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    Tuesday, April 6, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Welcoming Alex Chen to the family by Tobyja!

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Welcoming Alex Chen to the family by Tobyja!

    [NO SPOILERS] Welcoming Alex Chen to the family by Tobyja!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Package came earlier than expected!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Blue butterflies

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] what type of jacket is chloe wearing?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Punk with class

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I just realised that Steph's t-shirt here has a lesbian flag

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Novo Amor - Life is Strange True Colors Interview

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I'm curious about the Life is Strange comics

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    99% chance a post like this has been made but I haven't been here long so just thought I'd ask for myself.

    The Life is Strange comics. I've been fairly interested in them for a while. I'm becoming a big fan of the art style. A lot of the cover art I see posted here are some of my favorite concepts to come out of this series and I'm a person that becomes very enticed by good art styles.

    I guess I just wanna know the general opinion of the comics. I'm not interested in canon/non-canon debates. I just wanna know if the Max and Chloe in the comics talk and act like the Max and Chloe from the game. What are your thoughts on the story? How does everything hold up to the other stories within this series? Things of that nature.

    Basically, do you like it? Why or why not? Without spoilers obviously. I'm likely to check it out anyway but I wanna get a read on people's impressions.

    For me, it doesn't have to match or exceed the standards the first game set. But I do wanna know if people believe the comics do the series justice. Does it deserve to be a recognized story among the "Life is Strange" games? Or tossed aside like the Dragon Ball GT of the franchise?

    submitted by /u/Sarunas_21
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    [S1] 10 Best Movies Like Life Is Strange.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    [S1] Quick question about the plot

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    [S1] I'm new to the LiS fandom and I'm sure this question has been asked and answered before but after having a quick browse I still couldn't find the answer. If saving Chloe in the bathroom was the cause of the storm, why does the game begin with a vision of the storm prior to Max actually saving Chloe? Is the explanation just going over my head?

    submitted by /u/RangBruh_
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    [NO SPOILERS] Soundtrack for True Colors

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    [S1] Was Chloe even meant to be likable?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! This is my first post here, I've played this game a while ago but I never discussed about it because I've never really been into online communities, but now with the announcement of the next game of the series and the remastered, LiS came back to my mind and suddendly I have the urge to discuss about it. And yes, this post will be about Chloe, sorry about that, I guess there are a million posts about her everywhere on the internet, but whatever. Of course there will be spoilers about LiS season 1.

    Chloe is probably the most polarizing character in the entire game, you either love her or hate her, apparently. Well, I can't say I hate her, but I don't particularly like her either. This is not going to be a post about hating Chloe, I'm just trying to figure out what the intentions of the writers were when they created this really controversial character. I've red a lot of discussions about Chloe being a manipulative and toxic friend, always replied with the statement "you just don't get her, she's been through a lot, you can't judge her". I'm kinda in the middle ground here: I understand that life was deeply unfair to Chloe, she's been through shit that would scar anyone, but I strongly believe that Max and Chloe's relationship is unhealthy and Chloe's struggle shouldn't be a justification, you can try to prove me wrong but this is how I see it. What I mean is, Chloes as a character has justifications to act like she acts, but that doesn't mean that I have to be okay with her attitude.

