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    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [All]Life is strange and before the storm on platinum. Did you play life is strange 100%? For me it is now part two to 100%.

    Life Is Strange | [All]Life is strange and before the storm on platinum. Did you play life is strange 100%? For me it is now part two to 100%.

    [All]Life is strange and before the storm on platinum. Did you play life is strange 100%? For me it is now part two to 100%.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate by JLsDrawings

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Chasemarsh Monday: Shades (by Prince-of-daydreams)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    [ALL] How do you think Rachel initially noticed Chloe?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    So we know that before the Firewalk concert, Rachel and Chloe knew about one another's existence because they both went to Blackwell. But it seems like Rachel has noticed Chloe more than Chloe initially realized. She seems to jump on the opportunity to, quite literally, pull Chloe into her life and drops little breadcrumbs that lead both the player and Chloe into thinking that Rachel's had her eye on her before the events in the game started. I was just wondering on any theories or headcanons about Rachel initially becoming interested in Chloe in the first place or maybe it really did just start at that one fateful moment in that old mill.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/otterbot33
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    [All] After so many years life is strange is still my favorite game

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    [All] My second playthrough of game 1. My thoughts.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Well, I did it, I finished the game again and I definitely had a more enjoyable experience this time.

    I went full romance for Chloe and turned down Warren, I felt kind of bad for Warren but that's okay.

    During this playthrough I slowed down a bit, I talked to more people when I had the free time to walk around, I warned the homeless women this time, helped the trucker, helped the fisherman etc, things I blatantly missed because I was rushing through the playthrough.

    During this playthrough I also made sure no one got hurt when getting Frank's code book and it felt much better, I dont think frank is a bad guy, I just think he's a bit strange, I actually felt bad when I told him about Rachel being dead.

    I still decided to sacrifice Arcadia Bay because I just love Chloe too damn much. And yes I'm 99% sure I've fallen in love with Max and Chloe.

    I dont have a whole lot to say, im kind of nervous to start Before The Storm, do any choices from game 1 affect anything in Before The Storm?

    I'll probably do the episode reviews for Before The Storm just like I did with game 1.

    Also, I made a bunch of animated wallpapers for The Walking Dead Game and I reallt enjoyed doing it and other people enjoyed seeing it. If I made animated wallpapers for Life Is Strange would yall like them?


    submitted by /u/smyth222
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    [ALL] what’s your opinion on “the note”?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    I have finished playing both BtS and LiS and was wondering what you guys opinion is on if Rachel cheated or not as they never actually say that Chloe and Rachel were in a relationship (as much as I want to believe it because I love them lmao).

    So yeah I was wondering if people viewed what Rachel did and said in that note as cheating even though they never said they were in a relationship and technically Chloe always said they were friends to max so maybe they were just fuck buddies or in an open relationship but Rachel just felt off about it being a certain Person so she decided to tell Chloe.

    Personally I think they never said they were dating and Chloe still believe Rachel was alive so there is no reason for her to say many times to max that they were friends not girlfriend or anything so they were likely either not together or in a more fuckbuddy relationship.

    Oh yeah and Chloe had condoms which logically implies that she was sleeping with other guys which once again leads to the whole open relationship or none at all. Also the fact that Chloe changes her Lock Screen to max when she still believes Rachel is alive shows that they weren't THAT serious or that it wasn't because they were dating that she had that Lock Screen.

    Anyway that was a long one lol so if anyone wants to post there opinions on the situation in the comments please do as I'd like to see what people think. Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/olidog10
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    [NO SPOILERS] Well... I made my own LiS Xbox 360 xD The console is unfortunately dead, but it's a cool design piece

    Posted: 30 May 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] I've created all Life is Strange characters in cartoon mode

    Posted: 30 May 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I got this Life is Strange tattoo 2 months ago =)

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Does Life is Strange 2 get better?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    I absolutely LOVED the original, I've got such fond memories of the story, the characters, and the sound track. I've just started playing LiS2 and I'm maybe an hour and half in and I just can't seem to fall in love like I did with the first, does this get better or am I playing for the sake of it being a LiS?

    submitted by /u/DownTheFoxHoleWeGo
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    [NO SPOILERS] I might still shed a tear when this song comes on ��

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    [S1] Hardest decision I ever had to make in a game, but I just couldn't choose the alternative....

    Posted: 30 May 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    [All] Stella Hill by MJ

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    [All]Which life is strange entry did you like most

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    Just wondering

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    submitted by /u/tessarturM
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    [BTS] Reviewing Before The Storm on Reddit because the game is keeping me up at night... Part 2 (it hurts me as well ok?)

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    I can't really remember as much from episode 2 as I would like, especially considering the shit tonne of stuff that happens here. So this post probably won't be as large as the last, but still large so hold on to your rewind spirals.

