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    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Just completed this artwork inspired by Life is Strange.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Just completed this artwork inspired by Life is Strange.

    [NO SPOILERS] Just completed this artwork inspired by Life is Strange.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Found this little Easter Egg in the game Miscreated

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:56 AM PST

    [ALL] Bae over Bay. Brothers over Borders.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:09 AM PST

    [S2 E5] The ending we all deserve

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:36 AM PST

    [ALL] I am one of the people that actually like LiS 2 more than LiS 1

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:22 AM PST

    I don't even know why (still figuring that out). I think I liked the story line a lot more. It's not even just the game mechanics – that this time my decisions really mattered – it's just that I felt more so connected to everything. I especially loved how real (despite the superpower stuff) all the issues are. I loved the writing of Karen as a character and how Sean grows up so fast. I loved that the boys met so many people which we never saw again – I mean, that's just life. It felt a lot more authentic although the plot is so fucked up, not forced at all and nothing like a conventional story.

    Let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/wittgenludwig
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    [S2 E5] Unpopular Opinion: I thought Season 2 was better than Season 1.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:15 AM PST

    It was so emotional and timely. I loved the soundtrack. Both games were great but I love the way they were able to tie in important political issues happening right now. I loved the relationship between the two brothers and it was so strong.

    Even the facial graphics were better so you didn't have to deal with any "uncanny valley" problems. Which is unfortunate as the voice acting is so great. I really wanted realistic, expressive faces in LiS1.

    I do have little things I wish they had time for in LiS2. There were episodes that were more interesting than other parts but that is very normal for a game.

    They are very different and I know it may seem "unfair" to compare them but many people are saying the first was better, many mainly kids Max and Chloe. Which they were told they wouldn't be in the sequel but supposedly surprised to find out when the first episode dropped.

    submitted by /u/Voice_of_Season
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    [ALL] The end of the journey. Our journey. My journey.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:27 AM PST

    That was it. The journey of "Life is Strange 2".

    It all started with the Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit" and ended yesterday for me with the last episode of "Life is Strange 2".I don´t know what to say other then THANK YOU to the developers. Thank you for the awesome games about very different topics and giving us stories with relatable charakters. I would like to give Jonathan Morali a special shoutout for his unbelievable work on the series. The soundtrack is so feeling and it wakes so many emotions in me. That is the sound i am going to listen a life long.

    Yesterday i finished the journey. I cried a lot. I cried myself to sleep. I still hat no tears left today when i woke up and still have the numb feeling of finishing it.

    Maybe it was because i myself have younger brothers too. My middle brother is 22 and the youngest is 17 now and i often rethink my relationship to them. It worked out so differently with both of them. I have a very close relationship to my youngest brother. I was already 12 when he came into this world and my parents were working a lot at that time. So i had to help them a lot with him and i loved it. With my middle brother i had a pretty good relationship too but i had the problems with him the same Sean had with Daniel when he said that he would hang around more with his friends then beeing at home.Now, ten years after leaving town to go university, i only see them for shorter periods and every time i went back for holidays i can see how they moved along but still notice tiny details in their life that were maybe influenced by me.

    During playing the game i had so many moments where i had to think back about my time with my brothers. There were so many relatable moments that i knew in a similar way. One of the strongest moments was the flashback of the time when Daniel stole Seans watch. My brothers always liked to take stuff from me because i was the "cool" older brother and i got always super mad about it. Then we fought about it, our parents talked to us and i tried to reconnect with them. The choice of "On Melancholy Hill" from Gorillaz was perfect too for me because it was exactly the song i listened the most at that time.

    All of Daniels attitudes looked very familiar to me. Growing up together was always a very thin line between crashing together and loving each other. But there was always a special bond between our pack. Sometimes our parents hat to remind us of how we had to be strong together and for each other but we almost always followed.

    After finishing the game with the perfect fitting ending for my journey, which was the redemption ending, i lost the track of time. I mixed the two worlds together. I startet Life is Strange during a very difficult time in my life. I lost a very important relationship, finished my studies which i loved, lost my home and hat to start all from nothing. During the last 1,5 year i was pretty lucky because i got a lot of help from family and friends and i was able to connect to people i barely knew. Together with their help i was able to manage my life and the time flew by.