    You see, Chloe is cool, when you see her for the first time you want to know more about her, when you meet her you want to impress her, you want her to be your friend, she's magnetic in a way, and it's easy to fall for her charm. And this is how I perceived their relationship: Max constantly trying to win Chloe's trust and respect and avoiding to disappoint her in any possible way. If you, as Max, try to disagree with her, she almost always gets pissed and makes you feel like an awful friend, always playing the "you left me five years ago!" card, complaining about how you always let her down. This relationship felt very unbalanced to me, with Chloe trying to take every single opportunity to make Max feel guilty whenever they have a disagreement. In fact, their relationship in the game starts with her being pissed with Max for leaving her five years earlier. Personal and maybe unpopular opinion: Chloe is way too salty about it, I know that everyone processes this sort of things differently, but it's been five years, this is how life works, sometimes you have a best friend who means everything to you and one day for some reason this person is no longer part of your life anymore, and maintining a long distance relationship is not easy at all, especially when you are young and life changes so fast, it sucks but this is how most of childhood friendships end up in real life. I'm perfectly aware that a lot of shit happened in that same period and Chloe's life got fucked up over and over, but this is not Max' fault. Again, I understand Chloe's point of view, she has reason to be pissed and bitter, but a healthy relationship (being it a friendship or a romantic relationship) can't be built on guilt. Chloe's attitude toward Max is basically: "You are the most wanderful person in the world and I love you so much! But if you don't side with me everytime, even if you think I'm wrong, then you are a terrible friend and you always let me down!". She has some redeeming moments tho, for example when she apologies about acting like a brat when Max answered Kate's call, I appreciated that she put her ego aside for once.

    A recurring question that the game keeps asking to the player during the whole game seems to be "how far will you go to please Chloe? Would you take her blame for the pot and risk your scholarship? Would you ignore a friend who is struggling with bullism? Would you shoot a dangerous drug dealer? Would you steal money from charity to pay her debts? Would you wipe out an entire town and its inhabitants to let her live?". Maybe I'm seeing this in the wrong way, but why does Max has to constantly prove something to Chloe while Chloe can just act like an asshole to Max and get away with it? Again, is it because Max moved and "abandoned" her? Max saved Chloe's life several times and yet somehow this isn't enough? Hear me out, I don't want to say that Chloe is toxic, but in my personal opinion, for all there reasons, their relationship is toxic and unhealthy, especially for Max. But this is nothing new I guess, I'm pretty sure many people already said the same thing several times, so this won't be the point of this discussion.

    The point is, what did the writers try to do with this character? Is Max and Chloe's relationship meant to be toxic and unhealthy? Was it intentional? I think... yes. It was. I believe that Chloe was not written to be likable. She's rude, impulsive, melodramatic, immature and unreliable and she acts like a jerk most of the times. She's self absorbed but I wouldn't say she's selfish tho, contrary to what many people say. She does offer her own life to save the town and this is something that must be pointed out. But despite her flaws, she's actually a really cool, charming and complex character, maybe a bit stereotiped but interesting nonetheless. I like her as a fictional character because of her flaws, but I can't say I like her as a person, and definitely wouldn't want someone like her as my best friend or girlfriend. I'm not trying to be insensitive, to be fair I strongly believe that Chloe needed to be helped, but I mean psychological help, by an expert. After all she went through, all the trauma and stress, without mental help I wouldn't be surprised if she developed some sort of disorder. Max couldn't really help her in this scenario, and Chloe would just drag her down.

    What's the deal with Chloe? Chloe doesn't try to be liked, actually it seems like she does her best to be insufferable and annoying, then why is she so charming, why is it so easy to fall for her, even if she is so unfair to Max (and therefore to the player)? Chloe is the embodiment of nostalgia, the childhood friend you can't help but love, even if you grew up into two completely different people and you don't have like anything in common anymore. Their childhood friendship is the only thing that keeps this relationship together. You, as a player, get attached to her immediately because you saved her life, and then you get attached even more when you find out that Max and Chloe had history. She feels so familiar and you instantly feel like you've known her for a long time. The writers managed to make the player feel emotionally attached to a character who constantly acts like a jerk to you. Did the writers intentionally try to make us experience a toxic relationship? I don't know, I don't even know if their relationship was intentionally toxic, I think it was but I'm pretty sure many people would argue with that.

    Now, what's one of the main theme of LiS? Moving on. Max' power gave Max and Chloe the opportunity to relive their childhood friendship, a journey of memories and nostalgia. But they're not kids anymore and life must go on. Max at the end can chose to keep living in this dream with Chloe, the illusion of a renowed childhood, sacrificing everything for it, or to stop interfiring with reality, accept it, and ultimately, move on. Move on from your childhood, and move on from Chloe. Chloe didn't get the opportunity to really grow up, the trauma of her tragedies turned her into a person with no hopes or prospects for her future, who just wants to get high and fight with other people, because she's angry and sad. Max could help her, yes, but Max alone can't do that, as I said earlier. And Chloe doesn't want to change or to be helped, apparently. Chloe, due to what she has experienced in life, doesn't want, and is unable, to grow up, or at least this is perception I had. And Max can't move on with her life with someone dragging her down.

