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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [S2 E3] Adventure Time with Finn and Daniel [art by me]

    Life Is Strange | [S2 E3] Adventure Time with Finn and Daniel [art by me]

    [S2 E3] Adventure Time with Finn and Daniel [art by me]

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:43 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I can’t explain how much i love this game finished it 3 days ago and its still stuck in my head one of the best experience i’ve had in a videogame ❤️

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:42 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Weeeee by Marin-Everydaybox

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:13 PM PST

    [All] Life is Strange Before The Storm's most wholesome moment

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

    [S2] The Evolution of Sean through the road

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:47 PM PST

    [S1] My Vocal Cover of Mountains by Message To Bears. Hope you enjoy! PS the next Voting poll will start tommorow at 4pm (GMT)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:52 AM PST

    [All] Getting close to Life is Strange characters.....

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Yup, listen guys. I played a lot of games, A LOT, and I met tons of characters, and very few left a mark on me, but when I played Life is Strange Before The Storm.... well let's say that it made me want to straight out live in that universe. Every single character felt like a real human for a change, and then came Chloe Price... she basically changed the way I view being a teen.... she taught me that being a teen can sometimes be hard, but you can easily make it fun. She taught me that you don't have to get perfect grades to be smart, and that friends matter a lot too.

    submitted by /u/GoblinGuy3
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    [NO SPOILERS] [S2E1] This sounds really familiar

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:30 PM PST

    Doesn't the song that Esteban was listening to in his garage sound a lot like Santana's Smooth?


    submitted by /u/kyunt__
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    [NO SPOILERS] Interesting music video by the Japanese band King Gnu that gives some Captain Spirit vibes

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:54 AM PST


    A few months ago I was taking a flight and heard this song. Then got hooked on LiS over the holidays and noticed that Chris in his get-up looks not unlike the nameless protagonist of this song. The narrative is abstract but it shares similar themes of a kid using his imagination and art to cope with/escape a less than ideal home life.

    Hikoutei (Flying Boat) by King Gnu


    What kinda dream will you have?
    Don't fret about always being right
    Get caught up in the freedom
    Step by step
    Feel the beat
    果ての無いパーティーを 続けようか
    Shall we continue the party without end?

    この時代に飛び乗って Fly and ride on this era.
    Tonight, let's make this town take off
    Fly out into the great sky
    命揺らせ 命揺らせ
    Shake this life up Shake this life up

    Ride out this wind
    Tonight, turn into the eye of the storm
    Fly out into the great sky
    命揺らせ 命揺らせ
    Shake this life up Shake this life up

    In the ever-unchanging
    corner of the everyday,
    It's better to stay and laugh in naivety

    Shall we continue the meaningless journey?
    One by One
    Nothing wrong with taking it slow
    The cheers and jeers alike,
    Take it all of it in

    Fly and ride on this era.
    Today, let's become a pile of fools
    Don't be afraid of mistakes.
    命揺らせ 命揺らせ
    Shake this life up. Shake this life up.

    Ride on this wind,.
    Tonight, let's become the nameless wind.
    Let's take in both the good and evil
    命揺らせ 命揺らせ
    Shake this life up Shake this life up

    Pour down the great rain
    Tremble the great earth
    Celebrate the past
    Take on the weight of tomorrow
    命揺らせ 命揺らせ
    Shake this life up Shake this life up

    Ride on the era
    Tonight, let's make this town take off
    Get caught up in the great sky
    命揺らせ 命揺らせ
    Shake this life up Shake this life up

    Ride on this wind
    Tonight, become the eye of the storm
    Get caught up in the great sky
    命揺らせ 命揺らせ
    Shake this life up Shake this life up

    Ride on your hopes
    Tonight, take flight on these wings
    Take flight into this great sky
    命生まれ 命生まれ
    Wake this life up Wake this life up
    Ride out on this wind

    Tonight, become the nameless wind
    Take in both the good and the evil
    命揺らせ 命揺らせ
    Shake this life up Shake this life up

    submitted by /u/mr__outside
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    [NO SPOILERS] Graphic Novel

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    What is it about, is it about a whole new story or does it continue what happened after Arcadia bay or is it literally just the story but in graphic novel form.

