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    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I think I may have found a subtle Life is Strange reference in Cyberpunk

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I think I may have found a subtle Life is Strange reference in Cyberpunk

    [NO SPOILERS] I think I may have found a subtle Life is Strange reference in Cyberpunk

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:54 AM PST

    [ALL] I love her green hair (by me)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:33 AM PST

    [No spoilers] Just some pictures of my small but cool Life is strange collection

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:29 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS][Repost] Victoria, Kate and Pompidou (by me)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:58 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Damon Merrick Fanart.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST

    [ALL] BtS vs LiS: Which had the better soundtrack?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:13 AM PST

    As much as I love and have more LiS songs in my playlist (Santa Monica Dream's my fav followed by Spanish Sahara), I love BtS's more. It's just so atmospheric with Daughter's music and I love how they selected songs for Chloe specifically and even songs that symbolized the girls relationship and struggles.

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    submitted by /u/Zeroprofessional
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    [NO SPOILERS] Max’s general voice files

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:58 PM PST

    [ALL] Unpopular Opinion: Sean Prescott is actually a really good guy

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:49 AM PST

    Lol, just kidding. Happy New Year everyone.

    submitted by /u/doorway999
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life Is Strange Animatic - The One Thing You Can't Replace

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:42 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Who is the most overrated LIS character?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:04 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Fourth Wall break in BtS! (The way Chloe looks into the camera make my gay heart melt lmao)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

    [ALL] Lyla and Sean by banyabell

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:54 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is strange changed my life, so I decided to buy this canvas. Do you like it? Greetings from Argentina!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:16 PM PST

    [ALL] Life is Strange Live action TV series update?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:08 PM PST

    I haven't seen any updates in months regarding the DJ2/Hulu life is strange series, if anyone has any information regarding this I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/DekeaSaurusRex
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    [NO SPOILERS] Another Chloe Price drawing made by me

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:45 PM PST

    [ALL] Need fanfic recommendations

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 12:40 AM PST

    So naturally after playing LiS and BtS, I just had to go and search for fanfics to satisfy my craving for more content (already reading the comics). Unfortunately I am a terribly fast reader and I was on a sem break so I finished about a dozen fanfics worth of a million words altogether :'D I'm looking for mainly AmberPrice fanfics or Amberpricefield, though Marshfield or Chasemarsh or Chasefield I'm also fine with (if there's a little AmberPrice too all the better).

    I've read Defy Fate (amberpricefield FAV), Kaukasos (amberpricefield + chasefield FAV), Chloe was Here (amberpricefield), What Could have been, Another Version of the Truth (amberprice + chasefield FAVFAV), Old in Visions, A Work in Progress, The Road not Taken, Vita Nova (amberpricefield), The Ground Beneath her Feet, Eye of the Storm, You're not her, All the shapes I know (are gone), Bloom (amberpricefield), A Nice Rachel We Are Having, The end of tomorrow, Fire and Time, Broken Girl from a Broken Home, Wanted You to Promise, Hella Strange, Butterfly Wings, [[Friend Make Sense of Me, 17]] (this is sad AF btw but still FAV), Castles in the Air, Evoker, Once more with feeling, No grave can hold my body down (amberprice + pricefield), by the fire's light, Buried Childish Qualities, Andromeda, Follow me and We'll be fine, Writing is rewriting: Life is strange Before the Storm, Eternal sunshine of Arcadia Bay, The Ballad of Rachel Amber, Stuck with Me, Hazel eyes & Cake Pops (marshfield + amberprice), Trapped in Amber (pricefield + amberprice), leap through time, alter time (to get back to you), After the Storm, Feathers, Gold can Stay, Missing Link, Life is strange - After the Storm, Please let this work[discontinued], How to Live Here, Throwing Out the Script (pricefield)...

    As you can see there's dozens and I'm obsessed. i'm fine with fluff though I prefer those that delve into heavy serious topics or are linked to the canon story and are at least more than 5k words. I'm fine with PriceField being the ending ship too (tho that breaks my heart) just as long as AmberPrice is/was involved and the character writing is also very in depth and in character. I just need to see these angels happy and thriving~

    submitted by /u/Zeroprofessional
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    [ALL] Side characters

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:06 PM PST

    Among the following..which would you have MOST liked to know more about?

