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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Told I looked like Chloe in this photo

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    [S2] Happy Ending. - Fanart by Leopold.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange Rachel Amber cosplay by Sawaka

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] The Butterfly Effect by GLPing

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Kate portrait by Ruby Kim

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    [S1] Let's talk about the hate surrounding the first game...

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Despite all of the positive things people have said and keep saying about Life is Strange as a game, there is also a lot of negativity and backlash surrounding it.

    And most of the times the arguments for this negativity are almost always baseless, unfounded and usually expressed in a derogatory manner. There's quite a few points that are always brought up such as the game being some sort of "SJW Propaganda" or a "Edgy tumblr teenage drama"

    I can definetly respect a point of view and even agree with it as long as there are valid arguments backing it up and as long as it's presented in a respectful way but most of the time that's simply not the case.

    As a quick example of what I'm talking about:

    I can't help but feel a bit hurt whenever I see streams or "let's plays" in which the respective streamer and the audience alike constantly shit on it for no good reason.

    I'm not saying there's more haters than fans but there is a very vocal minority that always seems to enjoy shitting on the franchise as a whole that's most proemiment on Youtube or Twitch.

    Despite this game having very positive reviews, ratings and numerous awards all around I always felt that it's way more trash-talked than any other game on the same level of critical acclaim.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ToxicFlashlightNea
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    [NO SPOILERS] I am very Confused

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    What is the order of the comics?

    submitted by /u/ihavemassivepp
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    [S1] [SPOILERS] [OC] How the ending of Life is Strange 1 could be fixed with an extra game or two and no retcons

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Major spoilers if you haven't played this game.

    (there are a few things you need to know about unused audio files in ep. 5/4 and the ep.5 trailer and other related stuff which suggests that there was a much bigger ending involving the prescotts planned for the series which answers a lot of questions but got cut due to budget/time restrictions. I linked a video about it in the comments. I've pretty much already described its contents but I would suggest having a look).

    Here I'm not rewriting the ending of the game and saying how it should have been written, but trying to describe how the series could be continued in a way that essentially overwrites the ending and allows the game to continue into the uncut 'true/original' ending that the devs intended (or even a totally different one, but that one seems to fit best).

    This could continue from either ending of Life is Strange ep. 5.

    Continuing from the ending where Max rewinds to the bathroom scene to allow Chloe to die to avoid the storm happening; what lets us continue after this ending is that there's no reason to let her die there and we can rewind to it without consequence. The point of going back there in the first place was to go back before Max did any rewinding so that the storm doesn't happen (because, as warren said, it was time travel + 'chaos theory' that caused the storm). Obviously, it doesn't make sense that Chloe being alive is in itself the cause of the storm (I live all the time and that doesnt cause jack). So, theoretically from that point, as long as you don't rewind, it's all fine. Why do you have to let Chloe die? Hitting the fire alarm to stop her death from happening doesn't involve rewinding time anymore than letting her get shot. In that scene, you rewound to before Nathan even gets in the bathroom, so you have plenty of time do to whatever you need to stop him from shooting her. So whatever you do (without rewinding) there will be no storm, so you can help Chloe survive without those consequences. So that's how we continue; after letting Chloe die in that final cutscene, Max realises that she could rewind to that moment using the butterfly photo and save her without causing the storm (since she's already in a timeline where rewinding to then did not cause the storm).

    Continuing from the other ending where Max chooses to allow the storm to occur instead of letting Chloe die; Max comes to a similar realisation that she can avoid the storm and also save Chloe - there will still be consequences in that Chloe won't remember any of their adventures and Max won't be able to time travel, but that leaves us in the exact same spot as my resolution to the other ending.

    After rewinding and saving Chloe, you'd have to continue the game without your rewind ability in fear of starting the storm again, but I think it would actually be really interesting - you already know how to take down Jefferson cause you already know about the dark room so you don't even have to rewind to get rid of him. This means that although you are essentially going from the very start of the game, you can basically skip to the end of it by stopping Jefferson, although whatever Max did the first time round will be undone and Chloe won't even believe she has time travel since she cant show her, but hey thats what at least one of the original endings does anyway, and i guess its the price to pay for keeping Chloe alive without catastrophe. This is actually a really interesting place to start from because with Jefferson gone this leaves you to continue the game just entering the original ending the game devs intended - with the Prescotts clearly as the main antagonists (they were the people who built the dark room for Jefferson in the first place and helped him drug & photograph people) and trying to solve the huge mystery of how they knew about the storm before it happened (hinted by their preparation of the bunker, and the unused audio about the storm could be used again by Nathan, as if his death hid that truth from coming out, which is why we didnt hear it in the first game - kind of retcony but imo not _terrible_ terrible, plus it was played in the advert for the game so if they can retcon that line so can I).

    Of course the gameplay would be totally different from the original game because you can't rewind and it kind of kills that mysterious supernatural vibe. However, there are a few ways this could be helped. One is that Max can still technically rewind, but only to that moment in the bathroom in order to avoid causing the storm. This would be a huge cause of anxiety/frustration continually in Max's mind, the fact that she has such power but the only way to use it would either cost her having to rewind all that way or just rewind a little but risk causing another catastrophe, which I think would be quite an interesting thought sprinkled in. She might even doubt she has that power eventually because she can't really use it. Also, Max's power isn't the only mystical/supernatural thing in the game - that could be largely addressed by resolving however the prescotts knew about the storm. I feel like the school caretaker's strange and mostly unexplained relationship to nature; that totem pole by the dorms and Nathan trying to uproot it once (as mentioned in his file); and the ghost deer of Rachel all also leave many more mystical things to explore while attempting to simultaneously take on the Prescotts and learn about your powers that would make up for it, and possibly get Chloe to "remember" the timeline that she never experienced.

    (The limit on Max's rewind also ties in with the sort of discrete timeloop prophecy thing - Max can't use rewind powers like she used to because she knows that would cause the storm, however, we know from the ep. 5 ending that she can rewind to the moment before Chloe dies, so every time she messes up and rewinds, she would have to replay that moment over and over again. its not exactly a permanent loop, but its close enough to be similarly frigthening imo. obviously I wouldnt suggest making this game so you have to replay the whole thing every time you mess up, but it would be a reason for your rewind to be blocked and there could be a cutscene where Max tries this method and realises it absolutely sucks).

    There are a few things this doesn't fix e.g. in the trailer where nathan talks about the storm around the time of getting beat up by warren, but something similar enough could happen. Also, the Prescotts are going to be very confused when the storm doesnt happen after preparing the bunker for it and Nathan talking about it, but that doesn't necessarily break the game.

    So, even though its not gonna happen, I think it's pretty possible to have a Life is Strange ep 6+ where all the crap is overwritten and we get the true ending, with a proper antagonist and mystery to be solved without really retconing anything, it just plays out from the end of the original story. It's just kind of comforting to think about the possibility.

    (Thanks for reading this long one, please let me know if I missed something)

    submitted by /u/_Idmi_
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    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe's green hair

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] indie game "A New Life", by Angela He, has strong LiS vibes. I cried

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    [S1] What are some good short Pricefield fanfics?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    I've never been one to be able to actually follow and keep up with multiple-chapter stories till the end, but if there are any known good short fics (<30min read) that you guys like I'd love to have some for bedtime reading!

    submitted by /u/fieldofhellaprice
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    [NO SPOILERS] In the next lis game what should be the power of the protagonist

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    You're thoughts

    submitted by /u/Itsbrad12
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