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    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] This is why I can never make that sacrifice.. (Anyone know the artist? I can't find them)

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] This is why I can never make that sacrifice.. (Anyone know the artist? I can't find them)

    [ALL] This is why I can never make that sacrifice.. (Anyone know the artist? I can't find them)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    [ALL] Cassidy by Gistefiya

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Colorized version of a Max fanart I did a while back.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] ��. - Fanart by Kasiel.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Max Amber by Beautyflaw

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    [No Spoilers] When using wallpaper engine I find it cool having these two backgrounds play at the same time

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Please don't lie to me ever again by azzai

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    [All] The storm, a fan theory about the mechanics of Max’s power

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    I have been thinking about the "rules" of the universe established in the LiS series, the final decision of the game and how a single rewind seems unlikely to cause the storm. The line of thought that Chloe must die to prevent the storm is also wonky as Max has to use her power to sacrifice Chloe anyway.

    My interpretation into the mechanics of why the BAY ending avoids the storm is that by jumping back to the bathroom Max is able to create a situation where she never realised she had her power throughout that week. The autoMax who takes over for the week is unaware of her power. Also, as autoMax is grieving, she is also disinclined to do much during the week and unlikely to discover her powers. Thus, the photojump back effectively deletes all of the rewinds Max made throughout the week that never happened, implying that the storm was caused by the sum effect of all of Max's rewinds. Presumably, the Max who returns when she is at the lighthouse in the cutscene still has her power.

    The sad part about this theory is that, if it is true, Max very well could have done a "single rewind" to save Chloe without causing the storm but due to the events of the week that never happened was unable to avoid using her power many times after that initial rewind. Trapping her and Chloe in the situation of the games final choice.


    1. This theory uses the AutoMax concept from the game/fandom; where a temporary version of Max takes over from Max's body after she leaves the photojump and returns to the present. AutoMax presumably will act consistent with how Max would respond to her situation in the environment she finds herself in. Hence the wide divergence in the "William lives" timeline and small but consistent divergences after the other photo jumps.

    2. This theory assumes Max's power is intrinsic to her, which works with Life is Strange 2 presentation of Daniels power.

    3. This theory assumes that Max's usage of her "rewind" power is the cause of the storm, but does not assume that Chloe's death is required to prevent it.

    4. This theory also works with the zeitgeist gallery timeline as the autoMax after photojumping back to submit her photo and text David about Jefferson and Nathan, goes on to the bathroom where presumably the bathroom incident still plays out (David ain't that fast) and she saves Chloe by rewinding. As this AutoMax discoveries her powers, she rewinds throughout the week while she has control and the storm still happens after Max resumes control in the zeitgeist gallery timeline.

    submitted by /u/Bluefist56
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    [NO SPOILERS] The Blue Haired Badass

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] What, in your opinion, are the odds that we see a return of S1 characters?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    I've only played S1, so no BTS or S2 spoilers please!

    submitted by /u/Lil-Melt
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    [NO SPOILERS] Working on pieces with this style. Inspiration is linked in the comments

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    [S1] what do you think the game could of gone into more detail with?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Do you think there we're any missed opportunities within the game?

    Such as characters or certain plot points that could of benefited with more lore or details?

    submitted by /u/FlipFlapWhack
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    [S1] I'm so happy for my second playthrough

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    I got the kiss ending

    Now it hurts even more because only Max will remember that kiss plus in the bathroom scene, that slight jump from Max after hearing the gunshot hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a very emotional scene and it really portrayed the helplessness of Max. I can only imagine what would it be like in that situation, letting someone die and that someone being your best friend and potentially your love.

