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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] "Life is...weird." - Art by eatslugs

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] "Life is...weird." - Art by eatslugs

    [NO SPOILERS] "Life is...weird." - Art by eatslugs

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:56 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] My collector's edition of Life Is Strange 2 just arrived!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:24 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] This is making up for last night.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:01 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Burn it down by EvaKosmos

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:06 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Tears in the rain by Ilya Kuvshinov

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    [S2] Totally disagree with what the devs say about the ending (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:03 AM PST

    I was listening to the Kinda Funny podcast on LiS 2 with devs of the game and they said there is "no bad ending" and that all the endings were "bittersweet"

    I got the Lone Wolf ending and was gutted. I've seen people online rage about Mass Effect, Game of Thrones and other ending's before. I would just shrug and say "hey, it's about the journey" or "it's just a game/tv/etc" but the ending I got really bothered me

    I thought I played it mostly straight and in the end, I decided to surrender and not kill all those cops but still got slighted.

    Looking back, I can see why I got that ending though, I let Daniel kill the cougar (because that son of a bitch killed Mushroom!) and crucially, I decided to stay with the girls in Episode 3 to get a haircut rather than go back to the tent with Daniel.

    I've accepted that I deserve that ending with the way I played but I downright reject what the dev's say, Lone Wolf is the BAD ending. There is nothing "bittersweet" or "redeeming" about it.

    Someone tell me different?

    submitted by /u/TrainXIV
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    [All] What is the best order to play S1, BTS, and Farwell?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:34 AM PST

    I played them in order of release and thought the series was great. I have never been touched by a game like LiS did me. I don't think that BtS and especially Farwell would have been as impactful if I played them first...

    But I think they could be played in either order and still make a lot of sense to someone who hasn't played them. Especially knowing that games always end in a rather sad way, especially Farwell.

    What do you guys think? Is one definitely better? Can they both work?

    Edit: S1 one so good to because I like how we don't know anything about Rachel other than that she is loved by almost everyone. It is hard for be to justify playing BtS first. Ruins some of the twin peaks vibe if you do.

    submitted by /u/GOBen57
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    [S2] Into The Woods: Life Is Strange 2 (Sean and Daniel Tribute)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:30 AM PST

    [ALL] My Opinion on Life is Strange's Endings and Chloe Price's Development (An Essay)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:05 PM PST

    First I want to make this clear, this is not an attack on people who chose to sacrifice Chloe. This is just my rundown of the general type of people I see when they talk about why they chose to kill Chloe. This is not meant as an attack, again, it's just the people I've seen and encountered over the years and this is my main gripe with their collective argument and their reaction to Life is Strange 2's references to the ending.

    For me the wrong ending in Life is Strange is sacrificing Chloe. It's antithetical to the arcs and themes of the game, and people prop it up as a fucking masterpiece of an ending because it gives them a feeling of moral superiority over the people who chose to save Chloe. Episode one of LiS 2 comes in and they get to see Arcadia Bay still there, giving their sense of moral superiority even more power. But then episode five comes around and we see David is a shell of a man who lost his wife, is depressed, and wants to kill Nathan Prescott the minute he gets out of prison, which it's implied he does. There's no mention of Max, and then the people who chose the sacrifice Chloe ending complain extremely hard that it's not fair we don't get to hear about Max.

    But then in the sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending, in LiS 2 you see David is recovering from the tragedy. You see he has a good relationship with Max and Chloe. You see a picture of Max and Chloe. Why? Because you made the choice to save Chloe. And anyone who chose the bay gets upset that David is alive. They get upset Victoria is alive. They get upset that it's implied people survived the storm. Why? Because moral superiority went to their head. It's not fair that they made THE CORRECT CHOICE and in the bae ending there's people alive still. Because in their heads, picking Chloe means EVERYONE HAS TO DIE because it's not fair. It's not fair Chloe gets to live and people survived a storm. They aren't happy that people actually survived the storm. You think they would be. You think they'd be happy that in the other ending there are people alive. But they aren't, for the most part. Because for them it's all about moral absolutism. Either something is right or is wrong, and there's no grey area for morality. Either choice at the end of Life is Strange is morally grey. No matter what you do, someone is going to die.

