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    Monday, February 10, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [S2 E5] Max... I'll always be with you by Mentikme

    Life Is Strange | [S2 E5] Max... I'll always be with you by Mentikme

    [S2 E5] Max... I'll always be with you by Mentikme

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    [S1] Last Words

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:59 AM PST

    I just realized that if you pick Bay ending, the last thing Chloe ever hears in her 19 year old life is: "Nobody would ever even miss your punk ass, would they?"

    Damn, now I'm sad again.

    submitted by /u/DongLongQua_
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    [NO SPOILERS] Maxwell Caulfield. - Fanart by Carl Fabon.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:22 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] "We wrote each other letters!" (3 generations of Max Caulfield and Chloe Price)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] My Life is Strange Tattoo I got last November!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST

    [S1 E4] Just finished S1,episode 4...

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:52 PM PST

    I feel pretty empty now and I can't even type properly.That twist at the end man I don't know what to say.This is one of the best games ever and I feel so emotionally attached to this game and it's wonderful characters.That ending has left me spellbound.Cant wait to play episode 5!

    That fucking son of a bitch.You know who I'm referring to. Man this is too much for my innocent heart...I don't want this game to end but I wanna see the conclusion

    submitted by /u/randomdudeonthe
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    [NO SPOILERS] Tired

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    [BtS] Progress check on bassline. Its getting there boiiis xD

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:44 PM PST

    [ALL] slightly disappointed in 1 thing in lis2

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:51 AM PST

    Now completed both 1 and 2.

    I'm slightly disappointed in 2, not for the story or game or anything major. I actually feel the story was much better than 1, had me gripped through the majority.

    My only Disappointment with 2 is that Sean didn't get to reunite with lyla? Or at least see her again at some point.

    The very last scene where the Diaz brothers were in the garage in Mexico, then sitting opposite the beach, would of been perfect to see lyla rock up, they both smile and then the game could end. That would of been the perfect ending for me.

    I know the story is about heartbreak and coping with loss, but we never know what happened to lyla?, does she accept she's never seeing Sean and Daniel again, and has she just moved on with her life. Or is she still trying to find them? she seemed like she would be a big part of the story, then she just kind of drifts out apart from a few phone calls.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/JamieLeeWV
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    [NO SPOILERS] My visual ASMR of background animations continues. Joyce in the diner

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:44 AM PST

    [ALL] Life is Strange Has Left Me Tired Emotionally

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:17 PM PST

    (Note there are some spoilers for some other franchises below: ATLA, LOK, TLOU, and the film Weathering With You.)

    I am tired. I really do love Life is Strange, and I love writing about Life is Strange here on this sub. Writing those dumb essays and rants is like my only real outlet for a lot of the problems I have in real life. One of my first major posts on this sub was a post regarding what Life is Strange meant to me. And it does mean a lot to me, it still does. I just am not sure where to go from here. Lately, I'm been noticing an uptick in toxicity. And I'm sure, for me, hanging around on Twitter was not helping in the slightest with that feeling. Even I, letting my emotions overrun me, was feeling pretty toxic too.

    Now believe it or not, despite most of my very hot takes with very charged opinions, I don't hate everyone around me. I am just extremely defensive of this game and what it means to me. So I do get happy when I see other people got similar things out of the game as I did. And then I get extremely pissed when I see people blindly shitting on Chloe or Max while heavily praising more boring characters like Warren or praising more abusive characters like Nathan, Jefferson, or Damon. I don't know, it always seemed hurtful or counter productive to me. Maybe because I relate so much to Max and Chloe, and Chloe's struggles specifically, and when I do see people bashing both of them while praising what is boiled down to their abusers hurts. And then I get upset and angry. If it wasn't already clear from a lot of my Chloe posts, I am borderline and my emotions run high a lot since I have trouble controlling them. I have a lot of emotions and feelings about Life is Strange, and I don't know but I do heavily enjoy writing those essays even if they get a lot of negative feedback.

    Maybe it's not fair to title this "Life is Strange has left me tired emotionally" because really it has been my negative interactions with people causing this. I am all up for discussion, that is the reason I try to bring up more of a counter balance to a lot of stuff. I'm not purposefully ever trying to piss anyone off or anger anyone, I'm just trying to stir up some discussion. I will say, again, I do get angered though when I do see someone who just has like this gross misunderstanding of the game in a lot of places. Like one example I always see is that Warren is somehow equal to Chloe and therefore I shouldn't be angry people say his relationship with Max is equal, or for some people even more meaningful, than her relationship with Chloe. And like it doesn't matter how long I write an essay post on Chloe or how I tell them that Warren is just kind of like pale insert imitation relationship meant to satiate a certain subsect of players. Similar to how some other games will include a same-sex relationship route or option, but usually they end up being horribly shoehorned in. Like that character will have one or two badly written scenes, and the writers expect us to be so happy that they even included this relationship that they pat themselves on the back for it. Now I don't really think about Life is Strange in terms of like shipping anymore. I really don't. For me, it's more about Max and Chloe's canon relationship with one another.