    Now with the end of "Life is Strange 2" i am at a point where i was able to find a new home, managed my working situation and almost find a solution for the broken relationship and now i have time to step back and reflect the time that flew by so fast.

    I am okay about how i got there where i am right now. Life is never a straight line. Life always wanders around. Sometimes to an direction where you think you are on a safe ground but it can take a very hard left turn without your control und you can find yourself in an totally different scenario. I ofthen thought about giving up but i had to fight thrugh the struggle and all the struggles leave a mark on you and you can be the one that needs support from your younger siblings, just as Sean had to at the end of my ending. Seeing him crying and breaking infront of Daniel under the big rock crushed me and remindet me on the first time when i was the one my little brother hat to take care of.

    Also growing up as kids with turkish roots in Austria, where the turkish minority is often seen as a problematic one, had me think hardly about the struggles the Diaz brothers had. We had a pretty protected childhood because it was very important for our parents that we were always very connected to the society, but still some incidents happened where people thought they can judge you on the basis of how you look and where your roots come from. After finishing university and working as an asistent there one would think that it changes but it often doesn´t. Rasism sadly often finds a way to get everywhere.

    Another touching thing is that especially with the Diaz Brothers we see how different life and your actions can change a personel bond with the ones you love. I can see it everytime i think about my own brothers and how i interact with them and how close we are. Even though my youngest brother is 12 years younger then me i have a stronger conection to him then to my 7 years younger brother.Seeing all the different possible outcomes made me appreciate the way i took for Sean and Daniel, even though it was heartbreaking seeing Sean taking the burden and going through a hard time in life with all the effects of loosing the best years, but also made me think about how i took on the responsibility with my own brothers. Not that i judged myself but i had and still have to think about my approach how i am connecting to them.

    Well and now with the end of the journey i don´t know where to go. I thought i was prepared for the ending but as hardly anyone of us i think we actully weren´t. No matter which ending you got. I watched them all and not a single one did not leave me crying at the end. Seeing how Daniel had a quite normal life but in any case loosing Sean, eather like loosing him to Mexico or as him sitting in the last scene in the car and crying as he knows how broken Sean is, teares my heart apart. Or seeing Daniel fighting as a lone wolf in Mexico, having lost everybody he loved, makes me really sad and depressed, but i have to say every ending still feels earned, like every action you took during the game had an impact. We all wanted that and we all got it. We chose to suffer and now we do.

    I am so thankful for having the opportunity the game gave me with that emotional journey.To step back, take a closer look into my own life by watching and interacting with these two adorable boys and i will be always very grateful for that.

    Diaz Brothers, always

    submitted by /u/hanki_dory
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    [NO SPOILERS]All life is strange 2 endings are so sad and depressing

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:59 AM PST

    There is no real happy ending in the end,I was really hoping to get at least one like life is strange had but in the end its just a lot of sadness..gonna be depressed for a few days because of this..

    submitted by /u/EpicTrapCard
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    [ALL] "They" found a way. (Season 2)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:32 AM PST

    Maybe it's just a coincidence but the song at the end of Episode 2 of LiS2 is called "I found a way" by First Aid Kit, and the name of the town in Episode 5 is called "Away". So I guess Sean and Daniel found Away.

    The lyrics even match too.

    "So the morning came, and swept the night away" - The start of Ep 5 "As I was looking for a way to disappear" - Sean and Daniel are on the run from the police. "Amongst the quiet things and all these empty streets" - Away isn't to busy while the boys are there. "I found a way, I found a way, to reappear" Away let's Daniel use his power; letting him reappear.

    Maybe I'm trying to make it fit but to me it seems like a cool reference.