    For my interpretation on how Max got her ability (I just want to write about it, I chose to sacrifice Chloe btw)

    I think her power was given by....Chloe's wish to spend just one week with Max. This is where after she died and her last image was Max, her best friend that she hasn't seen for so long. So the "universe" granted Chloe's wish and gave Max the ability to rewind time but there is a catch. Sort of like the "the monkey's paw". The tornado at the beginning served as a warning for Max, save Chloe and face the consequences. The snow, eclipse, dead whales and two moons served as ominous signs for her last choice because "where there is death, there will always be death". I see it as the universe trying to fix itself. So after Max makes her final choice whether she sacrificed Chloe or Arcadia Bay, she will no longer be able to rewind time. This is the consequence of Chloe's wish to have that one week with Max, (if Max choose to save the town) "that timeline never existed" and only Max will have that memory of that one week of their time together and that kiss. If she chose to save Chloe, Max would have blood on her hands and will have to live with the guilt for the rest of her life.

    submitted by /u/Kenway21
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    [All] My personal experience with the first series and what the games taught me.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    When I first played the first Life is Strange, I wasn't able to choose de final decision just closed the game so I could finish another day, but I couldn't finish at the end, this was like 2 years ago.

    This year, when I finally bought Before the Storm and played both games following the chronological line. The first game for me was a lot difficult because I knew what would happen to Rachel at the end, so I was dedicated to her the best, so she could live a less painful life, even with all the things that occurred with her, I cried way more in Before the Storm episodes than in the first game, I felt like the girls' relationship was lovely, and sometimes I desired to be with them, and the last choice really broke my heart.

    I didn't want her to suffer any longer, for that I lied at the end, therefore, hiding from her the truth, because if she is going to die there is no other reason to live a fucked up life with her dad. Everything in the game made me cry, the songs, the atmosphere of the environment, literally all of its content had a real impact on me. This game taught me what is a real friendship, or more than that, and how life can sometimes is unfair with us, Rachel was such a great person, she didn't deserve to die the way she did. And Chloe proved to me that she more than just a punk, she is wonderful, even in her problems she wanted to do what was better for Rachel, trying to give her the life she deserves.

    I might have scratched a bit of my experience with this game because I played the other one first, so I was always trying to do what was better for Rachel, but even knowing how it would end, the game couldn't be more fantastic, just wanted it to longer.

    So with a broken heart, I started playing with Max, a longer game with an (in theory) total different plot. I feel like playing with Max is way calmer than what it is to Chloe, sometimes, when the game gave me the option to be rude I was not able to do so. But when it came to Mark, I always tried to be rude as hell to him (a problem of finishing the game and replaying it, you can't see that lovely person that everyone talks about, just a psychopath). During the game, I tried to live my best with Chole, because leaving Chole behind was a terrible decision, she just a lovely teen that had too many problems in her life for being just a teen.

    In the end, I realized that no matter what I did Chloe was meant to be dead, that was her burden, living that week with her was magical, but Max was just trying to fake destiny. So I decided that I should sacrifice her, therefore she would be with Rachel and free from her suffering on Earth, avoiding people to suffer from Max's mistakes in a hurry to keep Chloe alive.

    I know that in Acardia Bay there are a lot of people who should die from a painful death, the result in being such horrible people, but there were people who did their best for both Chole and Rachel that should stay alive. At the end of both games, I realized that we should try to live our best with people we love, someday they will be gone, memories will be everything we've got, love while we can because life is strange, it can go to your life's best moment to your worst memories.

    I liked arts and photography before playing it, after those games I noticed that arts can be beautiful, but life is way more than it. I think Life is Strange is more than a game, it is like a life-changing experience, I think everyone should play it, just know what matters are the tiny things that make us happy.

    Sorry for typing too much, but there is no way I could tell to you guys my experience with it in fewer lines, those games are now my favorites and I think they will be forever the best games of my life.
    Thanks for reading <3.

    submitted by /u/YANKIT0
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    [NO SPOILERS] You guys have been great, thank you!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I found the first game by accident and went in completely cold, without any prior knowledge of what it entailed. I completed it making decisions that made sense to me, it's been a week now, and I've been plagued by a fair amount of nostalgia ever since. I was under the impression that at my age, I had seen it all. I was wrong.

