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    Life Is Strange | [C1] LiS Partners in Time Comic issue #2

    Life Is Strange | [C1] LiS Partners in Time Comic issue #2

    [C1] LiS Partners in Time Comic issue #2

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:19 AM PST

    Issue 2 of the new series continues the road trip; taking place at another sightseeing destination, the town of "Old Tombstone", on the road trip to the festival where the High Seas are playing and Hamlet is being performed. Again, the issue flips back and forth between the two timelines with BAE Max with LA Chloe and Rachel in one and BAE Chloe and & Tristan in the other. Victoria Chase makes an appearance, chatting over coffee with BAE Chloe. Also, some amusing pirate and cowboy dress up happens in both timelines.

    This issue was mostly fluff, but it is still clearly building up towards the eventual reunion of BAE Max & Chloe. It is unclear whether the reunion will happen by issue 4, I suspect it will take longer.

    Highlights, thoughts & spoilers: * Max and Rachel have a heartfelt bathroom chat about "her" Chloe and keeping it bottled in all that time. It ended in a tearful hug, and set up BAE Chloe and LA Chloe as separate characters in their own right. Pure fluff and good clarification of intent on the authors part * Just like with issue 1, see parallel events occurring in each timeline. The band members and the cast of the Hamlet play are again used to good effect to highlight this. * Chloe's reflection from the other timeline in the costume shops mirror is the main supernatural event. Max discusses with LA Chloe that it could be Tristan, but Pixie is also making some interesting comments to BAE Chloe in the other timeline. So maybe there is more to Pixie as it is the second issue running she has been tangential to time shenanigans, or it is a red herring. * Victoria Chase and BAE Chloe share a coffee and talk around the events of the BAE ending to LiS1. Victoria indicates that she was unable to face Arcadia Bay for the memorial, hence her absence from issues 1-4. Also we get confirmation that Victoria is dating Zack (aka Hamlet) in the BAE timeline. * Finally the issue ends on water gun fights in both timelines at Tombstone with inserted Max and BAE Chloe journal entries, that are addressed to each other, about the water fight being much needed R&R. More fluff.

    submitted by /u/Bluefist56
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    [NO SPOILERS] I combined screenshots of the LIS PS4 theme background into 1 wallpaper picture, enjoy!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:49 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Chaos Theory (OC)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:43 AM PST

    [S2] The Journey. - Fanart by ilcielocapovolto.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:13 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG TO POST THIS FIND! Guess who met and fell in love on Thanksgiving 2008? ��

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:40 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Out Of Time

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:42 AM PST

    [ALL] Life is strange 2, what an ending

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Well first of all, I enjoyed this game thoroughly and thought it was excellent, in my opinion I enjoyed the first game more but both life is strange instalments are amazing games. Anyway I found out there were different endings and I had a low morality Daniel, I thought to surrender was the best option, but it ended up very much wrong and just don't like that ending one bit, seeing Sean go through all the stuff he had to just to be wiped out like that it's painful to watch. What was your ending and thoughts?

    submitted by /u/xjackmarshallx
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    [all] i was wondering what you thought about this video

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:49 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] In which order should i read the LiS comics??

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:10 AM PST

    I recently downloaded an app called comixology that let's you read comic books on the app, so I decided to give the LiS comics a try, but I'm not sure where to start. There are the volumes, 1-3, and then there are the issues, 1-14, if I were to read them in chronological order which one would I start with?

    submitted by /u/ennpono
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    [NO SPOILERS] Let's Survive Interviews - Gonzalo Martin [Sean Diaz in Life is Strange 2]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:16 AM PST

    [ALL] I wonder if Life Is Strange developers would bring a game that tells us the original story of Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, and Max...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:48 AM PST

    DISCLAIMER: This is may be have big spoilers but my opinion and theory on the story of Life Is Strange and Life Is Strange: Before The Storm. This post is also to say what I request (Final Summary) from the developers of Life Is Strange and Life Is Strange: Before The Storm. I eventually realized that my previous post had some spoiler, my apologies for this. I am reposting this as a spoiler.

    I love both Life Is Strange and Life Is Strange: Before The Storm. They're in my top 5 games of all time. But something got me wondering about them...

    It's been 5 years since the original Life Is Strange was released, and 3 years since Life Is Strange: Before The Storm was released. I have finished both of these games, read theories, and upcoming games ( I am not sure) that are coming... But, I have a theory and a request. A very long information, I apologies for that, but very important points I want to make...

    I will start the story from Life Is Strange: Before the Storm (The prequel), and then towards the original Life Is Strange. Let's start with Chloe Price and Rachel Amber, we see that they got along well with each other since Chloe's dad dies and Maxine moves to Washington. But, many people love the romance between the two of them, known as AMBERPRICE, and that the legacy of AMBERPRICE will never end. There was love between Rachel and Chloe clearly and that there was happiness between them two, and that they cared for each other.