    Some people believe the game's ending is great because "Chloe is a selfish person, so selfish, and she finally does something for someone by selflessly giving her life up for a problem that is not her fault nor Max's." Like when you read something like that, it's so horrible because it is a grave misunderstanding of Chloe's character and her arc. Her arc is not about her going from selfish human being to selfless, it's about her realizing that she is loved and cared about unconditionally. He asking Max to let her die is not some selfless act, it's her ultimate form of self harm. It's a suicide attempt. She wants to die because she believes that she's better off dead and serving some purpose dead as opposed to alive. She doesn't want to die. She doesn't want to be some sacrificial lamb for an angry volcano god. But she believes that she's only worthwhile to Max or anyone else if she lets Max kill her. And then when Max rips the photo in half to prevent herself from ever going back, that's when it clicks in Chloe's mind. It finally clicks to Chloe that she doesn't need to die. She doesn't need to be a sacrificial lamb to be loved by someone. Max loves her unconditionally. There's no lies here like with Rachel. There's no ulterior motive other than Max loves Chloe and Max won't let Chloe die after all of this simply because Warren told her it was her fault.

    Most people's non-moral superiority arguments revolve around the gross misunderstanding of Max and Chloe's relationship, and Chloe's personality. She's a traumatized abused mentally ill girl whose main source of letting her feelings out are harmful to herself. She's not really selfish as much as she is just destructive. She does some wrong things, but she always apologizes for them and tries to make up for her outbursts. Chloe is, at least from what I've seen, heavily coded with borderline personality disorder. Which if you have, like me, or know anything about you'll see clearly in how she acts. In episode two she gets upset that Kate is calling Max. Chloe doesn't know anything about Kate's mental state. To Chloe, this is her first real hangout with Max in forever, and she feels threatened when Kate calls because she's afraid that Max will prioritize Kate over Chloe. It's not logical and it's wrong of her to make Max not pick up or chastise her if she does pick up, but it's understandable. She's not doing this maliciously to hurt Max or Kate, she's doing it because her inability to control her emotions makes her think that Max is going to leave to go see Kate, whom Chloe assumes Max sees all the time at school.

    When Chloe has her meltdown in the car in episode three, again, its understandable. Her saying she doesn't want to blame herself is true to how she actually feels. She feels horrified and betrayed. The person she thought she was in love with, someone who kept her afloat for four years, was lying to her. The basis for their relationship was an entire lie. If we assume that Rachel and Chloe were as close as a lot of people say they are, there's no reason why Rachel wouldn't tell Chloe about Frank or Jefferson. Yes these would have upset Chloe, but it was the right thing to do. Rachel knew Chloe had a thing for her, and instead of letting her down gently, she keeps her on a stick until Rachel eventually dies. Especially when you see how obsessed Rachel is in BtS about the truth, and the lengths Chloe went to in order to find the truth for Rachel, makes her entirely hypocritical. To Chloe this is the ultimate betrayal of everything she knows. From her point of view, if she doesn't blame others... well she believes she deserves it all. She believes she deserved William dying. She deserved Max leaving and failing to keep in touch. She deserved her mom becoming passive to her problems. She deserved the abuse that David hurls at her. She deserved to find out the girl she was in love with was fucking her drug dealer behind her back, all while Chloe took out massive loans from Frank to fix her car so she could get RACHEL to LA. Because in the end, Chloe does blame herself. She believes she's the root cause of all these problems, and all these horrible events had to happen to her. When she melts down in the car to Max, she's venting about all these problems and is trying to convince herself that it's not her fault. All this horrible shit happening to her can't solely 100% be her fault. And even then? Even after all of this melting down? She still apologizes for it. She still tells Max she's sorry for doing that, just like she did when she got angry about Max trying to pick up the phone for Kate.

    Chloe cares for Max's well being. Another argument I've seen is that Chloe doesn't care about putting Max in danger, referring to Max's power as a toy. Well, she only considers it a toy for a short period. She considers it a toy until Max bleeds out of her nose and collapses. Then it's only what's good for Max. She takes a gun from David, and she's right to want to arm herself after being drugged and kidnapped by Nathan, and subsequently nearly getting shot in the bathroom by Nathan. And I mean, she's right to want to be safe in case she gets attacked again. Yes, it's dumb to go play with a gun in the junkyard, but Chloe is also just trying to have loose fun with Max and her powers. But that goes away once Max collapses, and Chloe realizes it's not worth using just for fun because of the physical effect it has on Max. From then on, Max only uses her powers to help try and solve the mystery at hand. Chloe is emotionally stunted in a lot of ways. Being kicked out of Blackwell and hanging around Rachel has probably left her more immature than other 19 year olds. So she thinks playing with the gun would be a fun idea. Not really smart, but if you dive into her character you can understand why does it.