    Now I know people will rush to this and harass me for daring to say it's canon, but it's how I feel. It's like if I watch The Legend of Korra or Avatar The Last Airbender and I enjoy the relationship of Korra and Asami or Aang and Katara, are those really ships or just canon romantic relationships? You'll always have the volatile person who "ships" Korra with Mako or Katara with Zuko. Meanwhile, they'll be talking about how the other relationships are just "ships" and that's it. Just an opinion. But unlike some other choice based games like Telltale's The Walking Dead, where you truly do have two equally worked on romantic choices depending on how you play the game... Life is Strange always feels like it's always about Max and Chloe. The main scored theme of the game is literally called "Max and Chloe." The song always washes over me with an extreme feeling of nostalgia? It's not something I really feel for any other scored piece of music from anything. I guess the only thing that comes close for me is Clementine's Suite from Telltale's The Walking Dead. People seem to really just hate me because "You say you hate ships but that's just because you only love Pricefield!!11!" And for me that's always seemed like a copout answer. To accuse me of that because I do view the game as about a singular relationship that does feel so special, nostalgic, and intimate. Because I do feel as though, if the game never gave you a weird very badly written Warren kiss, people would still only view Max and Chloe has a ship, an opinion that is not canon.

    There is, for whatever reason, a huge negative stigma to not view their relationship as an actual character relationship, because nowadays every relationship, even if they are canon are reduced down to ships. And my emotional tiring is coming from all this ship bullshit. Like saying that trying to push a romantic relationship between Max and Warren seems counter intuitive to the themes of this game. Hell, saying romantic inclinations between Max and Chloe for anyone other than each other seems counter intuitive. Like you see how they talk to each other, you see how they look at each other, and like the extreme amount Max is willing to go for Chloe? How you see how the idea of being rejected by Chloe and being replaced by Chloe is an actual fear for her? How in the end, when all the nightmare people are blaming Max for everything? How they're trying to convince her Max is being puppeteered? The person who saves Max from the nightmare is her own manifestation of Chloe. A manifestation so surprising that Max herself is surprised, simply based on her facial expressions. For me these details are there no matter what you do. No matter what choices you make, even if you choose to "kiss" Warren, the game continues on this path. The game continues to this point to save Chloe. Max even says this, NO MATTER WHAT, when it comes to the final choice: "You are ALL I care about now. " Like, I just don't see how people misconstrue the details of their relationship like this. People don't misconstrue other relationships like this. Or call me a mass murderer for choosing to save Chloe and not damn to such a horrible death. It feels hypocritical. Why?

    There are two, for me at least, cited examples of people saving their loved ones at the cost of some perceived "greater good." In the heavily lauded and multi-award winning PS3/PS4 game, The Last of Us, one of the main story elements of the game is for the main character, Joel, to help Ellie find the Fireflies who are attempting to create a cure for the Cordyceps virus. Ellie, who is immune to the virus, is sought as the key to solving this. At the end of the game, when Joel and Ellie finally find them, Ellie is taken for what will be believed to result in a cure. But then Joel is told that Ellie is going to die from the procedure, something that neither of them were told. Joel decides that Ellie's life is more important and goes after to save her. As he does go after her, you find evidence in the building that the Fireflies have tried before to create a cure with other people, killing them all in their attempts to find it. Most likely, like Ellie, they did not know they would be put under and not wake up. Despite the possibility a real cure could happen, Joel is not only not willing to let Ellie die like that but also the chances of it producing anything are astronomically low. And guess what? Despite the fact that Joel is just straight up mowing people down with a gun, no one ever is like "HOW COULD JOEL DO THAT??? HE JUST SACRIFICED MILLIONS FOR THIS STUPID GIRL?!!!!" No. We don't. I've never seen a single reaction like that.

    In the anime film, Weathering with You, there are a lot of comparisons to Life is Strange. It's kind of staggering. One of the biggest things is that there is eternal rain in Tokyo, and the main female protagonist can pray the storm away. However, towards the end, she decides she herself is responsible for the neverending rainfall in the city and decides to kill herself in order to stop the storm once and for all. Despite that the main character stops her from doing so, so that she can live her own life and it's not her fault that the neverending rainfall in Tokyo does this. In the end, he stops her from sacrificing herself like that despite that meaning the rainfall in the city will never stop. Yet, despite that nobody ever seems to complain about how selfish that is. Rather they applaud the ending as a masterpiece of selflessly telling someone they don't need to be a martyr for something that is not their fault.