    What are your guys thoughts?

    submitted by /u/EmperGaming67
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    [S2 E5] Partners in time by ASR91S

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:12 PM PST

    [S1] How does this character know this?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:46 AM PST

    "This character" being Jefferson. How does he know that Max and Chloe have visited the junkyard and found Rachel's corpse? I can't recall any hints that would lead him to be sure of this. He may be wary that Max has warned Victoria but that's not exactly enough, right?

    submitted by /u/Tyrania210
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    [S2] Life is Strange 2 review - a bolder, more mature sequel that's a different kind of animal

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    [S2 E3] Iffy representation of Sean's certain relationship

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:33 AM PST

    (Idk if this is really a spoiler but put a spoiler tag just in case)

    Did anyone feel like Finn x Sean was unfairly done compared to Cassidy x Sean? I know Cassidy and Finn are very different characters but just the basic fact of Cassidy x Sean in has more in depth interactions and even including a sex scene meanwhile Finn x Sean just having a make out scene feels off to me. Also just the fact Finn (the only homosexual romance option you have) is (low-key or not) a problematic character in his own right

    Also felt iffy that we didn't have the option to make Sean say he is fully homosexual in one of the conversations prompts but I AM SO GLAD THERE WAS AN ASEXUAL OPTION

    submitted by /u/kyunt__
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    [S2 E5] Is there someone who like this ending?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:17 AM PST

    Lone Wolf.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate this ending and I'm pretty sure almost everyone can agree that any of the other 3 endings is much better.

    But I'm curious if anyone see this ending as a "good" conclusion. And if so, why?

    submitted by /u/LeonEncisoXD
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    [S2 E5] question about one possible ending

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:19 PM PST

    I really hated the ending I got so I'm watching a video of all the endings compiled into one video. In the Parting Ways ending, is Daniel wearing a house arrest bracelet or is that blue thing just an accessory? If in all the other endings Daniel isn't prosecuted, why would he have a house arrest bracelet in this one?

    submitted by /u/obeyer10
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    [S2 E5] I did some modifications to one of the endings

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:28 AM PST

    [All]Podcast Questions about Life is Strange 2!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:09 AM PST

    Hi All,

    We're Thoughts from Player One, a podcast about narrative focused video games, and we're going to be recording our episode on Life is Strange 2 Episode 5 this weekend. We would love to know if you all have any questions or topics you wanted us to discuss. Feel free to leave them below or email them to us at thoughtsfromplayerone@gmail.com, either way we'll credit you before we discuss them.

    Since this is the last episode in the series feel free to ask us anything more general if you wanted as well, as we might not get a chance to return to the series anytime soon and will be more than happy to discuss it as a whole!

    submitted by /u/Fingorn
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    [BTS] Chloe vs Victoria

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:58 PM PST

    [S2 E5] This scene broke my heart.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:35 PM PST

    [S1] [BtS] Life is Strange: Max in Seattle

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:38 PM PST

    I feel like this doesn't get brought up often. Of course everyone wants a continuation of season one following Max and Chloe (or just Max, for you Bay Enders). DONTNOD seems like they have a firm stance about that. There will be no more Max AND Chloe Life is Strange game.

    But what about Max? Just Max. Powerless Max. I'm interested to see why it was easy for her to ghost Chloe after leaving her that heartfelt message to Chloe in Farewell.

    I ship Pricefield hardcore but Max (and Chloe) have their faults for sure. Max abandoned Chloe. Yes, it's not her fault she had to move. But she didn't have to emotionally abandon Chloe when she needed her the most. She made promises of writing letters, staying in touch, and visiting Chloe that she never kept. When she got back in town it's been what, a month, and she never contacted Chloe?

    I don't hate Max. I actually see a lot of myself in Max. Which is why I want to see a game centered around her and her Seattle life. It must have been hard to start high school in a different state she grew up in. It must have been hard getting messages from Chloe and not knowing how to respond.

    What are your thoughts about this?

    submitted by /u/omfgitsmal
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    [NO SPOILERS] Daniel's Fairy lights

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:20 PM PST

    [S2 E5] Favorite Voice Acting Scenes

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:06 PM PST

    There's not much talk about the voice acting, which I think was pretty great.

    This scene just before the choice, gave me the feels. The delivery by Gonzalo Martin really sold it for me. The pain of carrying the memory of that day and his regret, it really came through.


    Also, the actors really pulled off all the intense scenes very well. I liked the part after Daniels gets shot at the first wall encounter with the vigilantes and in Lone Wolf when Daniel finds out Sean had been shot after making it over to Mexico. It must have been emotionally taxing for both actors to perform.

    submitted by /u/leafy_io
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