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    Friday, May 28, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Morning Max by Smallerthannine

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Morning Max by Smallerthannine

    [NO SPOILERS] Morning Max by Smallerthannine

    Posted: 28 May 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Weird by Bisparulz

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    [All] My first and final playthrough, Episode 5, Game 1. My thoughts.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Boy oh boy this sure was an interesting game, before I get into My thoughts on the game as a whole I'll talk about my thoughts on the episode.

    Where do I start? This episode was a shit show, from start to finish.

    The episode was a good episode, from start to finish but it didn't really "fill" me, I feel like there's a bunch missing out. Like is everyone in Arcadia Bay dead? Do Chloe and Max fall in love? Where are Chloe and Max going? It just really didn't feel complete.

    If there is something that this episode made me feel it's that Jefferson is a fucking creep and deserves to be dead, props to David for capping him. Although it was/ is so hard for me to figure out which reality is the true reality? This is all just a jumbled mess for me.

    I don't really feel that I have a whole lot to say about this episode, other than that it was pretty good, but left me feeling a bit unsatisfied. Would I have felt different if I chose to sacrifice Chloe? Guess we'll never know cause I'm probably not playing this game again. I say that not because I think its a bad game, but because I feel if I do another play through it'll ruin my initial experience of the game, leave me even more unsatisfied, because I'll be "cheating" because I know what certain choices will lead to, so I won't be doing what I want in certain scenarios.

    My thoughts on the game as a whole

    This game was pretty decent, I didn't know what to expect from the beginning, someone recommended it to me in TWDG subreddit and I bought it without any research or prior knowledge.

    I enjoyed how this game actually made me feel like my choices mattered compared to TWDG which felt like they didn't matter a whole lot in thag game.

    I didn't enjoy the end of this game, it left me feeling "meh" about the game, It feels unfinished, like there should be more to it. But there isn't. I was hoping to be able to go through more with romancing Chloe but that didn't happen. And the ending, just didn't feel like I had a whole lot to do, just watched a super long cutscene.

    Now im not trying to dog on this game, it's a great game for sure, it just left me feeling unfinished and didn't really make my playthrough feel enjoyable by the end, almost makes me feel disappointed.

    By the end of TWDG I had done probably a bit under 48 hours of playing, in a span of 3 days. When I finished TWDG I was absolutely broken, it was the first game to ever make me cry. It hurt to see it go as I felt way more attached to the game and I still have a bit of PGD from it. But this game the ending really didn't make me feel anything.

    So overall, it was a great game, I just feel that it needed more, but oh well, if I had to rate it out of 10 I'd give it a 7.5.

    Edit: when I said the episode was a shit show I didn't mean that in a bad way.

    Edit2: This is a large edit cause I realized I left a lot out about how I felt about the game as a whole. It probably seems that I think the game is garbage but I totally missed my favorite points about the game.

    So let's get to it. Again.

    There was a bunch of things I liked about the game as a whole, one of the biggest things to me was how open the game was, I loved how it didn't feel like it was straight objectives non stop, like if I wanted to sit around and stare at a squirrel for an hour I could, or if I wanted to talk to every single person in the universe I could do that too. Compared to TWDG there seems to be endless open world possibilities, in TWDG is reallt just felt like I was jumping from objective to objective with no down time, but this game allowed me to have some downtime, and I really like that.

    The rewind feature

    The rewind feature is so cool, I love that its Max's power, it's so unique compared to every other game out there, I loved that if I said the wrong thing I could just rewind and say the right thing, or if I messed up really bad (like couldn't save Chloe from the train) and Chloe got killed I could just rewind, compared to other games which would have just made you go back to the previous save, this one kept the immersion alive by keeping you in the game. It's definitely a super cool and unique feature.


    submitted by /u/smyth222
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    [NO SPOILERS] Max with her guitar ��

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    [ALL] An old man's video essay on this amazing game and a personal interpretation of a certain ending...

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Iwas bored so I drew this on a piece of wood left over from the construction of my house

    Posted: 27 May 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Got my pins from Fangamer today! Hopefully they make more!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Made a slightly dramatic scene

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Name of the ingame font

    Posted: 28 May 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Hello, does anyone know the name of the font used ingame like in the interaction menu and subtitles in life is strange 1? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Backtoast_
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    [ALL] LIS visual series - series finale available now

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    As Chapter Seven: The Series Finale is now available to watch,

    I would like to say thank you to everyone in the reddit community for all the love. The beat tape and visual series wasn't easy to put together but I did it for you guys to bring fun to the community as we wait for True Colors to release. I thank you guys for being open-minded and giving the project collectively a chance. The responses from everyone has been truly amazing and I hope all of you enjoyed everything that was presented and appreciate the project for many years to come. You all stay safe and be well.

    You can now binge-watch the entire visual series below: https://flow.page/prodbydeion

    submitted by /u/Prodby_deion
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    [All] My first playthrough Episode 3 Game 1. My thoughts.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Holy hell what in the flying fuck

    I genuinely cannot believe this, the entire time when Max rewinded to where Max, Chloe and William were together I was yelling at myself to not save William, as morbid as it is I knew how much it would change the present. I can't believe it, now Chloe is crippled? I really hope Max can go back, if not this is going to fuck me up big time. I really really hope everything goes back to the way it was, I feel like I've lost all my progress and everything is just fucked up.

    My predictions I predict/really hope that this is a "hallucination" of some sort and that she didn't actually go that far back into the past, instead she got to experience it and see how different things would be if she saved William and how her power can turn things from bad to worse super quickly.

    I cant believe what is happening, this game better not fuck me up with post game depression like TWDG did, and there's only 5 episodes. I can't believe it. I'm scared.

    On another note

    I'm seriously starting to simp hard for Chloe, and Max. I 110% ship them together.


    submitted by /u/smyth222
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    [All] My first playthrough, Episode 4 Game 1. My thoughts

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    What in the flying fuck holy fucking shit this is fucking bullshit im livid this is some dumb shit, fuck you Jefferson

    If you can't tell I'm rather livid, I can't believe Chloe is actually dead, this is fucking bullshit. And out of all people that I expected to do it, Jefferson? Really? I actually kinda liked that dipshit, I thought that last episode was bad but ohhhhhh boy was I wrong.

    This episode has me messed up, im refusing to believe that Chloe is actually dead, I believe that Max might be able to do one of those crazy ass ultra rewind things to save Chloe.

    It's 1Am and I don't think I want to play the final episode, I just dont want this to end, it's way too short. Unlike TWDG which had 4 seasons and like 5 episodes per season this one really makes you question how you're spending your time. I'm so scared, Chloe cannot be dead.

    I dont even have any predictions, im just fucked up at this point.

    Fuck. You. Jefferson.

    submitted by /u/smyth222
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    [ALL] Music That Fit the Scene

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    We've talked a lot on this subreddit about the music in Life is Strange, but what are the songs that best fit the scene they were in and how did you relate the song to what was happening in the scene?

    For example, the scene in episode 1 of Before the Storm using No Below to capture Chloe's feelings after the night with Rachel fit the scene in that the song perfectly captured what Rachel coming into Chloe's life was like, with the melancholy look back to older times while Chloe is just chilling (but also being sad like usual).

    submitted by /u/ibsliam
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