    Now these are two great pieces of fiction that I do enjoy. However, the one big difference between all of these? The relationships. Ellie is like a daughter to Joel! Of course he would never let her die like that. Meanwhile in Weathering with You, Hodaka is legitimately in the same place as Max is, while Hina is where Chloe is. But no one gets angry with Hodaka for damning Tokyo to an eternal flood. Why? Oh... yeah that's right. Hodaka is a guy. Hina is a girl. Max is a girl. Chloe is a girl. Despite all three of these choices and relationships being about one person saving another person they love and care about from certain death at the cost of something? Only Max and Chloe's gets shit on all the time if you choose to save Chloe from having to martyr herself for something that's not her fault. It bothers me to NO end that no one really goes to the extreme lengths to call Joel or Hodaka a mass murderer. But somehow Max allowing nature to take its course is her murdering the whole town?

    This is more of a personal rant than anything, but I felt the need to get it off my chest. It's not been fun having to deal with the people who refuse to have any sort of common courtesy whatsoever. I say Chloe is borderline because I feel as though her traits and actions match those of my own, or hell even other borderline people who see her as having it? I get some guy telling me that he is an academic and how he knows 100% certainly that she does not have bpd, before proceeding to armchair analyze me based on my post history to "diagnose" me with bpd when I had already admitted I had it. Whether it be that or people blindly telling me off because "Max and Chloe's relationship isn't canon! But we all know Rachel's and Chloe's/Max's and Warren's is!" Or the classic old "Chloe isn't a lesbian! She's bi or even straight, so I can ship her with Eliot, Warren, Nathan, and any other person I want." Do you know how tiring that is? It's about as tiring as hearing over and over again that Madeline from Celeste isn't trans and it's just "an opinion." And I sit there like "Yeah because cishet people have gay pride and trans pride flags in their personal bedrooms." One of my current favorites were the people saying I was a hypocrite for "mass murdering Arcadia Bay" but not "mass murdering the police officers in LiS 2."

    I don't know what to do anymore. I just don't. I love Life is Strange. I love the things I've written for it. I love the actual healthy discussions I have with people. But even hearing that a friend of mine has been harassed for just explaining his reasons for why he chose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay. He was literally threatened over private messages with actual violence over that. I just feel as though there is a certain toxicity brewing over it. There's hypocrisy everywhere you turn. There's people out there simply lying in wait for a "GOTCHA!" moment to call someone out. You can't talk about the endings and what each means without someone bringing in the good old trolley problem and then calling you a mass murderer because Chloe is one and the town is many.

    It's tiring. Emotionally tiring. When you find extreme comfort in a game, its characters, its stories, and its world you become attached to it. When you see people just kind of taking everything out of context for no reason, it does annoy and hurt me. Using Celeste again as an example, a lot of Madeline's anxieties and depression can be seen in a whole new light when you know she's trans. The social problems, the idea of her not looking in a mirror or being photographed, Badeline herself coming out of a mirror and telling Madeline "You'll never be a real mountain climber." All of these things you see in an entirely new light knowing that, but a majority of people ignore that. It's out of blatant transphobia there though. And it's just tiring. It's draining dealing with this stuff day in and day out. People will probably tell me to just get a life, but considering personal issues that are really out of my control, this kinda stuff is my life as sad as it is. I barely have reasons to stick around this coil, but I do because it's like one of the only things I do truly care enough about to write insanely long essays for no reason. I want to do more positive stuff, but it's hard when people don't seem to care or interact with those posts.

    I know a lot of you will downvote this just on instinct. But I just wanted to share some feelings about my current state sticking around here in the fandom. Interacting isn't a 100% negative experience, I do get a lot of good out of it, but when it seems like certain people just want to trigger my negative emotions for the hell of it, it makes me wonder what the point is. I love Life is Strange. A lot. I don't want to give that up.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] Whatever you think of the LIS fandom, we sure know what matters the most!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:20 PM PST

    [ALL] If Life is Strange was a movie, What Oscar nominations would get?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:02 PM PST

    What Oscar nominations would get?

    My guesses.

    • Best Picture
    • Best Actress
    • Best Suppoting Actress
    • Best Cinematography
    • Best Original Score
    submitted by /u/LeonEncisoXD
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    [No Spoilers] "Before You Go" by Lewis Capaldi

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:37 PM PST

    A friend shared this song with me, and it seems to fit the relationship between Max and Chloe. It fits the 5 year period that they were parted, in my opinion anyway. After I played it, I looked for a music video, but, there were none.


    submitted by /u/ShotgunLeopard
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    [No Spoilers] Similar games on Nintendo Switch

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Hi Everyone

    This is my first day on Reddit, but I wanted to join this subreddit because this is my favorite game. The only system I have right now though is a Nintendo Switch. Does anyone know of any similar games on the Switch?

    submitted by /u/Euphoria1997
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    [C1] About the Life is Strange comics.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:37 AM PST

    thanks to my final choice in the first game, i was tempted to search and read the comics that go on from there. I'm currently reading them and wanted to know what the community thinks about them ... Do you like it? Do not like? Dissert!

    (In fact, you probably have already had a lot of posts about it in the community, but I decided to do this one for reasons of curiosity and interaction.)

    submitted by /u/Price_L
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