    This story, of course, doesn't have a right ending or a wrong ending, and neither of them is canon. I personally decided to sacrifice Chloe, and even if I didn't like Chloe and I had no doubt about it, it was still a tough choice, because Chloe didn't deserve it, so I understand why people picked the other ending. Some people say that sacrifice Chloe is morally the best thing to do, but this is not why I think this ending is better. I think that this ending gives a better closure to Max as a character. During this journey she grew up, growing stronger and self confident, she rekindle with a person she had "unfinished business" with, she got the opportunity to make amend for the mistake she made with her and finally received the forgiveness that she deeply desired, and she enjoyed her last adventure with this special person. In that ending, when we see Max for the last time in the cemetery, she actually seems relieved, with the hint of a smile in her face. She's grieving, of course, but eventually she will accept the grief, she will tresure the memories of her last days with her, and finally she will move on. About the other ending, I don't know, it seems kinda off to me, but this is just a personal feeling. Max reaction to the catastrophe that she caused is actually scary, she looks dead inside. I also got the feeling that the devs didn't put that much effort in this ending, compared to the other one, reinforcing my idea that even the game itself kinda favors that ending. Also the song chosen really mirror the two endings: Spanish Sahara (sacrifice Chloe) is about struggling to get over a stong trauma, while Obstacles (sacrifice Arcadia Bay) talks about nostalgic childhood memories ("we played hide and seek in waterfalls, we were younger, we were younger").

    So, to answer my question, no, Chloe was not meant to be likable. And no, her relationship with Max was not meant to be healthy, a "relationship goal". But dispite of that, they created a character who is extremely easy to fall in love with, and just like in real life, when you love someone you tend look away from their flaws, justify their mistakes, and don't realise if this person is actually hurting you. As I said, I don't despise Chloe, she deserved better, she didn't get the help that she clearly needed, and the cruelty of life corrupted her. But Max can't keep saving her from herself.

    Well, that's it, sorry for this textwall but I really had a lot to say about it. Let me know what you think about it and feel free to correct any mistake I may have made. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Giudit
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    [NO SPOILERS] Order to play lore wise/ Spoiler free wise

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    So basically i never played the games. I saw a tiny bit of the first LiS on YouTube and Life is strange 2, back when they released all that time ago. And forevermore the games was in the back of my mind and i always wished to play them. But i never got into it. Now with both the True Colors and the remaster coming out. It got me truly interested. I mean i was always interested in playing the games, but now. I don't know. Something is compelling me to really want to play em.

    And here is the thing. With the remaster coming....Because its said to be launching some time in fall. Should i just wait for that? Because i saw footage of it...And omg it looks so much prettier. Or just play through everything right now? And if i would play through everything rn... What would be the best order lore wise and "spoiler free" wise. Because i heard if you play through Before The Storm you will spoil what happens in the normal LiS or something similar.

    Honestly the remaster is what hyped me up the most, that and the fact True Colors has Novo Amor (one of my fav singers out there) so believe me...I could wait for the remaster to launch and THEN play True Colors. But first i just wanted to hear other peoples thoughts on this. What do you think the best course of action would be in this situation?

    submitted by /u/Loathingnick97
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    [ALL] The truth about Rachel Amber

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    Okay, so this is gonna be a lot of rambling with dark themes and theories that might not make any sense, but bare with me. I love this series and I love discussing it with others so please let me know what you think!

    Rachel is a very enigmatic character to me. I love her, but I also dislike her. She's very charming and likeable but also vindictive and manipulative. When she drugged Victoria to reclaim her role in the play, I began to see her character in a much darker light. I know that Victoria can also drug Rachel, but I would expect something like this from her. Victoria is a borderline sociopath that bullied Kate to death, recorded her suicide and posted it on the Internet. So yeah, I would expect this from Victoria. But Rachel?

