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    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] A LiS wallpaper of Warren’s shirt, happy b day Warren!

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] A LiS wallpaper of Warren’s shirt, happy b day Warren!

    [NO SPOILERS] A LiS wallpaper of Warren’s shirt, happy b day Warren!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] just got the second book cant wait

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:23 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] She remembers by JacksSquirrel16

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:24 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] From Personal Collection @ C2E2 2016

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:04 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] HBD Warren Graham! by EvYLB

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:40 AM PST

    [ALL] Finally Trying LiS2: chapter 1

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:20 AM PST

    I'm in the minority that never wanted a direct LiS1 sequel, so I was totally on board with the anthology concept for 2, but I put off playing it because what I had heard made it seem like it wasn't really up my alley. With it being on sale and episode 5 round the corner, it seemed like a good time to jump in. Here are my thoughts on chapter 1 in crude order as I played:

    1. Lyla totally steals this. But rather than just feel like a wasted character, as I feared she would, she's more a successfully written source of pathos. She's the only thing from Sean's old life the player will actually miss. And it works. We miss her. I'm putting this down as a strength, not a failing.

    2. The presentation is generally excellent, and manages to feel different enough from the first game that I don't feel like this new story is stealing the old one's style.

    3. Having said that, the lipsynch is occasionally weirdly terrible.

    4. Daniel has very little personality aside from "is 9."

    5. I'm liking Sean more than I thought I would. He comes across as an innately shy kid desperately trying whatever the popular kids are doing. It's pathetic, but it's a charming pathetic. I had expected him to be more of a blank, self-insertion character, but I don't think that's true. He's not quite as "fully formed" as Max, but that's not a lack of personality, that IS his personality. Also, Life is Strange has always been great about making its teenagers look and sound like teenagers. Nice to see that continue here.

    6. I liked the way the cop scene played out. I think they did a good job making it feel sudden and jarring even knowing it was coming, and they did a good job letting the racism angle sit there as an undercurrent. The abrupt cut-off to the skype call was a nice setup and a good parallel to the disruption in the characters' lives.

    7. These are some seriously pretty woods.

    8. I liked the woodlands scene and camping and bonding with Daniel. I really wanted to be able to successfully teach him to skip stones.

    9. Not feeling the stakes in this gas station scene. Hunger and poverty are hard things to get a player to empathize with when it's not a survival game. Just having the characters say they are hungry doesn't make for a compelling game mechanic, especially when one of those characters is a 9 year old child whining for a candy bar. Ready for the next scene. How do I leave?

    10. Damn near rolled my eyes out of my skull at "Kids like you are why we need that wall." Oh my god, DN. Are you the same writers I just praised for restraint in the shooting scene? I think the reason the sexism angle in LiS1 worked is that it was mostly micro-aggression. Graffiti. Antagonists calling Max bitch and feminazi and whore. The slut-shaming of Rachel Amber. At no point did anybody stomp on Max's face and scream "Get back in the kitchen!" And the guy recognized Sean from the newspaper, so the race angle adds exactly zero to this scene and just comes off as a sad bid for relevance.

    11. While I'm on the topic, I feel like acknowledging Trump's election at all was a misstep. It feels awkward and shoe-horned in, and somehow ALREADY dated. If you want to set a story about a minority character in a racially tense time, you need to do more to establish that tension than just playfully imply Donald Trump exists.

    12. The escape scene was well done. Tense and intriguing.

    13. I liked the Arcadia Bay overlook scene, but it kind of yanked me out of the game and had me thinking about the original. I missed at least 3 lines of dialog from Seth Rogen while I was spacing out thinking about the LiS1 endings. Always be leery of reminding people of the more popular thing that you aren't.

    14. Some more time to ourselves? NOOO! Brody, that's the last thing we need! Characters! My kingdom for characters!

    15. This whole dog thing is stupid. It reeks of that same "dug out of pixar's trash" kind of writing that tanked Captain Spirit for me.

    16. Call with Lyla good. Nicely caps off the episode how it began.

    17. Daniel's voice actor and character model are simply not up to the task in some of these more emotional scenes.


    Liking it more than I expected, but isn't this supposed to be a choice based game? It was extremely linear. I don't feel compelled to replay this, and that's bad for a choice based game. Ordinarily I'd be gagging to replay and see different dialog options, like I went through BTS and LIS first chapters at least 3 times each waiting for chapter 2. But not here. Oh, gosh! What if I didn't point out that raccoon? What if I said something different to that little girl I'll never see again? Imagine the possibilities! Maybe some of my choices re Daniel are building up for later chapters, but that doesn't help me feel engaged right now.

    This seems incomplete, especially the 2nd half. What's there is generally well-done, but brothers on the run is just not enough of a story on its own, and neither the superpowers or the racial elements amount to more than window dressing so far. There's a noticeable negative space where there should be a villain, or some other mystery, or more regular characters, or something.

    I'm intrigued enough to keep going, but mostly to see if the game gets better rather than any sense of engagement with the razor thin plot. While I do like Sean, I'm not compelled by his predicament, and there's really not a whole lot else here to latch onto. In the original game, the first chapter gave us so much to engage with; Mysteries to gnaw at, characters to love or hate (or in the case of Victoria, both!) So far, this feels a little empty by comparison.

    Chapter 1: 6/10. Would have been a 7 if not for that old guy yelling about the wall.

    submitted by /u/FortressCaulfield
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    [NO SPOILERS] new to the game so I have a minor question

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:04 PM PST

    If whatever Max is holding travels back with her in time, can she duplicate items?

    submitted by /u/UltraMiner245
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    [No Spoilers] I'm a fairly new content creator to the Life is Strange community

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:49 PM PST

    https://youtu.be/1W0UqFmPWwUI post memes for Life is Strange 1 and 2 over on Instagram and Youtube.

    I thought I'd check out Reddit and see if I can find some new fans here!

    To find me, just search "Life is Hella Dank" on Youtube and Instagram (Instagram is my primary platform)

    The link will bring you to my most recent video!

    submitted by /u/Life_is_Hella_Dank
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    [NO SPOILERS] screenshot request

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    Hey im looking for a chloe wallpaper and prefer before the storm's artstyle but chloe with blue hair (No hat) is there a mod someone can screenshot for me. thanks.

    submitted by /u/Fishyloo
    [link] [comments]

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