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    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] The final Life is Strange fantasy XVII by QTori

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] The final Life is Strange fantasy XVII by QTori

    [ALL] The final Life is Strange fantasy XVII by QTori

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] some home pictures of Max. Realize that she fits me not so good. Still love her ��

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Future Days by DFS_2K / GustavoSantos01

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price Fanart by Dropdeadcoheed

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Golden hour by Celbean

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Happy Pride. - Fanart by Melb.art.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    [ALL] Question about the comics. Will there be a volume 4?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Has there been any news on volume 4 of the comics if that's happening and if so when? I'd love to get more stories of max and chloe's adventures post 1.

    submitted by /u/johnfarmer88
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    [NO SPOILERS] How does Life is Strange 2 run on PC compared to previous games?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    My laptop can run LiS and BTS okay (20-30fps). I played LiS2 on Xbox, but since it's leaving Game Pass I'm looking to buy it and it's quite a bit cheaper on PC. Is LiS2 more graphically intensive than the previous games or should I theoretically be able to run it?

    P.S. I am downloading Captain Spirit to see how it runs on my laptop.

    submitted by /u/craptasticluke
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    [S2] LiS2 Graphics Question (Base XB1)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Is it just my display or is LiS2 really blocky in its gradients, with color banding galore? I just finished episode 3 and the amount of darkly lit scenes was tough. I've done everything to calibrate, both in the Xbox settings and in-game. Checked every setting on my TV and AVR. Anyone else run into this or is it just how the game is rendered?

    submitted by /u/kerj
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life Is Strange Poster

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    [S2] Specific Ending Thoughts & Question

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Edited for after thought and glaring typo:

    My boyfriend and I just finished LiS2 and I believe we got the Redemption ending. It was the one where Sean goes to prison and Daniel lives out his life. Trust me, I was bawling my eyes out as soon as Sean told his brother "the wolf brothers story ends here." I had no idea where it was going to go. But that very ending of Daniel howling broke my heart the most.

    Now that it's an hour after and we looked up the other endings, I'm not sure how I feel about this particular one and looking at the others, I have no idea which one I'd prefer. All I know is I would hate to have the Sean dies ending. These brothers deserve so much more.

    Now, here is the point of my post. What did Sean end up getting 15 years for? I know the cop who arrested him mentioned a list of crimes and even at 16 years old, I feel 15 is light if they charged him for killing a cop. Did I miss something between my ugly crying?

    Edit: Not for nothing, it seems Sean is in state prison instead of federal and we are pretty sure it's Washington and not California or Nevada where the other crimes were committed. Also Karen tries to take the fall for the church, which wouldn't surprise me if they did give her time for it instead of Sean.

    submitted by /u/ravenroses
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    [NO SPOILERS] I made a max caulfield twitter header.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    [S1 E5] I can’t seem to finish the game?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    I can't seem to finish the game?

    First of all, there's nothing wrong with the game or glitches or anything like that. I just personally can't get myself through the last part of the game.

    For a little backstory... I am at the part of the last episode where you're supposed to go through a maze(?). Last time I played was two weeks ago, I think, and I saved the game when I was with the wrecked cars.

    I feel like i'm not mentally ready to finish the game? Does that make sense? And every time I tell myself, "Today i'm gonna play the rest, i'm gonna finish the game.", I get scared(?) and I don't understand why.

    So basically, what i'm wondering is... Can anyone give me any tips or something to help me continue the game?

    submitted by /u/penguinlikeswater
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    [S2] Life is Strange 2 VS TWD The Final Season.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    These games have so much in common so I think is fair compare them.

    Minor spoilers for TFS.

    • AJ is more likable than Daniel.
    • The secondary characters are better in LIS2.
    • Lily is more nuanced that all the villains in LIS 2 combined.
    • The endings in LIS 2 are better.
    • The story in both is kinda boring.


    LIS 2 is better just for a bit.

    submitted by /u/AshamedPhoto56
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