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    submitted by /u/Weeeeee711
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    [NO SPOILERS] Happy New Year!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:57 AM PST

    [All] Before the Storm as a study of lies.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:56 PM PST

    This post was inspired by the need to discuss something less repetitive on the sub, as some people have recently pointed out that nowadays there's not much interesting stuff happening here (besides fanart, which is always good, obviously...). I don't know if this has been discussed before, I joined only in 2020 and all of the contemplating below is my own. Forgive me if the structure of the post isn't the most organized, I don't have time nor will to properly expand on this rambling, regarding style.


    1 Introduction (skip this if you're not interested in my perspective):

    I am not one to seek a deeper meaning in every story I engage in, and LiS is no exception; to me the characters and the world of the games (besides the mystical elements of course) are grounded enough to be able to be considered as real (or quasi-real, you know what I mean... hopefully), not just some placeholders and symbols. Therefore I take the stories literally - my headcanon is far from any conclusions involving fate and destiny, metaphors, ethics, etc. However, I still find it interesting to list and contemplate the themes and hypothetical 'deeper messages' there are to be found in the stories, just for the fun of it. For example, the original game is sometimes described as a Jacob's Ladder-like, with the basic idea being that the main plot is a fantasy not of a dying person, but a grieving one. As I said, I personally disagree with such interpretation, but the notion rougly makes sense, so I have no problem with people who accept it as their version of what the story is meant to be and I enjoy joining debates like that (as long as nobody claims their interpretation is the only true one - there's simply no such a thing with a story as open as Life is Strange). Other dominant themes in the og season are: frindship, coming of age, nostalgia, love, art, responsibility, bullying, and whatever else you find in there, as long as there's something to back it up. Another thing to note about me, which you have to take into consideration regarding some of the opinions you're about to witness: I'm not a fan of some elements of the etiquette the western cultures (can't say about the other ones, as I don't have much first-hand experience with any other culture) kind of impose on their people. I guess you can call me out for being yet another entitled Caulfield [a convoluted reference warning] who just sees phonies everywhere and gets sick of it. Can't help it tho. In other words - all of this is extremely subjective, if you haven't figured yet.

    2 Lie To Me

    So, BtS as a study of lies... I assume many of you immediately thought about the ending choice upon seeing the title of this post. It's the most obvious pick to tie-in with what I have to say, especially if at that particular moment in game you were extremely invested in what was happening (or just not interested in the type of wondering we're doing here), and as a result you perhaps didn't notice how it was actually a clever conclusion to many events and choices earlier on. Don't get me wrong, I still think the plot of BtS is a rushed and weird mess by the end, but that single aspect of it is well done imo. But yeah, the ending... let's not get ahead of ourselves.

    Through the course of the three days we are in control of Chloe, the insufferable sassmaster (-mistress? PCness aside, I wouldn't use that word - it's too reminiscent of BDSM type of kinks, and I really don't want to associate a sixteen-year-old with any fetish. Oh no, I got sidetracked again...) has to confront numerous situations involving lies (in one way or another) and hopefully with that experience in mind, decide on where she stands regarding honesty. And then verify her personal belief through the final choice. The lies in question have one thing in common - they're often white lies. In case you're not familiar with the term: white lies are usually, but not neccesarily, petty lies which people tell to others to avoid upsetting/hurting them (for various reasons, although mostly because they think dishonesty is better than what the truth could cause). In addition, if you stretch the definition of what a lie is to general trickery and deception, you may realize that the signature graffiti Max encounters in several places throughout 'her' game is not so far off...

    3 Honestyville ||| Niceburg



    Those faithful words seem to apply to many characters we know and love (to hate? or are indifferent to, I guess), which is a clear sign that something is rotten in the Bay of Arcadia... Or, just, you know. In general human-to-human interactions, as the game tries to show in my opinion.