    I thought I was alone in this, but looking back years into this subreddit, I came to understand that we've been many. I've been slowly going back in time, reading past threads, and many of your answers are awesome... and wholesome.

    While I still have that lingering bittersweet sense of sadness, thanks to all of you, at least I accept it, now and until the day it will have faded forever.

    You rock.

    submitted by /u/unknowncanuck
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    [No Spoilers] Life is 2-D; PROGRESS REPORT. (Still) playable Gameboy demo of LiS, as a 90's era RPG

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Life is 2-D: A Gameboy demo. UPDATED

    UPDATED 27/04/2020 Just an update for everyone on how things are progressing with Life is Two Dimensional. I have been steadily working on the game in a fairly specific manner, actually quite similar to how the "leaked" build of "What if?" seemed to have done things.

    While I was a little ahead of where the current second demo ends as far as the scripting/programming of the events (conversation branches, etc) and the backgrounds goes, I decided after scripting the Kate/David confrontation scene to go ahead and try to get the "bones" of the game in place. Meaning the path of the game structure in terms of backgrounds. This screen leads to this screen leads to this screen, creating the backgrounds, plus all the collision detection, trigger points for switching between screens - all that stuff nobody should have to think about once playing.

    The Price house took a while as the layout is quite intricate and I wanted to get the scale as close as reasonably possible to the ingame house (fun fact - the garage layout inside the house in Life is Strange does not match the exterior images... In the concept art and ingame cutscenes it is set back from the front of the house, but the ingame version actually lines up with the front door.), and making sure it wasn't too awkward to move around and was recognisable to a reasonable degree... I was very pleased that I was able to get the kitchen/dining area/lounge all in as one area rather than separate screens, and still the scale holds up extremely well all things considered. Easier in 3D than when you're drawing pixels in an overhead style view and have to figure out the distances between things and vs the player sprite, trust me! ;)

    ...And the end result?

    The game is now to the point where now I can walk (event free as explained) right through the first episode locations, right up to the end point of episode 1.

    Right now I've just walked through it on an actual Gameboy to make sure nothing is broken or forgotten... but I think that this deserves note as a milestone. A "speedrun" version like this lasted roughly 40 minutes. With changes, things still to be added etc taken into account... This is an incredibly close match for an actual Life is Strange speedrun for episode 1 at about 46 minutes. Which must mean I'm doing something right with scale! Yes, there is a LOT of dialogue and event stuff, sprites, sound etc that still needs doing (again - barely touched since the second demo) to go now.

    But I can. Rather than having to create an entire "scene", then create the entire next scene background first, and on and on, I can now focus on a screen, script what needs to be done, and have the next screen ready to go into, then the next, then the next. Think of it as something like the map in Link's Awakening on the original Gameboy - I can look at it, see what location leads to what, where, and know where it is going.

    So... Yeah. No estimate for any future release right now, as I'm doing this to my own timescale, whenever I want. But it's still going. Still progressing. Still enjoying spending my time on it. It's gotten further than I actually imagined it would. I just hope I'm doing it justice!

    Take care!

    UPDATED 27/02/2020 Due to feedback, the web version has been altered slightly today. Have attempted to make who is speaking in the classroom scene more evident by having the camera center on whoever is speaking. Please note this has only been done for the earliest version of this scene, but should hopefully alleviate this issue as best as possible for now. Please do try it out and see if it helps. Thanks!

    UPDATED: More sprites, far more dialogue, and now playable up to Blackwell Academy grounds - with a few little events added in out there. There are MORE placeholder character sprites in this version from GB Studio, but most of the "main" cast is done for now. The looped music is GONE, replaced with a small title screen jingle for now - Yes, I learned some basic MIDI creation to do so. I have attempted to get in touch with the author of the music used last time, so it may return some day. Very few sounds are in. Think of this as a more "What could be" than a "What if?".