    Also, another thing - I think Rachel is being abused by her father. This might seem like a bit of a stretch, but hear me out. In the end of the first episode, Rachel says "And my dad will definitely punish me with..." which I think has a very dark implication. It's odd wording and the fact that she can't bring herself to say her punishment out loud says a lot to me. And she knows how to cover Chloe's black eye with ease, and not just by slapping a bunch of concealer on her face and calling it a day. Sure, you could just chalk this up to her love of makeup or know-how as a theatre kid, but this is a big red flag to me. I think she kept that photo of her and her dad in her bag because it was the last time she ever felt safe with him. It also explains why she wanted to run away so badly. I admit, Arcadia Bay doesn't seem like the nicest place to live, but she's rich, popular and she goes to a fantastic school. So why would she want to run away? Even before she found out all the stuff about her parents, she wanted to leave right then and there.

    I think this abuse could also possibly explain why she gets involved with men so much older than her. Frank is almost twice her age and Jefferson is even older. A lot of people who grow up experiencing abuse end up in unhealthy relationships with older people.

    Speaking of, and I don't know if others caught this one, but I liked how subtly it showed that Rachel was sexually assaulted in the Dark Room. If you look closely in the second photo, she's missing her shirt. And when Max mentioned that she "had something in her mouth", it could've been foam from her overdose, or it could've been... something else. I think that Kate mentioning that she felt gross when she woke up after being kidnapped adds to this theory. And with Jefferson being so focused on the "corruption of innocence", to me that signifies something even more sinister than drugging and taking pictures.

    ALSO, Rachel has some sort of affinity for fire. Pyrokinesis, I think it's called. When she fus-ro-dahs that fire in the first episode, it spreads waaaaaay faster than fire usually does. Especially when the leaves are healthy and moist, rather than dry like in the autumn. It's a massive fire that the entire ABFD can't even put out, yet it just.. distinguishes itself the moment Rachel is stabbed. Let's also not forget the hella creepy candles when she destroys the table. Did you notice how big the candles' flames got? They grew three times in size while Rachel got progressively angrier. And, when she screamed, the air swirled around her. Like a tornado.

    Which brings me to my last topic of rambling. At the end of the last episode, Chloe gestures to the tornado and says "This is Rachel's storm", and I think that she's very right about that. What do we see in Before the Storm? Yes, Rachel didn't return Chloe's romantic feelings, but I do think that Rachel was still very possessive of Chloe. She saw a companion and friend in her... as well as someone to use with no repercussions. Just take their scene from the Tempest. Rachel as Prospera, Chloe as Ariel. Chloe is Rachel's spiritual atronach and she won't let her go. She refuses to let her go. And I believe that this applies to them outside of that play. Though Rachel didn't return her feelings completely, she loved having Chloe by her side. Chloe was the only constant she had, and I think she relied on that just as much as Chloe relied on her. While her family fell apart, Frank became abusive, and she snuck around with Jefferson, Chloe was by her side. Even through her implied drug addiction (my personal theory is that Jefferson didn't intend to kill her at first - while speaking of her to Max, he still sounds enamored with her -, he just wanted her as a model but because she was such an avid drug user, the dose he gave her wasn't enough to render her unconscious, which was why he had to kill her. Remember the first photo where she's awake and furious?), Chloe was always there for her. Chloe was hers. I don't think the storm was caused by Max altering reality. I think that Rachel was somehow manipulating reality from beyond the grave, causing small things to happen Final Destination-style. Nathan accidentally pulling the trigger on Chloe, the rail shifting to trap her foot, the bullet ricocheting at just the right angle to hit her, that SUV coming at just the right time to hit her in the alternate reality, Jefferson managing to get to the junkyard just before Max and Chloe did. And when all of that didn't work, Rachel created that storm. She non-verbally relayed a choice to Max. Chloe or Arcadia Bay.