    Other dumb myths I've seen are

    • "Chloe lets Max take the blame for the weed and doesn't do anything about it."
      • Max takes the blame to prevent Chloe from being verbally assaulted by David. If you remain in the closet to not take the blame or protect Chloe, then David hits her.
    • Chloe is ableist because she wants to take the handicapped fund
      • This is a shitty thing to do, but it's less about the fund itself and what it's for and more of a fuck you to the school that kicked her out and continues to protect Nathan despite him doing so many expellable offenses, but his record will be scrubbed clean. Also we know that the handicapped fund does nothing really. In the alternate timeline where Chloe is paralyzed from the neck down, Blackwell essentially did nothing to even attempt to accommodate her or even let her try to study to keep her mind off of the horror of her accident.
    • Chloe is emotionally manipulative and guilt trips Max
      • She doesn't do this. She gets upset when she believes Max is going to abandon her for someone else to hang with. She has no further agenda other than she wants to be with Max all the time. If you honestly believe this argument, then at the very end of the game in Max's nightmare, Max wouldn't view Chloe as the only one defending Max from the onslaught of nightmare citizens who blame Max for everything going wrong.
    • Insensitive about Kate's death or attempt
      • She jumps out to scare Max. As I've said before Chloe is emotionally immature due to the trauma around her. She isn't trying to hurt Max or be insensitive. She's trying to make Max feel better by lightening the mood. It doesn't work, and Chloe immediately apologizes for it. If Kate dies in your route, she says "Yes Kate Marsh killed herself, such sad." While this is a shitty thing to say, you have to put it in context. You take it out of context it seems like she's just a horrible bitch, put it in context and she says it while she's having a full on mental and emotional breakdown about Rachel. Right then, Chloe's entire reality is breaking down in front of her. She doesn't know Kate, she knows of her, but it's not like she knew Kate in any fashion. Chloe has bad mental and emotional problems. She doesn't actually mean this, but at the same time she has so many bad problems with her own life she doesn't need to burden herself with the problems of others. It's not fair to invalidate Chloe's feelings and problems because another person has problems as well.

    These were just some of the anti-Chloe arguments I've seen floating around the fandom and how these are all horribly monstrous and selfish, so it makes sense to let Chloe die in the end. Chloe is not some horrible monster who only thinks about herself in every situation. Chloe is a broken girl. She has problems, yes, but she never goes out of her way to hurt others. She has constant breakdowns from a lack of the help she so desperately needs. When she brings up that Max abandoned her for five years, I mean there is truth to that. She desperately loves Max with all her heart, but the fact Max was gone for five years without a word still stings.

    In the end, when Chloe asks Max to let her die... We need to remember this is not the Chloe who is going to die. The Chloe that dies is one who is still hurting severely. A Chloe who feels the need she needs to confront her attacker to get money so she can escape her debt to Frank. But... she dies. She gets shot in the bathroom and bleeds out on a cold ceramic tile floor. As she does, the last words she hears are "Nobody would even miss your punk ass, would they?!" And she's inclined to believe him. Everyone she ever cared about left her. It was her fault. Nobody's gonna miss her. And then there's nothing left for her but the ceasing of her existence. Yes, we know Max, David, and Joyce will miss her. But, to Chloe, she doesn't believe that. She doesn't believe everyone she knows cares. And that's how Chloe dies. Unloved. Hated. Abandoned. She died how she believed she lived, alone and forgotten.

    All of this is antithetical to how Max makes Chloe feel in the game. That she is loved unconditionally. That people care about her. That Joyce cares. That David cares. That Max? She loves and cares about Chloe above all else. And Chloe doesn't need to commit suicide to be loved.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] So happy I can put my boys on display!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:29 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Quick warm down of Cassidy

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:22 PM PST

    [no spoilers] Recommending a new Fan Fic

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:40 PM PST

    Hey y'all few days ago u/DongLongQua_ commented on a post about wanting to write a fic and as of yesterday released the first chapter I wanted to share if for them its called Heaven is Missing an Angel so comments and criticism for them is welcome

    submitted by /u/djkaerf324
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    [S1] My own 8-bit Instrumental Cover of Something good by alt J. Ill be singing along to it as well. Plus ill post the link to it if you want to download this banger! Took me 4 hours xD

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:47 PM PST

    [ALL] Why does letting Daniel swear give Daniel one of the reasons to not listen to you?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:36 PM PST

    It seems really strange to me.

    submitted by /u/Wallsasa
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