    Chloe lies her way into the mill (as I said, if you stretch the definition enough). Later, in the morning, she has a choice to be honest or to omit vocalizing her feelings and say what her mother wants her to say (not a lie per se, but I think the situation makes it a white lie - a premeditated choice of words phrased in a way that won't upset the other person). The former is met with disapproval and lack of understanding. The latter has Joyce's approval and arguably makes their relationship better for a while, but the girl does feel bad about hiding the truth - being dishonest, in a way - afterwards (as evident in the journal). In conclusion, what the young Price learns here can be: honesty - bad for outside, good for self; dishonesty - the opposite. Two truths and a lie... I don't really know how to comment on that, but it's definitely an interesting scene. I can only tell you that I went for three truths the first time I played. Junkyard. Chloe opens up about herself (both options in the big choice count as that), is honest about not understanding Rachel's needs at the moment. Gets painfully rejected - another instance of 'being punished for being honest with people'. Another situation, the principal's office. A choice whether to join in on Rachel's lies and avoid the harsher punishment, or to lie against her, but ultimately to her benefit. Rachel doesn't mind (that much) either option, and the choice ultimately proves to be meaningless in its direct consequences (Chloe drops out eventually, Rachel ends up playing Prospera), but it once again influences the integrity of the Price family. Parking lot. Denying to empty her pockets might not mean dishonesty to Chloe, but David (and, sadly, by extension Joyce) chooses to see it as such. Complying (which I'll label as 'truth' for the sake of simplicity) can have varying results depending on whether the teen has drugs on her or not. If not, it can show her that sometimes honesty can be the way to go (I personally see that option as a way of a smart "fuck you!" to David, as he's already made Joyce expect to see some shady stuff in Chloe's pockets, so a photo of Bongo being the most noticeable item among het pocket junk is touching and feels oddly innocent, I can only imagine he comes off as exceptionally paranoid even to Joyce after that). Later, a succesful attempt at deceiving Skip can keep him and Chloe on good terms, failing at lying can end the acquaintance for good. She can hide the fact of having taken the money from Drew, or admit to it (by giving it to Damon, or back to the North brothers) - various lessons and conclusions depending on the choice. Fast forwarding to the last episode - the most crucial bit here is the conversation with William. The protagonist gets to decide whether she agrees with his reasoning and chooses whether she believes the truth (as a concept) to be invaluable or not. The ending choice has her think the issue through again, this time from the perspective of a potential white lier. She finally fully comprahends why people often choose to act that way and takes a final stand, a deeply personal one, on the matter. Besides those, she lies to herself about who she is (often posing, and only Samuel calls her out for it), about having gotten over Max leaving (very untrue, the journal both confirms - in what she writes - and denies - in that she still writes in it - her alleged accepting of Max's abscence), can lie to Eliot (she clearly has no feelings left for him, but can still try to fake interest to be nice), and to Rachel (about not being comfortable with everything her angel makes her do, she also never explicitly says how much the fire situation bothers her - two ironic, snarky side-comments don't count as addressing the issue, not really).

    Joyce lies about the engagement ring. Avoids the truth in many David-related topics. The whole "hiding photo of William" thing is also very dodgy. Rachel seems to be manipulative by nature, but I choose to believe most of her talks with Chloe were genuine (sometimes dishonesty is undenieble though: the real reason for the train escapade, her feelings at the junkyard, all the shit she's done between BtS and LiS). James Amber is just a bag of lies. Sera is willing to sacrifice her own happiness for Rachel's (that's how she views the situation, at least), and aims to achieve that by burrying the awful truth about James. Drew puts himself in danger for his family, but doesn't tell them about the source of the money (and the danger). Eliot lies to Chloe in the hospital (let's leave out the "I'M NOT UPSET!!!" shenanigans in the DA's office, too obvious). Frank engages in illegal activities for a living, same goes for Damon - it's not something one is honest about with most people. Samantha often accidentally tells some uncomfortable truths and immediately regrets it. Wells doesn't treat every student equally and isn't keen on anybody learning that factoid.

    I believe that is all the examples I can think of without getting to the 3rd degree of pretentiousness.

    4 Conclusions

    Haha, nope. Those are for you to decide, that's why it's a start of a discussion, not a proper essay. I hate writing the summary part in a paper btw. Also, I've been writing this for two hours now and I'm too tired to think.

    ty for listening to my ted talk

    tl;dr - dishonesty and lies are a pretty big thing in the plot of BtS, ngl

    submitted by /u/Spazzmodai
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    [NO SPOILERS] Sean and his instagram filter

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:22 AM PST

    [All] In LIS2 ep.1, you can find a carving in the forest, the carving said "to our beloved Lynda King, 1986" and I found this, it can't be a coincidence, right? Since the game is set in oregon.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

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