    The biggest piece of circumstantial evidence I have for this is the fact that in the alternate reality, the storm is still coming. If it was caused by Chloe not being shot, why would it still be coming even in a reality where Chloe had no opportunity to get shot in the first place?

    And, I think that this could also be where Max's power came from. The cosmos, God, whatever, knew that a dangerous being, i.e. Rachel, was about to do some crazy shit and it gave Max the perfect power to counter her.

    So, there it is. Sorry for rambling. Am I a dumbass who should stop posting in the middle of the night or do these theories sound plausible?

    submitted by /u/maxchloerachel
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    [NO SPOILERS] What’s your opinion on character metas/analyses?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    [S1] I finished the first game for the first time tonight.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    Back when Life Is Strange first got its physical release I bought a copy after having heard great things about the game, but my friend convinced me not to play it, to wait to play it on a gaming stream we'd intended on starting. Well, that never happened, but I never got around to playing the game... until this past weekend.

    Is it the best game ever? No. But... man, there were so many parts of the game where I was on the verge of tears. The writing was fantastic. The voice acting was just superb; I can see now why so many people fell in love with Ashly Burch (and later Parvati) after her performance in this game. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Hannah Telle, who also did a wonderful job.

    Some of the choices you had to make were really gut-wrenching. I'm glad I chose not to be a bitch to the people who you'd have thought deserved it, like Victoria. Not being a bitch paid off in the end. Plus, I just couldn't see someone like Max being a bitch anyway.

    I suspected the twist with Mark Jefferson from the beginning, but thought it was too obvious; surely it wouldn't be him. But the writing did just enough to throw you off his trail. I didn't think it was David, despite his surveillance equipment, but was sure it was Nathan somehow. The reveal of Jefferson in the junkyard after killing Chloe was just... oof. I felt totally defeated.

    I've never really played a game like this before, but I'm glad I bought it all those years ago, and I'm glad I decided to play it now. Before the Storm will be next, if only because I want more of Chloe's story. I don't know that I'll care about Life Is Strange 2 or True Colors, but we'll see.

    Anyway, I just wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/ybtlamlliw
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    [All] I truly feel blessed to be able to experience LiS Remastered.. or: how Life is Strange saved my Life.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    (Trigger Warning: Suicide Implications)

    March 15, 2016 . . .

    I was a 20 year old guy at the time. I haven't been able to do much with my life at the time and I had little intention to go on much longer. I was ready to end it all in a sure way...

    My Mom and Dad divorced when I was like 2 years old, and I had no siblings. But, as far as I can think back, someone was always there for me and my mom after my dad left. My stepdad. He was a big Truck driver, with short, black hair and a silver earring. He wasn't around under the week, since he had to drive his tours in his truck. The weekend would come and surely he would walk through the doorway every Friday evening and without fail, I would greet him excitedly. Every. Single. Time. I did this from when I was 5, all the way until my 20's. He was so cool, and admirable. He always said he wanted to care for old people some day, but never had the chance to get out of his Trucker job.

    In the back of my head, I was afraid. Afraid that something would happen to him. That he would crash, and I had several dreams where his Truck would actually crash and burn. I had the same worries about my mom, except that she was a stay-at-home mom so I was much less worried about her than him. I wanted to make something out of myself. I wanted to make him proud of me, so that maybe he would see how much I care about what he thinks. He was always very vary of involving himself in my life. I guess he didn't know If I actually wanted him as a step dad, and the rejection he got from his 2 daughters from a previous marriage probably didn't help either.

    Then one day in March 2016, he got diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. My mom cried immediately when she told me. I excused myself to the bathroom to ugly cry when she told me the horrible news. I couldn't believe it. One week. It took only one week from being diagnosed, to bedridden, and then ultimately.. death. It was a school day, my mom texted me that my stepdad's condition wasn't good and I should come to the hospital immediately. I was out of it. When I opened the door and I saw him, I greeted him like I always did, but this time with the saddest undertone in my voice. It was the longest and the most I have cried in my life, sitting at his deathbed. I couldn't even hear the other people in the room. He was shaking because of the meds and probably because his body was starting to fail him.