    Unfortunately, this leads us to find out that Rachel Amber was banging Frank Bowers (in the first game), Chloe's drug dealer and a friend, apparently. Chloe infuriated and thinks Rachel cheated on her, but Max says she didn't because she was missing, and that she would not leave Chloe behind. In my opinion, she didn't since Rachel cared mostly for Chloe, ever since Chloe's dad dies, Max leaves, and then her life was ruined. She could be with Frank for money, drugs, RV, and so on so forth, very evident when you find out in David's garage that Rachel was busted for carrying substances...

    Frank said that he was 'jealous' of Chloe with Rachel, he knew they Chloe and Rachel got close to each other. Also, we find out from Nathan Prescott, a child from a rich family of Arcadia Bay of Oregon and a psychopath, saying that Frank is jealous (Which is revealed in the Two-Whale Diners during the storm) and that Rachel was just getting money and drugs from Frank. So, this could be evident that Frank wanted Rachel, but Rachel was with Chloe... Maybe Rachel didn't cheat on Chloe completely... I hope the story would be true that Rachel and Chloe were a couple together.

    In regards to zodiac signs (I don't say much of this but this is another important information to know), Chloe is a Pisces and Rachel is a Cancer...Why? Although Rachel claims she is a Leo, she was actually born on July 22nd. She doesn't act much of a Leo. And, if she were a Leo, then should wouldn't have got along with Chloe at the start. Trust was built rapidly between Chloe and Rachel, and that (what we want) they both fell in love with each other. Cancers generally people to do something (Rachel was asking Chloe to look for her forgotten mother, Sera), so a Pisces like Chloe want to fulfil Cancer's wishes like Rachel's. And when Chloe want to leave Arcadia Bay with Rachel but gives up eventually, Rachel is the person to say DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR DREAMS! So, Rachel is not a manipulative person but a person who will encourage Chloe not to give up her dreams. I am a Capricorn, and my mother is a Cancer. When I want to give up on something, my mum/mom would encourage me not to give up and work harder to fulfil your dreams, or I would be told to do something for my mother, and I would to make her happy. This is similar with Pisces and Cancer. Also, when you play 2 Truths and 1 Lie, Rachel would claim she is a Leo, but she can cheat and win. She says that 'Winner make their own rules', meaning that Rachel may claim to be a Leo but she could have been lying, cheating, and win the game. Pisces and Cancer can get along together perfectly, trust is built between them, but not Pisces and Leo. So, Rachel claims she's a Leo, but she is a Cancer.

    Rachel was in love with Mark Jefferson, another psychopath and a kidnapper, later on. However, some students say that Rachel and Mark slept with each other, but that was just a rumour. Remember: 'Never take rumours as true facts and news', so never think Rachel fell in love with Jefferson, because it is a rumour. Although, the letter she wrote to Chloe shows some confession between her and Mark, it could have been fake...Who knows? This is just my opinion.

    This lead us to Rachel getting kidnap, so Chloe is stressed and her life is ruined again. This is where Max comes back, and when Chloe gets shot by Nathan Prescott, Max has powers to rewind time and save Chloe. Forget rewinding time. Now, in regards to the gun shot, Chloe could have survived that one shot...It is not impossible for someone to survive a bullet. But I think that Chloe can survive, and I hope Square Enix reading this can take this point and show us that Chloe survive the gun shot. It is extremely sad and devastating that if we choose Chloe to die to save Arcadia Bay, the full games tell us at the end we go back to where it all started. Well talk more of this later in this post.

    Now, when you got to the shack in the junkyard, a small, broken hut that Chloe and Rachel still use, you would see a writing on a wall. It says that 'Chloe was here' and 'Rachel was here'. Max would write 'Max was here.' to show that she was the 3rd person in the shack. Now, please read this carefully... If you look at the wall writing, we see that there is no editing or red text on the wall at all that shows 'Rachel "is" here', until we get to a point where we find out Rachel dies and that we find her body, go to the party, and then go back to recover her body etc. When you go back to the junkyard at night after party, you go to the shack and the writing, red edited, would say that 'Rachel is here'. This could mean that she died very recently. But she can still be saved, if Max was motivated to go back in time and save her. And I know what you guys are going to say, what about the doe in the junkyard? Well I got few ideas of it: 1) It would be a warning that Rachel might die and might be buried on the spot (where the doe is), or 2) It could be a spirit animal of Max where it could show where there may be danger (Jefferson shooting Chloe and give Max a dose). I don't think Rachel died on the spot where the doe is right away, it must have been a warning to Max.

    After finding Rachel, Chloe and Max hunt for Nathan Prescott, which he was missing or not attending the party. When the message came from Nathan Prescott that 'there wouldn't be any evidence left', both Chloe and Max go back and search for Rachel. But this could have been a setup, because Mark was involved.