    submitted by /u/LilGasPipe
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    [S2 E5] Which ending do you think Sean and Daniel’s father would’ve been most proud of his sons

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST

    [S2] Just finished E5! Thoughts

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:42 PM PST

    (tldr at the bottom) I just finished Episode 5 and I'm overall pretty happy with my ending (Sean surrenders and Daniel agrees, nobody killed). Immediate reactions are overall really good. Having experienced Sean and Daniel's story is great, and I feel bittersweet that the story comes to a close. One thing is that I feel like I know the characters, that they're truly real, which is a very good sign from any story. The sequence at the end with the photographs and seeing Sean and Daniel all grown up was especially emotional, filled with plenty of "holy shit" moments seeing how much time actually has passed. In a way I guess I'm feeling somewhat the same emotions Sean might have been feeling in prison, glad that Daniel is growing up just fine but sad to have not experienced it in full, only seeing glimpses of change.

    Now for some criticism. There were many times where I felt that some dialogue/interactions were awkward, usually because they were too "on the nose" or that they would tend to spell things out for the player. Off the top of my head I'm thinking about the argument between the immigrants and the vigilantes in E5: it seemed to me to be more a repeat of what we the player already know (I guess I would have liked the argument to be more personal and unique to the immigrants' own story). Personally, I enjoy when stories don't underestimate their vieweres; they leave things to be filled in.

    I also would have loved to see more interactions with Lyla. I felt that her relationship to Daniel and Sean was really unique. In a way she mirrors some aspects of the player's mentality, being somewhat in awe about how far these two characters really have gone (as she presumably gets glimpses of Sean and Daniel's journey through news or TV). In the first episode (and the one where Sean gives her a phone call), I really felt as if she were a close friend and key emotional support that Sean can confide in, and the "Best Friends Forever" kind of vibe really make me expect to see her come back in an integral way later on in their journey. Overall, my opinion here is both a critique and a testament to the story's emotional power: I really missed her throughout the story, just as much as Sean and Daniel must have felt.

    These are just some first reactions and thoughts, and I would love to hear what you guys think about the story! Do you agree or disagree?

    TL;DR/EDIT: Such an emotionally powerful game, great story. Although I also thought some interactions were awkward and Lyla was a powerful character and underused

    submitted by /u/Marcelkapono2
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    [All] Sean's true time

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:38 PM PST

    15 years for what even??? Was my first reaction. It just didn't make sense to me, so I did some research, thinking, and remembering to see how it would have really went.

    tl;dr at the bottom.

    If they're both moral in this version there is a very big chance the only illegal thing Daniel ever did is work on a weed farm. He isn't going to get 15 years for that, especially as a minor!

    As for the other stuff, considering their was video footage of the death of the officer neither child could be convicted of that and even if there was no footage no way a jury would reasonably convict a teenager for killing an armed officer. It is most likely his death would be ruled as unknown causes or pinned on their father instead. Speaking of that, considering the cop killed their dad even if Sean was convicted they'd likely put the crime down as self-defense. Still, unlikely he'd be convicted of that at all...

    As for the situation with the racist jerk Hank, if the player chose to steal from the store (A bit unlikely considering this is the moral Sean and Daniel version) considering the maximum amount of stuff you can steal, they'd give a charge of petty theft. This usually carries up to one year in prison, and considering Sean is a minor he may get less than this as they would be more lenient on him.

    One more thing I'd like to note is Hank tries claiming they assaulted him, but this is not going to stick in a court of law and he would technically get in legal trouble for this himself.

    You see, while store employees can detain shoplifters there are three aspects here.

    1. Does Hank have reasonable suspicion or evidence? No. This was clearly racially motivated and, unless he saw the transaction or something along these lines, it is unreasonable. One big thing is he tried detaining them without ever asking the clerk at the cash register about whether they paid, meaning he completely jumped the gun.

    2. Length of detention. Considering he only intended on detaining them until the police came, Hank actually checks out here.

    3. Reasonable amount of force used? Knocking out a teenager and chasing and possibly injuring a child (based on Sean's choice) is definitely not going to hold up, especially because Daniel is not guilty of theft only Sean is.

    So Hank is dealing with assault on a minor, garment damage, battery on Daniel, and wrongful imprisonment. He's in for a long sentence and loss of his business. But let's go back to Sean.