    Brave New World

    Thankfully I have less to complain about in the first few minutes of the second episode. But it is still a little weird to me. Why is Rachel so intent on taking the fall for Chloe here? She was more-or-less doomed from the start, so why is Rachel doing this? Is she looking for an excuse to not be in The Tempest? But then if so why is she so enthusiastic later in the episode? Either way the last thing I want to be to Rachel right now is a burden with everything she is going through. So I did the only natural thing and called her out for lying, to which she responded by doubling down on her lies! I truly don't understand her commitment to saving Chloe's ass. What was truly baffling to me though, was that Wells actually bought it. Is he really that stupid or does he just not give a damn? Either way now I get to backtalk him. Rachel was not going to suffer for something I willingly went along with. Getting expelled from school has never felt so satisfying, which feels really weird to say. This is pretty much the only 'plot point that's only there for continuity' that I wasn't actively trying to reverse-engineer like Chloe's relationship with David. Other than that I don't have much else to say here, other than how the hell did Justin get into Chloe's locker and steal a joint without anyone noticing? Now we come to what was by far the most confusing scene of the episode. First of all "not now Eliot I don't have time for your shit. Damn why is the male love interest always not very interesting in LIS?" is what I thought back at the time, but oh boy... don't worry we'll get there. Anyway, David. What. The. Fuck?! How are you gonna talk about starting over and building a new relationship based on trust, and then completely violate Chloe's? I can't see his logic as anything but hypocritical, but it is still believable to me. People sometimes just make poor decisions or act ways that are ill-befitting of their 'character'. No one is infallible. For example, the last thing I would've seen myself doing is punching someone in the stomach. And take a guess at what I found myself doing a few months ago. I'm not justifying David being a bad person and worse father figure, I'm just saying it doesn't feel unrealistic to me. Now I get the chance to talk about some characters I didn't want to last time because there wasn't very much to go on for me. I initially saw Drew as nothing more than 'Logan accept we actually interact'. But in typical LIS fashion, his character completely took me off-guard. What was kind of a generic asshole became a caring son who is only really an asshole because his environment demands it. Reminded me of someone else I know. Skip was a refreshing subversion coming from our last head of security, and he was one of the few new characters I didn't despise at one point or another. My only regret with Skip is being forced to backtalk him. Why Deck Nine? Why? And of course, the return of Samuel. If I didn't already have a religion I would be worshipping this man right now. Anytime he speaks it's pure gold, but with the crippling flaw of not being voiced by Derek Phillips. This is basically the only time the change in voice actor was both noticeable and inexcusable. You can really tell it just isn't the same person. Also is it just me or did Samuel look older in BTS than in S1? Either way it was nice to see even more of Frank, and oh my God Pompidou was so adorable. And then, the introduction to Damon. I got the feeling that I'd be seeing this dickhead since he was first mentioned, I just prayed it wouldn't be under these circumstances. I think the highlight of episode 2 for me was The Tempest play, and I'd bet good money it was for a lot of people. I don't really know Shakespeare that well so I couldn't even tell that Rachel went off-script at first. But I did know enough about writing and theatre to know she was killing it. I also couldn't get over Victoria just passing out after hearing about Juliet's delay (and after a little drink). Hearing Keaton just go "touché" after somebody fucking fainted was one of the few times these games have genuinely made me laugh. Comedy gold

    I won't talk about the dinner here, because I hate cliffhangers and will talk about the entire scene as one. Also I'm pretty sure my phone is about to crash. Until next time

    submitted by /u/sunofsolaire21
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    [NO SPOILERS] Blue butterfly by きょう

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Am I the only one who thinks that True Colors is going to have a larger focus on Ryan more than on Steph?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    The developers seem to hype up Ryan a little more than Steph from what I've seen.

    submitted by /u/BluFallow
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    [NO SPOILERS] What other hypothetical graphic options would work well for the LiS remaster, and why?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    Leave your answers in the comments below if none of the answers in the poll describe your graphical dream

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    submitted by /u/ComprehensiveMirror5
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange: True Colors File Size Revealed for PS5

    Posted: 29 May 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Gameplay Idea for future LIS game (not official)

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    So I was thinking, what if Deck Nine and Dontnod made a Life is Strange game with two playable protagonists?

    Let me explain a bit more. Suppose they made it gtav/rdr2 style (I'm talking about the character arcs, not the gameplay. I don't think LIS was made to be purely open world) where you see the story through the eyes of two protagonists instead of one. In the beginning, you can only play as one of the protagonists, but for some chapters, you could play as one of the two. You can only play as one protagonist for each episode, kind of like rdr2. So there won't be any switching characters mid chapter like in gtav.

    Example: Suppose you start Episode 2. You could get a prompt that says this: "Select who to wake up as," having Character 1 and Character 2 as the two options. Once you select them, you get the opening cutscene of that character (ex: waking up or walking out of their house.)

    There could be episodes where you are forced to start as one character, but when you replay a chapter, you could possibly play as the other character. (Example: After finishing Episode X, you go to the replay that chapter. Unlike the first time where you are forced to start as Character 2, you have the option to start as either Character 2 or Character 1)

    It could be possible then that the developers could make a "hangout" feature where one protagonist could do an activity with the other protagonist. Whether it is optional or part of the storyline I don't care.

    So is this concept interesting, or am I'm just spitting shit after smoking?

    submitted by /u/GodVulc4n
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    [All] I lied, im doing another playthrough. Here's my thoughts. Again. Episode 1-2 Game 1.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    I would first like to start off with thanking u/weblurker47 for their comment, it went into a lot of detail in the game and got me motivated to do another playthrough, I really want that romance ending:).

    I'm not sure what it is about this plaything but im finding it a lot more enjoyable this time around, is it cause I know what I'm doing? I've also been taking a lot more photos, something I seemed to ignore in my first playthrough. I also managed to save Kate which was huge win, im rather proud of myself.

    I'm worried about episode 4 though, I know Chloe asks to be put out of her misery but I don't know if I can do it, but I want to get the romance ending, I'll feel super bad about it.

    I also had to reject Warren about the drive in, I feel kinda like a dick now not gonna lie, but oh well.

    I also snitched on Jefferson instead of Nathan on this playthrough because I know whats going on, fuck em.

    This isn't very organized but oh well.


    submitted by /u/smyth222
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    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe and Max :)

    Posted: 29 May 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] How do you know which way is up when your whole life has turned upside-down?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] which game so far has been your favourite?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 02:22 AM PDT

    which game so far has been your favourite?

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    submitted by /u/toastiegate
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