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    Wednesday, January 20, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS][Repost] Life is Free (by me)

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS][Repost] Life is Free (by me)

    [NO SPOILERS][Repost] Life is Free (by me)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:01 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS]Chloe(Made with Blender)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:41 AM PST

    [ALL] Pricefield Never Dies (alt version)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:03 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Call it a sequel to my last post concerning Max and Chloe getting a TARDIS. Being able to experience The Vortex Party sans everyone else. Just Max and Chloe and rocking soundtrack.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:08 AM PST

    [ALL] Some random unpopular opinions/thoughts

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:35 AM PST

    • I actually really liked Nightmare Max lmao like... she was just really a fresh of breath air from Real Max who was kind of just... boring and bland and too goody two shoes. Nightmare Max just had a lot more personality and spunk and she was just so much more interesting overall IMO. And her body language rlly made Max 10x more... alluring.

    • If Max didn't have her rewind powers, I don't think she would've been able to handle self destructive Chloe and they likely at least wouldn't have had a healthy partnership or lasted long platonically or romantically because they would essentially be good girl trying to fix the bad boy (girl) which realistically could either at least end with bad girl being bad for good girl or good girl staying in a toxic relationship.

    • similarly, although I love Rachel and I'm AP, I don't think they would've lasted romantically or been endgame in any reality if there wasn't a third person to help guide past their own troubles eg; an adult or even Max as the middle person.

    • Chloe wasn't ready to be in a relationship.

    • I think Rachel wasn't essentially a shitty person, but she was generally just shitty to herself and that extended to being indirectly and subconsciously shitty to Chloe as well because Chloe was the only one who genuinely knew her and didn't lust or take advantage of her. Idk if that makes sense. I just feel really bad for her in the way that she chose to make life for herself harder than it should be.

    • I think Max actually has the potential to have the biggest character development than anyone in the game and be the most complexed if the creators decide to continue her story because her morality and psyche is realistically going to be warped after everything she's seen and done.

    • the loyalty between Victoria and Nathan is pretty admirable ngl.

    • If you played Max as always keeping Chloe the priority, Max is basically a reflection of BtS Chloe to Rachel.

    • Warren's more good looking than Nathan and reminds me of Hiccup from HTTYD lmao

    • If we compare Rachel and Max, Rachel would save Chloe rather than Arcadia Bay with little hesitation because she's selfish and her passion could essentially be destructive, whereas either choice for Max would've been in-character irregardless because she's a lot more rational and naturally considerate than the other two.

    • Chloe was problematic. I empathize with her, but once Rachel disappeared, with the way she was going, she would've likely ended up doing worse shit along the way and ended up in jail some day if it wasn't for Max.

    • Joyce had one of the saddest lives.. Lady lost her husband and child in a span of 5 years and even dicktator David wasn't enough to help her heal. She probably thinks there's a probably a curse on her or something that anyone she loves will die.

    These were just some random thoughts that came to mind a few times. Either way, I'm still in favor of all the characters including PF and AP (just leaning more towards AP if Rachel b alive lmao or APF). Boredom is basically where this post came from.

    submitted by /u/Zeroprofessional
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    [S2] Opinion: 'Faith' is actually a brilliantly written episode.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:46 AM PST

    [S2] How would you rank Life is Strange 2 secondary characters?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:44 PM PST


















    What is your ranking?

    submitted by /u/Bowerrick
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    [NO SPOILERS] Max’s general voice clips

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    [All] my theory and questions on the first two games

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    This has probably been posted many times before but I have completed both Life is Strange 1 and Before the Storm.

    So throughout Before The Storm you see wind around the landscape and see signs of Rachael having powers.

    My questions are Does Racheals powers originate with her or is it the town that has these?

    Did she give her powers to Max to help find out what happened to her?

    And if Rachael has these wind powers why did she cause the tornado?

    But my theory is: That this power originated from her or was given to her by this town and maybe when she died she was bring max back to Arcadia bay and give her powers or was able to give powers to max when she arrived back in Arcadia bay help solve the mystery of her death and to catch Mr Jefferson/ Nathan. Maybe Rachel caused the tornado so Chloe would finally leave Arcadia bay like they always wanted or to finally get rid of the dreadful town they refer to it as.

