way to enjoy it is to ignore the story. It's not quite "the only way to win is not to play" but for me, it might as well be.

    submitted by /u/FortressCaulfield
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