    Sean can't be convicted for assaulting Hank as Hank tried to illegally citizen arrest him. Also, if you didn't rob the store, no consequences. As for kicking Hank in the face when you steal the tent, Hank grabbed his leg and he was attempting to flee wrongful imprisonment so this should have no consequences.

    The weed robbery stuff is also not something Sean would get in big trouble for as even if you went along with Finn, no one's statement is going to condemn Sean. Even Finn himself would likely say either they were all innocent or it was all his idea. Agent Flores also makes it very clear she already believes Finn was the mastermind. This makes Sean an accessory to conspiracy to commit a crime as it was not completed successfully. This would likely lead him to a maximum of three years in prison, but considering everyone else's statement coupled with his injury, he'd likely get less or even nothing.

    Finn, on the other hand, could plead he was denied his rightful pay and only sought what he was owed for a lighter sentence on attempted robbery, but considering he got potentially two minors involved... He could be in bigger trouble. I'm unsure what he would most likely get.

    However, one thing that can't be avoided is the charge for working on the illegal weed farm. Sean always does this. However one thing is the sentence for this can GREATLY vary, all depending on exactly how much you cultivated. You could get five years or a thousand years. They couldn't reasonably prove how much Sean made but considering everyone else seemed to get off basically with no punishment, it's likely he'd get either five years or no sentence.

    One thing is Merrill may try to say Sean attempted to rob him, but he is both a big criminal and everyone else will plead something different so it is unlikely he'd be believed. He is totally going to prison for a long time though.

    Lastly, the burning of the church and death of the minister, considering their mother takes full responsibility for this, Sean would likely get no sentence here either. I am a bit confused as to how exactly Karen appeared during the scene where Sean left prison considering she said she'd take the fall and the officer at the detention center confirmed this... Either a plot hole or the jury decided she acted in self-defense.

    The Grand theft auto of the car used to escape the hospital would probably land Sean sixteen months in prison if they prove it was him.

    The breakout in the detention center, if the officers in there testified, would be pinned on Daniel who is too young to be prosecuted and could not reasonably be thought to do all that, meaning Sean likely gets off free or an accessory with one year. And unless the couple you can save were both caught and testified AGAiNST Sean, once again Daniel used his powers to break them out, not Sean.

    Sean fleeing from the scene of a crime in the beginning of the game is also dismissable as he has more than reasonable reason to believe his life was endangered, the media already proved that given their coverage.

    So in the end, the maximum sentence Sean would face is eleven years in prison, and his status as a minor and injuries sustained would likely result in an even lighter sentence. That is what would happen if you chose to commit every crime and still managed to keep Daniel good. Most players who got this ending would likely face even less. But this is not fifteen years.

    One last thing of note is the explosions Daniel's powers caused... Yeah, no trouble for that. How on earth could they ever prove without reasonable doubt Sean did all that? Hell, every statement not from Sean and Daniel is either going to point towards unknown causes or Daniel rather than Sean. Which any judge would laugh at and Daniel is too young to be convicted for.

    So that is the most likely sentence for Sean. I think it would have been interesting if they integrated changes for Sean's sentence in this ending based on your choices, really would make a real change based on how you've played Sean and what you've done for Daniel honestly. Maybe if you went on a crime scene you get the ending we have already, and if you did a few crimes, Sean comes out a bit earlier and is a bit less depressed and Daniel is still guilty, or if you did nothing he comes out shortly and the Bros live happily ever after. But that would remove the bittersweet aspect of every ending so maybe it really is better this way. And that's all I have to say.

    tl;dr Sean should really only get eleven years, likely less, if you did every single crime.

    I hope you all liked my analysis of the crimes available in the game.

    submitted by /u/TevinTheTheorizer
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    [NO SPOILERS] Question about the Collectors Edition and 3 collectible art cards

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:55 PM PST

    So i was thinking about buying Collectors Edition,Europe's Square Enix doesn't have collectible art cards listed whereas US version does. Is there a way to get them in Europe too or are they somehow exclusive to US?

    submitted by /u/MileenaVoorhes
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    [S2] A 'Life is Strange 2' review

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (-55% Off for limited time)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

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