    Later, we find out that Nathan overdosed Rachel that killed her. It could be that after Nathan confronted Max, Chloe, and Warren, he must have been frustrated and that he may have went to the 'Dark Room' and gave Rachel an overdose just to calm down...Psycho. Mark, when we meet him in the Dark Room, says that after Nathan killed Rachel, he killed Nathan and then buried him somewhere. This could mean that Nathan must have been killed right away after killing Rachel and burying her. Where Chloe and Max was in an old farm house (Dark Room), Nathan and Mark may have been in the junkyard burying Rachel [I am sorry for saying things about Rachel if it hurts you as an Amber Fan], and then Nathan may have been killed by Mark and buried somewhere else...Who knows? In short, Rachel got killed hours before Chloe and Max find the Dark Room, and that she could have still been saved if Max rewind time to save her.

    Now, in regards to relationships, we see that in the first game, Life Is Strange, Max and Chloe get together and fall in love with each other. So, PRICEFIELD came in first before AMBERPRICE. The AMBERPRICE was original (When we find out in the prequel), but PRICEFIELD was first and everyone loved it. Since Rachel and Max love Chloe, Chloe may have both of them...Thug Life! Just Kidding! I think it would be better (And this is existing) to have AMBERPRICEFIELD (So Chloe having both Rachel and Max). What do you think? Should we ship AMBERPRICEFIELD? You decide.

    Now, the ending decision. Chloe vs Arcadia Bay, it is devastating to see a town getting destroyed by a tornado, and see our friends and families die, but upsetting to see our best friend Chloe die if we attempt to save Arcadia Bay by rewinding the whole time to the start of the game. I chose to save Chloe because all that rewinding time and that hard work we made would be a waste to Max. I think that I would still choose to save Arcadia Bay, because Chloe can still be saved, if David, Chloe's stepfather, saves her in time and takes her to hospital. In that way, when Chloe is recovering, Rachel can be saved as well and that Mark and Nathan can both be arrested and taken into custody, since Max knows the Dark Room and the evidences that link to Mark and Nathan...

    I don't think the tornado would not stop even if you sacrifice Chloe, since we see the tornado in the beginning of the game/before Max gets her powers. We see the tornado before seeing Chloe die and that Max gets rewinding time. I don't think that this is linked to the Chaos Theory at all, because it was part of God's plan that there would be a tornado to destroy Arcadia Bay. This tornado may have not linked to Max's power since we see it in the beginning of the game, and that afterwards we get our powers...Isn't this true? How can Max cause this tornado when it existed before her powers? And even though Rachel and Chloe can be saved (In my opinion), there would be 'revenge' against traitors and enemies of Arcadia Bay...So this was not really part of Rachel's power/revenge or Max's rewinding time power.

    This is my big theory to all of you, here is a summary of my wish for the game...

    In summary, I just want to see Chloe survive, and see Rachel being saved and reunite Rachel and Chloe together (regardless of what Rachel did, Chloe can still forgive Rachel and reunite) to move to LA (With Max), and start their dream life. Rachel can even climb Everest (What she want to do [Mentioned in the prequel] in the future) to fulfil her bigger wishes. And we would want the love and friendship between Chloe, Rachel, and Max. If we get the original story of Life Is Strange in the future, that follows what I or we want, then we would be happy to know the official story and ending, and that we would want more stories of AMBERPRICEFIELD of them moving to LA and starting a new adventure... I hope Square Enix, Deck Nine, and/or Dontnod reads this... We would want Ashly Burch/Rhianna Devries, Hannah Telle, and Kylie Brown and other actors to play again in Life Is Strange...

    I hope everyone reading this agrees with my theory and wants the future game to make it happen. Thank You.

    submitted by /u/Ghalib_Sohail
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    [NO SPOILERS] Grahamfield by telodijepalomita

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:44 PM PST

    [S1] Looking for Fan-fics!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST

    First off; I hope you all of you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving in the near future even if it's away from friends and family.

    Secondly; I'm looking for mostly Post-Bae fan-fics that deal with Chloe and David improving their relationship with each other (in other words, David becoming a better father figure for Chloe).

    I surely love Pricefield fluff any day of the week, but I also love the thought of David and Chloe caring for each other after the tension/fights they've been through all those years.

    submitted by /u/UncleHabubu
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    [NO SPOILERS] Which game has the best music?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:26 PM PST

    As someone who's obsessed with music, I always pay very close attention to all the music I hear in every video game. After playing all 4 Life is Strange games, I'm curious to know what you think. Which game has the best music?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/SK14_
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    [NO SPOILERS] Rachel Amber's Personal Playlist

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:57 PM PST

    [BtS E3] Chloe tries to smooth things with Damon. Be careful what you wish for�� Here's me reacting to that scene in Ep18 of BlackHell.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:38 PM PST

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