    The journal (Start) has been disabled now for this build as it /really/ just will break things.

    Getting used to figuring basic ways to implement the main rewind events or rejig them to not be quite so demanding. It DOES now store your choices for the long term behind the scenes, but rewind events are /headache inducingly complex/ to script in GB Studio. I am able to go back and polish or add to these later, but right now the time required is just insane so I'm working on ways to keep things moving and sort of simplifying to the times too. My priorities are generally;

    1 - The "bones" of the game. Max and Chloe's story/the general basic structure for progress. 2 - Events 3 - Art 4 - Sound/Music

    I hope people enjoy this updated version. There's an invisible wall preventing progress on the left side or very top level of the Blackwell grounds, but beyond that you're relatively free to explore outside, and enjoy a little bit of Brooke's drone... ;)

    I'm also fortunate to have my own flash cart now to test it out on and it definitely works well on a GB or GB SP. If anyone finds any quirks, let me know.

    The basic plan is to finish episode 1, and I would /like/ to get into episode 2 as it is my personal favourite. I am currently slightly further along than this demo - essentially all of the Blackwell grounds are in place, as is the whole outside of the dorm, and a very basic version of the dorm hallway. So I will be working on getting again the "bones" of it in place up to the parking lot scene or Chloe's room, and probably jumping back occasionally to put more of the conversation events into the Blackwell grounds. Every bit of feedback good or bad is genuinely helpful and wanted, as there's always something to learn from it!

    What do I need?

    You should be able to play through this on your very own web browser. Simply head over to;


    And click within the game window.

    I want to have this to play on Windows/emulator/actual hardware/etc

    This is the updated ROM for Life is 2D.


    It should work with any Gameboy emulator, on any OS or phone - or even a flash cart - and it should run on even the most terrible laptop, tablet, whatever. But for simplicity on Windows, I'd go with Kigb.


    Unzip, run the kigb.exe, load the "Life is 2D (Demo).gb" ROM from the file menu. It's that simple. When finished, the demo will return to the main menu. The continue option/save aren't implemented yet, just placeholders.

    What is Life is 2-D?

    ORIGINAL TEXT: Life is 2-D is a very early stages recreation of the original Life is Strange, attempting to transplant as much of the story and elements into an original Gameboy-compatible RPG as possible. It is intended to be also emulate the style of things like the original Pokemon Blue/Red, Link's Awakening, etc while doing so. Right now, it is a mixture of sample art assets from GB Studio, and some very basic new artwork. It is quite literally a few screens, recreating the first few minutes of the actual game, made while learning how the (very excellent and beginner friendly - and FREE!) GB Studio works, and the creation of the assets. There are differences and added "dialogue", hung together fairly loosely to serve this purpose.

    If you're expecting more than a few minutes, or professional and polished, best walk away now. ;) I am strictly an amateur, seeing if I can get something recognisable as both LiS and 90's Gameboy RPG and ultimately I want to be able to just run this on an actual Gameboy/ColoUr/GBA - which should already be possible. Hopefully, I will continue, patch this up to a higher standard, and implement more of the game. I'm doing this entirely for fun bashing things together in a few hours. Hopefully it'll raise a smile from those who remember what these things were like, if nothing else. For now, this is "Can LiS be done in this style?" - no more, no less. Enjoy or ignore this little demo/prototype - and that is all it is right now - as you see fit.

    How to play: If you've played one of these games before, you'll know how it works. If not; The "Gameboy" A button to interact with signs etc, up/down/left/right, and that's about it. I've tried to add in some hints or "flavour text" on the signs.

    Life is... two dimensional. This released dedicated to Dayeanne Hutton (Kate Marsh, Alyssa and Juliet) and Tony Noto - congratulations to you both on the recent engagement!

    submitted by /u/FluffySorbet
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