    I laid my head on his chest and cried and cried. After a while I got to talk to him one on one and I told him that I loved him like he was my real father. Then he called me his son and right in that moment I understood that I was the kid he always wanted. The kid that he cared about more than his real daughters. I wish I had told him that I loved him as a stepdad and many other things, but eventually he passed away later that day.

    The year after that was tough. Toughest in my life in fact, and I can still recall how bad my mental state got in that time. I was in my second year of a 2 year apprenticeship in 2016, and I was almost done. I failed. I fucked up. My mental health deteriorated so much, that I booked a hotel room to kill myself in, but ultimately didn't do it in the end.

    Why? Well, I had no reason to, but I brought my laptop with me. Probably to distract myself until I was ready, to play depressing music, or write a goodbye note. I don't know exactly what it was, but I thank my lucky stars that I did it. While sobbing, browsing the internet and preparing myself mentally to go through with ending it all, I bumped into a thread on reddit which was mentioning a really good story game that was making the rounds. Life is Strange? ... "Yeah, no kidding", I thought to myself. It looked kinda moody and sad, and the protagonist was totally my type, so me still having cold feet, in combination with my fear of doing "it", I bought and downloaded the game on a whim.

    I couldn't stop. It was just me, 1am on the hotel bed, in the dark, with my laptop and one of the few games I know that hooked me like that ever. The only pauses I made were when I went to the bathroom, or when something major happened in the story. I played through all the episodes that night and cried almost as much as on that day. Chloe's pain of losing her dad way too early from something she had no control over whatsoever hit too close to home for me. The love between Max and Chloe had me on the edge of my.. well, hotel bed, and I swear I felt more alive after that ending than ever. I was sad, but now for other reasons. This game reminded me that Life is worth living. That my loved ones would miss me. That the future was uncertain and exciting.

    I went home after having the best sleep in a long time and went home with the energy to grab life by It's balls. I still have a pic of my stepdad in my room, and sometimes he still visits me in my dreams. I hope he can see me from somewhere, and although I'm hella struggling with gender dysphoria at the moment, I am still doing better than before. ... I'm here.

    I'm living.

    Thank you Chloe & Max. (And Dontnod) Thank you for everything.

    EDIT: I wanted to add that I got therapy on depression and the death of my stepdad in 2017, so It's not like LiS cured me or something, lol. It's just that it was the right thing I needed at the right time.

    submitted by /u/doorway999
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    [ALL] Do you think they will ever release a PS3/Xbox 360 physical copy of the first LiS?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    I know it's been a while since the game came out, and that they released physical copies of the game a few years ago.

    But now that the PS3 store is closing down (I don't know what is happening with the X360), do you think they'll release a physical copy for these consoles?

    I know it's very unlikely, but the PS3 is very nostalgic to me (and I'm guessing many others; same goes for the X360), and the game feels somewhat even more nostalgic on the PS3 than what it does on the PS4.

    So, what do you guys and girls think?

    submitted by /u/drs_12345
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    [NO SPOILERS] Good and bad things about “Withdraw”?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 12:14 PM PDT


    You probably think that l hate Withdraw, but no. I kinda like it because of how diffrent and risky it is. Still hate how it demonized Rachel though...

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Terrible_Vermicelli3
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    [ALL] Life Is Strange 2 | Fanmade Trailer Edit

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Created a teaser of my next animation "The Hella Chase" :>

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 05:08 AM PDT

    [S1] We will always be together...

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Was Life is Strange 2 a disappointment financially?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Based on the number of reviews on steam and the fact that the number of copies that got sold were never released, it seems like LiS2 was kind of a flop when compared to 1 or even BTS, which isn't a good sign considering that it was a prequel. I hope True Colors can improve from the state the franchise is in right now, but I'm pessimistic about it to be honest.

    submitted by /u/danielwastaken
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