    This all Just my theory might be a little far fetched but idk

    submitted by /u/brycenh30
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    [C2] LiS Partners in Time Comic issue #4

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Issue 4 of Partners in Time brings the current arc to a close with multiple views of the events of issue 3, playing out differently after Max rewinds despite Tristan's and LA Chloe's protests to wait. There are some intriguing developments:

    1. Max does a 10 minute rewind without a nosebleed, suggesting that she is considerably more powerful now.
    2. Max was left stranded on the road where the accident happened, and was able to get LA Chloe, when she rang Max, to text the "High Seas" that they had left equipment behind. This lead to the band turning around and avoiding the accident in the LA timeline. This means that mechanically Max's longer rewind at the end of issue 3 is consistent with the player controlled rewinds in LiS1.
    3. After the rewind, Tristan in the BAE timeline, in the van with the "High Seas" Lawrence (who is definitely into Tristan) and BAE Chloe, was able remember future events, but had partially engaged his powers. This lead to Tristan being unnoticeable by people in the van and able to pass through them when he attempted to touch Lawrence's shoulder. So we have more of Tristan's powers interacting with Max's and they are continuing to be inconsistent as he did not fall out of / phase through the van (I guess he also did not sink into the ground on previous uses of his power so there must be more to it and it's limitations that will need to be fleshed out). Regardless, Tristan is aware of Max's rewind but is unable to warn the other occupants of the van at they head towards the site of the accident (or so it would seem, see 5).
    4. Back in the LA timeline, Max is reunited with LA Chloe (& Rachel) at the sight of the fallen tree and they head to a rest stop to discuss what happened. LA Chloe gets angry with and blows up at Max about rewinding without thinking about consequences first before storming off; the dialogue in LA Chloe's rant was a little clunky, but further separated LA Chloe from BAE Chloe as a character. Max reveals and discusses the issue 1 rewind to save Lawrence from falling off the cliff edge with Rachel, about feeling braver after revealing her powers to LA Chloe and Rachel and about being reckless with how she used her powers without confirming the outcome first. This section ends with Max goes to talk with LA Chloe while Rachel checks in with Lawrence via text (who is revealed to be pinning after Zack in the LA timeline).
    5. Pixie is also revealed to be also affected by Max's rewind in both timelines, with her seemingly experiencing memories of the avoided accident in both timelines. She is also revealed to be able to see Tristan when no one else could in the BAE timeline (much like how Max could do the same in issues 5 and 6 of the original series); suggesting again that Pixie has a power of her own. It could also be possible that Pixie if can see (and presumably hear Tristan) that she stopped because she heard Tristan yelling for the van to stop.

    I am still thinking about what is implied with the end to this arc.

    We also have the cover art used for volume 5 of Chloe and Max leaping through time above Arcadia Bay used for the stand in for the next issue (coming in March). I wouldn't read into it too much with respect to a reunion of Max with BAE Chloe in issue 5 of partners, the story is certainly still heading towards that but it has a least four more issues in it to reach it.

    Edit: Minor spelling and grammar fixes.

    submitted by /u/Bluefist56
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    [ALL] Life is Strange vs. Alice in Wonderland scene comparison

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:31 PM PST

    So, whilst playing Life is Strange, particularly the scene where Max n Chloe find Rachel's body (the camera slowly zooms out and reveals the doe as she lowers her head and fades away), I found it extremely reminiscent of another scene -- from Alice in Wonderland, during the "Very Good Advice" song; as Alice cries, the creatures around her being crying as well, and slowly disappear.

    Here are some links to the specific scenes/shots that I'm referencing:



    The similarity between the scenes is very visually striking (almost uncanny), particularly the framing of each in the final shot (showing the animals looking at the girls from afar).

    Now, the connection might be visual alone...but maybe not, and could possibly do with more comparing:

    With the LiS scene, the characters are mourning something that has been found, revealed. However, with Alice, what is being mourned is something that is lost.

    The theme of sadness and mourning (with regard to facing harsh reality) seems to be consistent here, with the two scenes acting as different sides of the same coin: things that are uncovered can be just as painful and somber as things that are lost, and disconnected.

    As for the fading of the animals, the doe is probably the more obvious case: Rachel has been found, and if we are to take up the viewpoint that she *is* the doe, then her task in leading Max to her body has, however heart-breaking, been completed.

    With Alice, I take the disappearing of the animals to represent the loss of whimsy, of carefree-ness, of childhood. She cannot find her way home, and blames herself for not listening to her better judgement (adulthood?).

    Disclaimer: this post is not arguing for a world-breaking theory, that the two stories should be compared, or even whether or not the similarity was intentional -- it was mostly done to highlight a curious comparison that I had come across, and to see if any others had made the connection as well.

    submitted by /u/deathlynebula
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    [S1] [Possible Spoilers] Life is Strange comics

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:20 PM PST

    So I bought some comic books and i think they are all of them. Please let me know if there are more. Also, let me know what ordered to read them in per S1, sacrificing A. So, the comics i got are: Life is Strange: Dust, Waves, and Strings. Then i have Partners in Time: 1, 2, and 2.3 if thats sounds correct. One is max holding a picture of the lighthouse in the dark, one is max sitting on a skull in what looks like a jungle, and the last is rachel, max, and chloe in the desert i think around a van i think with max on top surrounded by stars that make up a butterfly. When it comes out in a few months, i do have partners in time: tracks reserved and echoes too. Am i forgetting anything?

    submitted by /u/AFdjones1590
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